35 Days Left to Christmas!
We are just about 4 weeks away until Christmas Day! Everyone is so excited, especially the MV version of the Aqours’ Jingle Bells ga Tomaranai in the ALL STARS game has been released recently! So then, we are still far from over, and we shall continue to know the happenings around in this School Idol Universe!
Let us not make this introduction any longer! Let’s start with the 20th Episode of IDS segment, the School Idol Festival Journal Log!
There are only some of the few highlights and other info encountered in the School Idol Universe! Though few, they are still relevant! Read more to find out!
A song for You! You? You!! Release Event (and Paid Streaming)
— ラブライブ!シリーズ公式 (@LoveLive_staff) November 15, 2020
12/21(月) 開催 μ’s「A song for You! You? You!!」リリースイベント参加の応募受付中🎶
※延期前にご応募いただいた方も、再応募いただく必要がございますのでご確認ください。#lovelive pic.twitter.com/AvbIAP0Ahb
There would be a sort of event in which it shall commemorate the µ’s recent single, the A song for You! You? You!! album! The release event shall feature the VAs of µ’s, like Emi Nitta, Aya Uchida, Riho Iida, Pile, and others! Mostly, it is just more of a talk show, talking about their thoughts about the release of this album.
This event is tentatively scheduled for December 21, 2020. Venue for this is still unknown, but mostly it is in a form of live paid streaming. Due to some concerns, it may be moved to another date due to the effects of the ongoing COVID-19 pandemic today, and the dates shown are just tentative dates. And for my final note, it is only viewable for residents within Japan only (sorry overseas fans).
The µ’s recent album, A song for You! You? You!!, was released in Japan music stores nationwide since March 25, 2020, just when the worldwide COVID-19 pandemic has already happened and started. It is also available in some music streaming platforms, like Apple Music and Spotify. The two songs in this album are available as playable songs in the LLSIF rhythm game.
Right now, the pre-Episode highlights are over! So then, what were the highlights encountered in this past week and this week on the LLSIF JP and Global Sides? Please read this Episode carefully until the very end!
Round 19 Companion Match: µ’s Cheering Strategy
— いのりどんず (INORI DONZ NETWORK) (@InoriDONZ) November 15, 2020
Round 19 Companion Match: μ’s Cheering Strategy – Results
🥈Event Pts.: Rank 2,532 at 1,150,000 pts.
🥇Event Score: Rank 5,869 at 2,293,167 scr (Music S.T.A.R.T!!)
Final Standing 2-1#lovelive #スクフェス pic.twitter.com/PH7ggY5ULO
So far, I did well in this Event. In fact, I was able to grind more Event Points than usual, and I saved more Love Gems in process! This is because due to the free LP recovery items that I am receiving per Live Show Arena rewards, and some Daily Login Bonuses and some Daily Goals that I finish per day. Also, with that strategy, I am able to defend my Event Points ranking, despite that it is dropping drastically if I am not playing too much. So far, I had no problems when it comes to defending my current Score Rank in Event.
This Event has been concluded since the 15th of November, at 3 pm Japan Time, thus ending me in a Tier 2-1 Standing.
Nijigasaki Anime Campaign – Episode 7
— いのりどんず (INORI DONZ NETWORK) (@InoriDONZ) November 14, 2020
Nijigasaki High School Idol Club TV Anime Campaign – Episode 7
The Sleeping Sheep that doesn’t allow you to slack off on your login streak…#lovelive #スクフェス #虹ヶ咲 #ニジガクアニメ pic.twitter.com/9RGq66jrxd
The explanation and mechanics of it has been highlighted early since Episode 14, in the JP Side Highlights, in the NijiGaku Anime part. It is just the same as with this one! Better go backread those in Episode 14 onwards up to this Episode for more!
Remixed Songs in the µ’s Hits Side
— いのりどんず (INORI DONZ NETWORK) (@InoriDONZ) November 17, 2020
Seems they are beginning to pull out some songs from the Collection Compilation album. If you can look up at the order of the track list, then you can find out which is coming up next.
I bet the next one is Wonderful Rush.#lovelive #スクフェス pic.twitter.com/x6BbvDKYLF
As you can see, it seems that the JP Side is beginning to release some ‘remixed’ songs in the µ’s Hit Sides. Somehow, these songs came from the µ’s Best Album Best Live Collection II album. They were released one-by-one, after every Events.
The first three songs were already released, and we expect to have them to be released more in the future. I bet the next one shall be the remixed version of Wonderful Rush, and it shall be released after the upcoming Event run.
Hint: If you look closely at the track list order of that said album, you can find out what song is coming up next! You can find them in Spotify, or at any music platforms (or even online music stores) that you have!
Token Collection Event: Aqours and the Touching Sports Day
— いのりどんず (INORI DONZ NETWORK) (@InoriDONZ) November 19, 2020
Token Collection Event: Aqours and the Touching Sports Day
Event UR: Kanan
URs Scouting: Ruby and Mari
Earn more Event Points, and be victorious!#lovelive #スクフェス pic.twitter.com/EPPvDMrjuP
The next Event shall be a Token Collection Event! And yes, I really expect this one to come out, since the past Events gave me a Tier 1 position in Event Points rankings, namely Challenge Festival, Companion Match, and Score Match Events under the Aqours side! But then, I lost to the last Token Event in the Aqours Side (Love Pulsar Token song), which placed me in Tier 2 Event Point standing. But then, this is a Token Collection Event AGAIN in the Aqours side. Would I able to regain my victory, and making my fourth Tier 1 Event Points position under the Aqours side? Only me can have the answer, and it shall depend on my effortful grinding! I have to become stronger, and to be victorious!
