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Current On-Going Segments Schedule
These are the current on-going segments and other topics (publishing blocks), in which they were currently published on Inori-D Station by schedule basis.
Daily Life of An Ugly Otaku

Publishes new Episodes on Monday, at 9:00 pm PHT (UTC+8). Click here
Episode Reviews

Schedules vary per Anime Series. New Episode Reviews posts shall be published within 16 hours (or depending on my availability) from the original broadcast time.
Look up in the top navigation part of this website, in the “TV Anime (Active)” menu, for the Anime shows that are currently ongoing for Episode Reviews.
Page here.
The Spotlight

Features at least one character per week. It could be coming from either Anime or video games.
Publishing every Tuesdays at 8:00 am PHT (UTC+8). Page here.
Snapshot Wednesday

Features one random screenshot frame coming from random Anime series, whether old or new!
Publishing every Wednesdays at 8:00 am PHT (UTC+8). Page here.
Backtrack Thursday
Features any Anime show which was aired and streamed previously in the past. Also, includes some all-time Anime classics, which was known to most people in the early 90s, or earlier!
Publishing every Thursdays at 8:00 am PHT (UTC+8). Only on IDS Facebook Page.
School Idol Festival Journal Log

#IDS_SIFJL_S3 (Current Season Hashtag)
A weekly segment which talks about the happenings in the LoveLive! Series.
Publishing every Saturdays at 9:00 am PHT (UTC+8). Page here.
Disclaimer message is on the bottom part of the photo above shown.
Schedule Info Updated, as of December 6, 2024 PHT.