EPISODE 03: Young Memories
In this story, it tells about the Idol Chasers, and a School Idol aspirant, Chiharu Umiboshi. She was on her way with the other girls, along with me, to go higher and to become winners of the known contest, known as the LoveLive! Finals.
Chiharu and the other girls have finally performed their first-ever live show, as School Idols, in the maid cafe! It seems that Mami was well-impressed enough. And what could be her own dreams that she has told to Chiharu?
Takayoshi finally dreams. What did he finally see in his own dreams? Could it be the answer why Saki is not his mother?
Of course, this is Lierre, your usual School Idol Oracle, speaking to you.

Takayoshi is sleeping. He then finally slept into his own dreams.
On his dream, he encountered somebody. That somebody is a woman, while carrying her own child in the carriage capsule. Takayoshi wondered on who is that baby on his dreams.
And then, the woman said, “Teron, you can have a bright future. You can be a man, when you grow up, who could love and protect the people whom you adore.”
Takayoshi is seeing everything on what is happening. And there, he finally witnessed something that made him surprised, and at the same time, sad.
The happening takes place in the Planet Crims, where the father, Scarl, and the mother, Frey, are there, along with the child, who is Teron. The little girl, along with her family, named as Thara, is also there. One day, the planet is under attack by the mysterious enemy forces. With the war started, Scarl and Frey, and Thara are worried. While the war is waging on, they escaped from their home, and they went to a place far away.
With no more place to hide in, they finally went inside a mysterious building, thus it has a mysterious machine teleporter inside.
“It seems that our own race is beginning to become extinct now,” said Scarl.
“I hope that somebody could continue our own race or legacy,” said Frey.
“We just need to get past through that teleporter and escape together!” said Thara.
Teron the baby is already crying, and they noticed it.
“Thara, you can go on with Teron on that teleporter!”
“My dear, you must go on! Don’t worry about us!”
“But, how about you, father and mother?”
Teron is already crying loud. And the enemies have found them.
“We can always meet again, somewhere, my dear daughter!”
“Just take Teron and get out of here!”
“Okay. Goodbye, father and mother!”
And so, Thara, along with the infant, were finally transported on a teleporter. Upon transport, the whole building is finally in ruins.
With the hyperspace being too strong for Thara to get hold into, she finally got separated from Teron, who was in the capsule carriage.
And this finally ends on what Takayoshi saw in his own dreams.
The morning has risen over Tokyo, and Takayoshi finally wakes up from his sleep. Upon his awake, he was surprised that Lierre is already looking over him.
“Hey!” exclaimed Takayoshi and said, “Don’t surprise me like that when I am awake from my sleep!”
“I am sorry for that, Takayoshi,” said Lierre. “I had been analyzing your deep dreams overnight to find out your true past, and it actually…”
“You should have asked! And it’s quite embarrassing when you see me asleep on my bed…”
“You know, you were so cute when you sleep. And it feels like I am…”
“Yeah, alright. You were infatuated in some cutie faces, don’t you? Especially, if you are a girl who talks to me like that.”
“Well, going back to my statement. I had analyzed your dreams last night, and it actually matches to the records in my Digitariel.”
“Really, you can actually do telepaths, don’t you? Yeah, because you are a School Idol Oracle, it seems.”
“Takayoshi, your true name is Teron. You are actually a baby infant that you have been found by Saki somewhere in the alley.”
“Now, it makes sense that Saki isn’t really my mother.”
“And Takayoshi, you got a big sister, named as Thara. I know that she is somewhere within this world walking around.”
“Thara… My big sister… And then, how did I get to be transported into this world?”
“What I saw last in your dreams is that you came from the fallen world, Planet Crims. That was your home planet before you came here.”
“Planet Crims… Thara… And then, what happened to my mother and father? Are they still alive?”
“That is still a mystery to solve yet. The Planet Crims was finally crumbled into pieces when the fierceful war has been waged.”
“And those evil forces… Who are those evil forces that destroyed my homeworld?”
“Those evil dark forces. It was definitely not Black Lace Ribbons. They were the true evil forces that existed, just before the Black Lace Ribbons came into existence.”
“Okay, now I know. And then, good morning to you, Miss School Idol Oracle! Time to start my shift!”
“Oh. And Good morning to you, Takayoshi Kitagawa. Nope, Teron.”
And so, Takayoshi took bath, and he changed clothes. Finally, he starts his shift in the maid cafe, along with Sho and Gen.
That time, it was mid-day. Until, Takayoshi saw Sho Ukiya serving his customers properly, who were girls from a school, notably from Otonokizaka Academy. He was then happy, so he tried to keep up with his shift properly, too.
And then, a few minutes later, he was called by Gen and said, “Takayoshi, Saki called you for a moment. Let me take your place for the meantime.”
“Alright, I will go there immediately,” said Takayoshi and he leaves his work to Gen.

