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A delayed event report!!

This post report of mine should had been posted last month. But due to some important matters, like family stuff and vacation, this was done instead here in this month! By the way, let the post-event mission report commence!

Oh, there are Tera-Jumbo Nesoberi Plushies displayed outside of the cinema just before the screening begins!

Last December 22nd, last year 2018, this event screening was made possible by the following hosting companies, the Anime licensing company in SEA Region, ODEX Private Limited, and SM Cinema.

What is this event?

The Aqours 4th LoveLive! ~Sailing to the Sunshine~ is a live performance by Aqours, the flagship idol group from the popular LoveLive! Sunshine!! Anime series. This event was held last November 17-18, 2018, at the Tokyo Dome in Tokyo, Japan. This awesome live performance was done by the LoveLive! Sunshine characters (Aqours), and they were performed by the actual actresses who voiced the characters in the Anime.

More Nesoberi Plushies outside of the cinema! I wonder what’s their purpose?

Similar to the last event screenings that I had attended (Actually this was my fifth time), this one can be memorable. The screening was just limited! First, it was on one venue. Second, it has only one time slot. And lastly, it has only a limited number of seats and freebies!

Previously, last year before the event screening, I had saved my funds and finally reserved my ticket and seating with the help of my friend in my group circle. I had ordered a ticket and some freebies, in which can be obtained before or after watching. I had managed to order with extra freebies during that week, until I found out that in the next succeeding weeks, the reservation with freebies got sold out! First of all, I got some conflicts in schedule when I try to attempt to participate in this event. But then, eventually, my schedules got adjusted a bit, and finally I got to attend on this event screening, the delayed live viewing of Aqours 4th Live.

The group gathering! They are now joining forces together!

Everyone in my group circle has attended. But eventually, they split into groups further. Below in this paragraph, there are more photos to see as I move around the area!

Here’s the queue! There are also people who were able to cosplay their favorite girl! Also, armored LoveLivers are present there, too!
The two people who wore light blue and white stripe shirts are the people who attended the actual 4th Live Performance in Tokyo Dome, in Japan, of course.
Raise your flag, and aim for the LoveLive!
Some more people there, and they were getting ready!
This is what you can expect inside the cinema! Yes, they were holding colorful concert lights, as well as some breakable glowing sticks!
And lastly, the items acquired after the event screening! This includes the T-shirt, a B3-size poster, and an exclusive post card! Ticket also included, of course.
Other Concerns

Since the screening time and venue was just limited, as well as seating, the event itself got sold out. Though that they were many people who tried to came in and attend, not all had gotten to watch the event. But then, this event screening was a successful one, since it was just near the Christmas Eve!

After watching this event, I immediately roll out because of an urgent matter that I have and I rode a bus going to my province. I didn’t manage to have enough time to cover more happenings, including some after-parties, if there’s any. 🙁

I got some concern with people who brought their Tera-Jumbo Nesoberi Plushies before the screening. But then, were they able to use it, such as waving it around the cinema area? But then, I haven’t seen any people who did use their Neso Plushies to wave up, unless if I had seen them and I had taken photo of them for my report coverage in this post.

End of Report!

Total expenditure: 2300 PHP (about 45 USD)

This was considered to be ODEX’s biggest offer for fans. Also, this was considered to be a Christmas gift! I can’t believe that it became so successful, and eventually the event got sold out. But then, I hope that it could happen again like this in the future. I shall never forget this! I shall never forget that they shouted ‘Thank you very much!’ with their microphone pieces off!

It has finally changed the Anime history!

Inori Donz

Inori Donz is a blogger, video gamer, Anime enthusiast, bicycle rider, and Anime figure photographer. His favorite area of concentration is 'LoveLive! Series', where he plays its featured smartphone video games, as well as watching its Anime series counterparts. "I like Anime, toys and figures, and mostly, I like playing free-to-play video games. Definitely not your usual commoner you see everyday in the streets." He started his blogging journey since December 2013, with a free WordPress blog, named 'IemDonz Blog'. That free blog contains most of his Anime figure photography works, as well as some of his opinions and experiences in the Anime world.

1 Comment

Inori Donz · January 19, 2019 at 1:03 am

Everything seems to be rushed as of that moment! After I watched the event screening, I rushed to my province for some important matter!

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