The Token Collection Event shall be beginning in less than 7 hours from now at the time of this Episode was published and shared. The featured Event UR this time is Kanan, and the URs that can be acquired by scouting are Ruby and Mari! Use them in order to gain more Event Points in this Token Collection Event! Good luck in tiering with this Event, and be victorious! Are you among the 500 people who can secure a Tier 1 Event Points ranking position?
More highlights shall be next week!
Round 14 Companion Match: SoLL, Kotori, and Printemps
【LoveLive! SIF】
— いのりどんず (INORI DONZ NETWORK) (@InoriDONZ) November 15, 2020
Round 14 Companion Match: SoLL, Kotori, and Printemps
This is the start where an Event UR is featured as a reward! Increased Event Point rewards completion is lot more harder now!
Earn more Event Points, and be victorious!#lovelive #LLSIF pic.twitter.com/8wVD1CYf7g
The next Event shall be a Companion Match! Starting with this Event, and in the future Events onward, it shall feature a UR as a reward in getting more Event Points in this Event! Also, there are Event URs that can be acquired by scouting them, and a Secret SSR can be obtained by playing in the Event itself by gaining more points! And then, the Event Points rewards completion shall be a lot more harder now, since the previous 160,000 points completion shall be increased to 600,000 points! Also, making a Tier Rank Standing with Event Points shall become harder now. Right now, you need to scout those Event URs in order to use them as Yell (Cheer) Units to gain more Event Points, especially if playing on MASTER songs! Earn more Event Points, and be victorious!
Since this Event shall be running until November 25, and is expected to end next week, I am going to give to you my highlights and experiences within this Event right now!
【LoveLive! SIF】
— いのりどんず (INORI DONZ NETWORK) (@InoriDONZ) November 17, 2020
Seems the Tier 1 position bracket is impossible to achieve now. Dividing my time between with the JP Side can be a stress! 🤣#lovelive #LLSIF pic.twitter.com/IKb0AH1ZWA
For the highlights, here it goes! Read more in the succeeding paragraphs below!
So then, we are almost matched with the JP Side, wherein you shall be getting an Event UR as featured reward. Also, scouting URs allows you to gain more Event Points in this Companion Match Event.
But then, here is the most brutal trial ever in the Global Side. In the JP Side, you shall have to place yourself in the Rank Position 1-500 to secure a Tier 1 position bracket in Event Points. However, in the Global Side, you shall have to be in the Rank position 1-60 in order to secure a Tier 1 bracket! I can therefore say that grinding in Global Side of LLSIF is more difficult than in the JP Side! Imagine, you have to be among the 60 people among the hundred thousands of people who are playing in the Global Side to be in that Tier 1 position bracket! Seems to be impossible for me, and then, it’s difficult for me to balance between the games that I am playing, as well as with the other activities or hobbies that I am currently doing right now. By reaching that Tier 1 bracket Event Points ranking position, I am beginning to sacrifice myself!
For the Companion Match Event proper, I am still struggling to place in the 1st position during the PERFECTS missions. And as usual, I am using my Perfect Lock team to beat them all, except if that song is my meta song (Songs that I must play in order to place higher in Score Rankings, and mostly basing from the amount of Combos). Most of the time, they can get higher Perfects than mine, and they can also eventually land ALL PERFECTs in it! For the Scores mission, same of my rules shall apply here, and I have to use my strongest team in order to get a higher score, and I must encounter players that are having a higher mic level than mine! And that is, the only way in order to stand up a chance in the Score Rankings!
The final results of my progress in this Companion Match Event shall be in the next Episode! Look forward into it!
As posted last Wednesday this week, it is announced that it could be the last School Idol Quiz to be asked and answered today! Alright, this is the last School Idol Quiz for this week! Next week shall be no more!
In LoveLive! ALL STARS game, what is Shioriko’s main attribute?
The answer is… SMILE! Smile Attribute!
Alright! It seems you got it! Let’s further explain this, as well as the character, Shioriko Mifune!
In LoveLive! ALL STARS (and in the Anime, I hope), Shioriko Mifune is the tenth member who joined in the Nijigasaki High School Idol Club. She joined after the conclusion of Chapter 17 in the game!
Before becoming a School Idol of Nijigasaki, Shioriko is a student council president, just after she has overtaken Setsuna (Nana Nakagawa) in being the student council president via the student council re-election and voting. When she fulfilled that position, her goal was to abolish the School Idol Club. Her vision was that people should be doing everything for their sake, in order to succeed, rather than chasing for their dreams and having passion for something else.

With the likes of Honoka, Chika, and some NijiGaku members like Ai Miyashita and Rina Tennoji, in terms of attribute, Shioriko makes a member who is a First-Year student, and of Smile attribute. Her initial SR in the game fulfills the Pure attribute. Meanwhile, her song from the Just Believe!!! album, Ketsui no Hikari, is of Elegant attribute in the game.
Something more next week!
What happens next? Are we getting more announcements and upcoming stuff this coming weekend? Possibly, yes. Also, the SIF Series Thanksgiving 2020 Online has come into a close, and possibly, they might do some post-Event announcements in the livestream tomorrow! If in case, just be prepared!

And that is for the 20th Episode edition of School Idol Festival Journal Log! There are still more to expect next week, and I hope that you can read more so that you can know the happenings!
Thank you for reading, and see you next Episode! Cheers~