EPISODE 18: Uranumazu
Right now, the Idol Chasers are doing what they can in order to reach Mikako Kira’s world, as well as the Black Lace Ribbons. And they must need to find the Prism Cards, in which they can be used to my Digitariel in order to transport themselves into different Parallel Worlds.
But on every Parallel Worlds that they step in, they encounter various conflicts and dangers. But no matter what… Chiharu and the others will never give up hope!
What is this voice… It’s calling me. Does it mean that I am ready to be awakened back… Soon…?
And this is Lierre speaking to you, reader.

When the selection of the members to go out for the next mission is done via a random colored ball draw, Saki said, “Chiharu, Sho, Komari, and Mami shall be the people to go out and explore for this today’s mission!”
Saki continues the briefing with the Idol Chasers.
“Since Komari has the idea on what is the Parallel World that you are going to explore, I shall be letting her to explain to you the details.”
Then, Komari speaks to everybody.
“This Parallel World is called as Uranumazu. You might be hearing that it is actually Numazu in Japan, right? Yep, actually. But except, it is just the reversed version of the actual Numazu. And that’s why it is called as Uranumazu.”
“So, that world is actually reversed?” asked Chiharu. “Are there people who lived there?”
“No, not another badlands world again, just like last time!” said and complained Aika.
“Was that ‘school’ still alive?” asked Sho in spine-chilled manner.
“No wonder that Parallel World is really dangerous to explore,” said Gen. “What else did you find there, when you are still an Interdimensional Policewoman?”
“I want to learn more about these Parallel Worlds!” said and commented Mami. “The more dangerous they are, the more that I wanted to learn more about them!”
“But you know,” said and commented Honoka. “These such adventures got something to do with the existence of School Idols. And we just need to study and observe our surroundings!”
“Honoka is right,” said Saki. “Even though you ain’t doing your regular exercise and training very well, Chiharu, you can actually train yourself by doing some adventures and explorations!”
Inverse Lierre cuts the briefing and said, “Well… And like that one quote said, ‘People are getting stronger through adventures.’ Well, that one said enough.”
“Inverse Lierre!” They were surprised.
“Well, I already know the location of the strange live stage platform where we could get the next Prism Card! Only, if you are going to follow my commands.”
“What? Since when did you become our leader!?” asked and complained Sho.
“Whether you are Lierre or not,” said Chiharu. “I ain’t hesitating, and I won’t turn down.”
“Everyone, enough,” said Saki to them. “We cannot escalate further an argument by just a simple sentence.”
And everyone else had settled down.
“For the people whom I had selected to go out today, please join with Inverse Lierre for the exploration. I hope that you people be back here safe. Good luck, and stage start!”
“S.I.F. !!” They made their salute and they moved out.
Inverse Lierre is also moving out, until Saki talks to her one more time.
“Inverse Lierre, I do really admire your being bossy and arrogant lady. But then, your own character isn’t still a match to my own rival, Mikako Kira.”
“Whatever… But I am very different from Mikako or any other of your own rivals out there,” said and replied Inverse Lierre back to her.
“So, do you have other plans in reviving your other self back? I think Chiharu is missing her already. No, everybody else is already missing her!”
“I have. But then, only Chiharu can able to reach her, and to revive my other self back.”
After that, Inverse Lierre has left.
In Uranumazu, everything else is dried up. The rivers are dried up, the shore and the beach are polluted, and some other landmarks are either deserted or even abandoned. And even some of the landmarks out there are entangled or covered up with some plants and other dried vines and roots.
“Tsk…” Komari commented and said, “Looks like this world has become a lot worst than before since the last time I had gone here as an Interdimensional Policewoman.”
“And speaking of Gen’s question,” said and asked Inverse Lierre, “What else did you find here in Uranumazu?”
“What I had actually found… Is this old school of my dead mother.”
At the front of them, they saw it.
“Eeek!” surprised and said Sho. “Urano….”
“No way,” said and asked Mami. “Does this thing really exist in this Parallel World?”
“I see now the difference,” said and commented Chiharu. “This school was long-abandoned, and was never revived many years ago. Instead, its students were already transferred…”
“Everyone, I sense enemy attack! Look out!” said and warned Inverse Lierre, and she uses her dark powers to create a barrier to defend the Idol Chasers from an unknown fire ball attack from nowhere.
That attack was successfully deflected, but leaving Inverse Lierre in an injured state.
It was none other than Antyla, who was along with her monster guardian, Beteldra. She then laughs and she speaks to the Idol Chasers and Inverse Lierre.
“So, this time, I am going to eliminate all of you! I will bring all of your bodies to Mikako!”
When she is about to command Beteldra to finish them off, suddenly, she saw something that is fluttering in front of her.
“Huh? A black feather?”
And from a distance, somebody yelled, “Go, Lailaps!”
And then, a giant gray dog has jumped in and attacked Antyla and Beteldra from nowhere.
When the enemies got flinched, Lailaps finally went and jumped back to the place where it came from.
“Who’s there?” asked Chiharu.
“Everyone, look!” said Mami. “Someone is there along with that giant dog!”
Everyone else finally look at that person who is standing along with the giant dog Lailaps.
That person is a wandering fortune-teller. She is donned in her jet-black cape and teal-black-pink dress.
And the color of her hair does really caught Sho’s attention and said, “That girl… No way! She’s…”
And that girl finally introduced herself and said, “The Fallen Angel Yohane descends!”
Finally, Antyla and Beteldra stepped up to their legs.
And so, Antyla said, “You can’t get away with this! Beteldra! Attack!”
However, Beteldra is still stopped by Lailaps.
“It looks like it’s buying us time to escape!” said Komari. “Everyone, let’s get out of here!”
Yohane steps in between, and she uses a powdered gas to escape along with the Idol Chasers.
Antyla and Beteldra can’t see anything. And when the gas has been subsided, they had found out that their targets have escaped.

