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Yohane Wants to Hang Out!

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Overview (Story)
“Yohane, were you able to do what you want with us?”

Dia suggested that she wants to do something in order to know the girls better. And that is she wanted the girls to have a whole-day activity, called as the girls’ night, just in order to stress out themselves. Dia wanted Yohane and the others to prepare for this kind of occasion in 14 days later after their meeting.

Yohane got no idea on what is a girls’ night, and she asked the girls around her for some ideas. When she has gathered enough ideas on how to organize one, and how it should be, she worked hard until at the day of the occasion itself.

It seems that Yohane can’t able to speak out to the girls, while having their own agenda. What could be her thing to say about the girls’ night that they are doing?

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Review time! Of course, Riko is really missing Lailaps here.

Rather than just acting like a “filler” moment here, it really shows that this Episode is not really acting like a filler, after all. Instead of the usual girls dressed up in a swimsuit because it’s summer, they are pure and casual, as usual. Especially when Ruby was able to upsize herself into a regular human size in her casual dress.

Same entity, same cuteness. That’s Ruby the Fairy!

It seems that only Riko and Mari are acting as main forces here in this Episode, helping Yohane out from her struggling organization of this so-called party for girls. Also, it’s about time when Chika was able to speak out, like a main character from the OG (original) Aqours Anime in ages. And seemingly, Yohane is really pushing herself as hard as a labor employee in overnight hours.

Story is just really representing on how to deal with this kind of occasion, where you will try to organize something like a party. Yep, and this girls’ night is really something, where some people do have different opinions about it. Yep, and male viewers like me do really expect that girls’ night (party) is just something like I have heard (example is what I call as the “Bridal Shower”). But then, it is really neutral, and has no distracting Ecchiservice. Also, the story tells that it is about a party where people should do some “bonding session”, where they talk because they wanted to know more about each other when they all meet in one spot.

My thoughts in this Episode is that I got related into this situation, where I don’t usually hang out nor organize some parties on my own, but my family and friends do. Yohane was tasked by Dia to get prepared for this exciting occasion, and she started to do everything to make sure it is flowing very well according to her planned schedules. One particular scene there has made my feelings pierced like a needle, wherein Yohane knows that every people in the party got their own agendas to talk about, and they weren’t even close. So that’s why, in the end, the one who is lonely, is more likely to get angry or crying because the attention was no longer with him or her. However, Yohane did an opposite. She then expressed her feelings and truth about on why she is always lonely, and she acted like a boss when she knows that she is already wrong. Everybody could heartedly give and take opinions and experiences of others. It is about caring about others who are in a verge of total despair, right? Sometimes, we learn on how to correct others’ mistakes. Finally, for Yohane, she strived to correct herself, knowing that she is already wrong with her mistakes. And Lailaps is just around to guide her into a right direction, should Yohane is being carried away with her excitement.

And for my side, I always worked hard to post and share some Episode Review posts of some Anime shows that I have previously watched. Though that nobody cares about reading or peeking a bit on my long blog posts, at least I have expressed my own opinions and feelings, and I have tried my part. Basically, anything of an event or scene, which can be good or bad, are considered as what I call “memories”. What we do or share to others is considered as making memories, or otherwise, “writing our own history” in books. And that’s what I have learned from this Episode!

Also, I have learned from this Episode that it is really important for me to give myself a time to others, especially when I am at parties or any occasion. Basically, it is also a time where I could pause myself from my hardwork, and to have some time to mingle with my family and friends. And we share our thoughts and feelings, as well as making out our own memories.

And overall, this Episode is really good and enjoyable, without worrying about the actions did by some characters, like Ruby, Lailaps, Riko, and Dia. I just only focused on the conversation spoken by these characters, and I finally got this message during when I am at the middle part of this Episode, where Yohane and Lailaps are talking.

My Rating: GOOD (4/5)

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Series Info
Yohane the Parhelion (Genjitsu no YOHANE)

This series can be streamed on Crunchyroll (Worldwide, excluding Asia).

This Anime series premiered on ABEMA TV earlier by a week since June 25, 2023, with a Japan TV broadcast on July 2, 2023.

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Inori Donz

Inori Donz is a blogger, video gamer, Anime enthusiast, bicycle rider, and Anime figure photographer. His favorite area of concentration is 'LoveLive! Series', where he plays its featured smartphone video games, as well as watching its Anime series counterparts. "I like Anime, toys and figures, and mostly, I like playing free-to-play video games. Definitely not your usual commoner you see everyday in the streets." He started his blogging journey since December 2013, with a free WordPress blog, named 'IemDonz Blog'. That free blog contains most of his Anime figure photography works, as well as some of his opinions and experiences in the Anime world.