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More on LoveLive! Series.

From Anime conventions until now, my Anime experience has been taken into the next level.

Ever since I became a LoveLive! fan since October 2016, I began attending these kind of mass gatherings. And that is how I discovered this new type of event: the delayed viewing screening event. Since then, I am attending these delayed viewing screenings, not only because I enjoyed hearing them and seeing them singing and dancing on the screen. But also, I am able to get to wave my penlights inside the cinema, along with my other friends wielding also penlights of different colors.

So then, this type of event screening is like no other to me. In fact, I am able to meet new friends during that time, and I can see them also roaming around in the local Anime conventions.

So what is this type of event screening that I am talking about? The delayed viewing is a term for screening some live concert or performance at a delay. That live concert is already done or finished, and it will be screened at some selected cinemas for viewing experience. Delayed viewing events are usually coming along with freebies or items in which you can get it only when you watch it. But then, delayed viewing screening events are essential to people who never get to watch a certain live performance coming from Japan or other countries of origin.

Delayed Viewing Events: LoveLive! Series

Basically, the delayed viewing events that I am going to tackle right here in this post are majority from the popular LoveLive! Series. So then, here are some delayed viewing event screenings that I had attended so far.

Happy Party Train Tour

This is my first screening event that I attended which is a delayed viewing. It takes the second day of their last leg (location) of their tour series. In fact that I am able to get it to watch on a cinema with my friends, this delayed viewing event screening somehow gave us some bit enjoyment. But then, its Day 2 performance has differed from its Day 1 counterpart, since it has different song sets from each other.

Hakodate Unit Carnival

This delayed viewing event screening features the sub-units of the School Idol group, Aqours. This will feature AZALEA, CYaRon!, and Guilty Kiss, as well as the another group called the Saint Snow.

Just like the Happy Party Train Tour, the delayed viewing screening has only taken the Day 1 song sets. Meanwhile, it differs from the Day 2 song set, which is in fact, I ain’t able to get to watch.

Wonderful Stories Tour

This is the next delayed viewing event that I had watched with my friends. At the time that it was screened, it has conflicted with other events, like the ongoing local Anime convention on a different venue or place. Again, song sets differ from each other, and I ain’t able to get to watch and hear some songs in which it was not present on Day 2.

Most of the footages used during some intermissions are coming from the season 2 of LoveLive! Sunshine!! Anime.

Sailing to the Sunshine

Main post: Aqours 4th LoveLive! – Sailing to the Sunshine

Most of the details are in the blog post link given above. See that for more details.

Next Sparkling!!

Main post: Aqours 5th LoveLive! – Next SPARKLING!!

Same as in the 4th Live post, see the blog post link given above for more details.

Nijigasaki High School Idol Club First Live

Main post: LoveLive! Nijigasaki High School Idol Club First Live – With You

Nijigasaki High School Idol Club First Live with You
Nijigasaki High School Idol Club First Live with You

In my opinion, this is the only delayed viewing that I attended in which there are only few people who attended that time. Maybe, it is due to the LoveLive! Fest in which it came after screening this event.

LoveLive! Series 9th Anniversary: LoveLive! Fest

Main post: LoveLive! Fest

Do note that the only exception from the ones mentioned above is the Aqours First LoveLive! -Step Zero to One-, which is considered to fall under the ‘Live Viewing’ Event. That time, our country is included in the list of live viewings of that said Event, and that was the first event screening that I had attended ever since last February 2017. I got a blog post previously posted to my figure photography blog. You can find it, if you want to know!

The Change of Course of Local Event Attendance

The existence of these delayed viewing screening events has changed the course of my local event attendance to some local Anime conventions. Also, ever since I became a LoveLive! fan, it has also changed everything, such as integrating the LoveLive! theme on my succeeding figure photography sessions, and also focusing my topics to only one subject mentioned. But then, I ever realized that I am slowly moving away from other Anime topics. However, I strive to do my best in order to tackle other topics as well.

Also, delayed viewing event screenings can help me to get in touch with the other LoveLive! fans, who appear to be my friends. Those friends of mine usually appear in some local Anime conventions and other events that I am attending.

Ever since then, these delayed viewing events were now part of my attendance in the Anime World of Events. But then, I should even think if that Event Screening is even worth of my cash.

What are the other memories that I have when I attend the delayed viewing screenings? Of course, memories will include the waving of colorful penlights, jumping and crying out loud cheering for their favorite idol, and even doing some ‘human train’ while the chorus of that song is being played. One memory that I can remember is that people like us have formed the ‘Aqours Rainbow’. That gimmick was done by lighting up penlights, while arranging themselves in the rainbow-colored order, according to the seat number or group that they are belonging.

It is quite understandable that some of my friends in my network were unable to attend some delayed viewing screening events. Some situations, like the event mentioned is only available on one territory, with limited timeslot and number of seats and slots. Also, freebies count there, so for those who had reserved late, but wanted the freebies, they are in bad luck. But then, delayed viewing events will happen if there are many people in the fanbase who wanted it. In fact, it is up to the licensor whether to screen it.

The End

And that’s it! I hope that you got an idea of what kind of event that I am currently attending, along with the other Anime-related events that I am attending! I know that I can still mention more, but then, I can only write up to this point, since there are lot of more! Maybe, sometime, I can write more about this in future, I guess?

Thanks for your time, and thanks for reading! Cheers~

Inori Donz

Inori Donz is a blogger, video gamer, Anime enthusiast, bicycle rider, and Anime figure photographer. His favorite area of concentration is 'LoveLive! Series', where he plays its featured smartphone video games, as well as watching its Anime series counterparts. "I like Anime, toys and figures, and mostly, I like playing free-to-play video games. Definitely not your usual commoner you see everyday in the streets." He started his blogging journey since December 2013, with a free WordPress blog, named 'IemDonz Blog'. That free blog contains most of his Anime figure photography works, as well as some of his opinions and experiences in the Anime world.