SHO: Yeah! In this Episode, things are getting exciting in the LoveLive! Series!
MAMI: And Liella!’s 4th LoveLive! Tour Series is just a hunch!
SAKI: No wonder that they are going to bombard us with their upcoming projects soon enough in the third quarter of 2023!
LIERRE: According to the history written here, their most anticipated TV Anime Season 3 is just about months away. We are indeed just waiting for their trailer announcement video soon after their live event!
TAKAYOSHI: And on the other hand, the Yohane the Parhelion Anime is already on its halfway of its run!
AIKA: And we are just waiting on what could be the surprises from the Team Nijigasaki! Like that Animelo event!
GEN: And to summarize everything, what are the things spotted in this week on LoveLive!?
ALL: This is the Headlines! Stage Start!
Aqours Updates
Yohane the Parhelion – Episode 7

Yohane’s Livestream (August 17, 2023)
GEN: We got an info that there is an another livestream coming from Team Aqours!
TAKAYOSHI: That’s an another consecutive Yohane Livestream!
SHO: It says… It shall be hosted by Yohane-sama, Dia, and Mari! You already know their VA counterparts, don’t you, everybody?
GEN: We just need to tune-in to their livestream for some of their relevant info.
TAKAYOSHI: This includes their live events and showing, merch and media, and some SIF2 content updates!
SHO: This is really spine-chilling to the bone! Make sure to not miss this livestream on August 17, 2023 (Thursday), at 8:00 pm JST!
Nijigasaki Updates
Happy Birthday, Setsuna!

SAKI: Mark my word, Gen. I had told you last week that you should give your birthday message to Setsuna Yuki.
GEN: I had never forgotten those words, Saki. Alongside with Riko, Setsuna has now become my favorite!
SAKI: So then, are you ready to give your birthday message?
GEN: Happy birthday, Setsuna. I had heard that you got two split personalities. But I don’t want to tell it to the public, unless if they had read your profile! So far, being diligent and persevere are the only ways to have great power. It is because perseverance is one of the acronyms of power, in which you need to excel. That’s all. And don’t let your flame of passion die as a School Idol! Once again, happy birthday, Setsuna Yuki from the Nijigasaki side!
SAKI: Wow, that was a wonderful message from Gen! Thank you very much! I hope that his birthday messages could ever reach Setsuna.
Nijigasaki Livestream (August 16, 2023)
AIKA: Finally, it’s the road to their 6th Live Series!
SAKI: This is just their prologue leading to their upcoming movie trilogy series on year 2024.
LIERRE: Speaking about their new info, their livestream shall take place next week, on August 16, 2023 (Wed), at 9:00 pm JST! Aguri Onishi, Natsumi Murakami, and Shu Uchida are the hosts.
AIKA: Make sure to tune-in, since they might give out some new info regarding about their 6th Live Tour Series, other media and merchandise, and some content updates for the SIF2 rhythm game!
SAKI: Make sure to mark your calendars, and watch this livestream of theirs!
Liella! Updates
Next Week: Liella! 4th LoveLive! Tour Series: KALEIDOSCORE Arc

LIERRE: Finally, it’s happening next week! The first part of their 4th LoveLive! Tour Series!
MAMI: Kinda excited for this! I wondered that there would be a paid live streaming version soon…
AIKA: Let’s just hope that there is! It is because, due to the lifting of restrictions because of the pandemic, people around the world can now visit Japan in order to watch their live!
SAKI: If in case there is none, then we go back to our usual DLV routine.
OTHERS: Delayed Live Viewing!?
SAKI: That might happen, just in case when the others in the series doesn’t have any.
LIERRE: Speaking of the 4th LoveLive! Tour Series, the first one shall be focusing with the new sub-unit, named as KALEIDOSCORE (Keke, Ren, and Wien Margarete unit). It shall happening at Chiba, this coming next Saturday and Sunday, on August 19-20th JST!
SAKI: For the paid live streaming version, we just need to standby at their official SNS accounts. Let’s just hope that there are some!
LIERRE: Who knows that there are some big announcements to be made after the live? Otherwise, just look forward into the first part of their live tour series next week!
Official Page here.
Happy Birthday, Natsumi!

AIKA: Sho-chan! Are you ready to give out your birthday message for Natsumi Onitsuka?
SHO: Even if it is for Yoha- Ehem… I am otherwise ready!
LIERRE: Let’s hear it. Sho Ukiya’s birthday message for Natsumi Onitsuka!
SHO: Hello Natsumi! Happy birthday! I heard that you are a famous vlogger or influencer! And then, I had seen some of your previous video Episodes… About Liella! I hope that we could do mmet sometime in the future… WIth my friends, and with your friends! Let’s party! Happy birthday, Natsumi Onitsuka! Or, shall I call you “Oninutsumi”? Just kidding!
LIERRE: And that’s it for Natsumi’s birthday. We hope that Sho’s birthday messages could even reach her!
School Idol Festival 2: MIRACLE LIVE!
Yohane the Parhelion Songs, and Free Tour

TAKAYOSHI: Okay, now time for our part.
SHO: Of course, we should be also mindful about the new songs that are appearing in the Genjitsu no Yohane Sides!
GEN: As usual, these new songs are appearing right after every other Episodes that were aired or streamed on the advanced broadcast! They would appear, a day after that Episode was streamed!
TAKAYOSHI: The recent song, titled as “GIRLS!!“, has appeared as of this Episode, in the previous Episode 7 of the Anime!
SHO: I wondered on what could be the other songs to appear soon? And also… How come did you land some ALL PERFECT finishes to these songs!?
GEN: And speaking of the Free Tour, it has begun since August 11th, and would last up to August 14, at 1:59 pm JST. You just need to play in order to get some LP recovery items, and some other items that you might need in order to stand higher ranks in Events!
TAKAYOSHI: Can’t say anything more. Otherwise, just stay tuned at their in-game notifications for some other relevant news! And that’s it for the SIF2 highlights for this Episode!

Somewhere far, they are walking along with Yohane and Lailaps. But not anymore until Inverse Lierre has fainted and fallen, losing all of her energy.
“Tch… Haha…” said the fainted Inverse Lierre. “This is really what I get when someone like me got hurt with that attack!”
“Just hang on, Inverse Lierre!” said Chiharu. “Let me put you with a First Aid!”
“No need. In fact, you need my other self already, and you already missed her, right?”
“I see… But, how about you?”
Meanwhile, Yohane is standing on the hills along with Lailaps, until Komari talks to her.
“It’s been a while meeting with you again, Yohane from the another dimension.”
“So, as do I meeting with you, daughter of Ohara Lineage.”
“So then, I am here to ask you that question. What has killed my mother?”
Yohane is feeling not ready to answer back Komari’s question yet. Until, Sho finally comes in between to talk to Yohane.
“I can’t believe that I meet you again, Yohane-sama!” said Sho to her. “This is me! I am your fan!”
“Fan?” asked and replied Yohane to him. “And who are you?”
Sho can’t believe that Yohane forgot everything. And he said, “This can’t be… She is… Not a School Idol?!?”
“Hey man,” said Komari to him, “The Yohane that you are talking to is way too different from the one that you had met before!”
“I see…” said Mami on the other hand. “That’s how Parallel Worlds do work.”
Disclaimer: This Story Episode has nothing to do with the original Yohane the Parhelion Anime.

Antyla is angry, and she is looking for the runaway targets — the Idol Chasers!
She even took hostage one of the people there!
It’s about time for Yohane to make her brilliance on the stage. And finally, Lierre has awakened her true power!
Next time on SIF Journal Log 3rd Season, “Re:VIBE“.
Catch your dreams, and aim for victory!
The Bonus Stage
Yohane is just a loner, and was moved into a town that she ain’t used into.
What could be her thing to do in order to create a world where music do really even exist?
Yohane the Parhelion: Sunshine in the Mirror
Premiering on ABEMA TV and Crunchyroll, a week earlier before TV broadcast!
Premiering every Sunday at 11:00pm JST!
Follow your local Anime licensors for more info about release and schedule!
SIF2 Weekly Login Bonus Campaign now going on.