AIKA: Welcome to the new edition of the Headlines!
LIERRE: And indeed, we are going to talk about the things that were recently happened here in this week on LoveLive! Series.
MAMI: And the question is… What are those? I am so curious to know about them!
SAKI: Do you want to find out what are those, Mami? Then try reading them from top to bottom!
ALL: This is the Headlines! Please do check them out!
μ’s Updates
Happy Birthday, Maki!

Last April 19th, Maki Nishikino’s birthday was celebrated! And did you know that tomatoes are her favorite food? Also, she is skilled when she is playing piano!
Her voices are done by Pile. Let’s have the female Idol Chasers to celebrate her birthday, and these are their messages!
AIKA: Haven’t seen you in a while. But then, Happy Birthday to you, Maki Nishikino! Shall I call you in the nick, Mack-chan?
LIERRE: According to her profile, Maki is pursuing her dream in becoming a doctor, just like her father. But then, she tries to finish her studies first, and to graduate as a School Idol since then… Well, whatever. But still, whatever dreams you have, just follow them! Happy Birthday, Maki Nishikino!
MAMI: Maki, Happy Birthday! How about a pizza party session with us? Will you come with your friends?
SAKI: One of the Legendary School Idols… We hope to get to meet you again soon, Maki! Happy Birthday!
Aqours Updates
Happy Birthday, You-chan!

Last April 17th, You Watanabe’s birthday was celebrated. She was voiced by Shuka Saito, on the other hand.
You is adept in swimming, and she is also sewing costumes for Aqours. And then, she was one of Chika’s friends who was able to form their School Idol Group, and they performed on the school’s gymnasium.
Let’s have them to celebrate her birthday by having them to give their birthday messages!
AIKA: You-senpai! Happy birthday! I will never forget the night when we talked about costume making! Because of you, I had been motivated to do more with my sewing skills!
LIERRE: Say, your school swimsuit is really captivating. Are your fans really aroused when they see you in that swimsuit? Of course, that would be your embarrassment. But still, we love you very much, You Watanabe. Maintaining your shape is your asset as a School Idol. Happy birthday!
MAMI: Happy birthday, You Watanabe from Aqours! I got some new clothes which is my present for you! I hope this one fits you very well.
SAKI: I remembered that your sister has helped us in solving your conflicts as a group. But then, because of her, I had remembered you as a School Idol! Happy birthday, You Watanabe! Best goals forward! Set sail into your new adventure with Aqours!
Nijigasaki Updates
STARTING: NIJITABI! Fanmeet Tour Series

And hey! The first live and fanmeeting series event has started! And as headlined from the previous Episode, Team Nijigasaki shall be doing this event in a series on at least six (6) venues across Japan. So then, are you going to attend it, especially when its Paid Live Streaming is available for people outside of Japan, or overseas fans, rather?
The Nijitabi! Fanmeet Tour Series shall start today, and it shall be held at the Hiroshima venue.
And also, the next one shall be held at LINE CUBE SHIBUYA, on May 6-7, 2023, on weekends!
Please refer to the official web page for more details on how to watch this Event!
AIKA: Yeeeee!! It has started!
LIERRE: Are you going to attend at least one? Or, are you going to attend them all?
AIKA: Only if I have enough money in my pocket…
LIERRE: You don’t need to push yourself, if you can’t do it.
AIKA: Okay… What I worry about most is their random announcements, when their fanmeet event has ended!
LIERRE: This is what we about to find out, especially when their Movie OVA is just a neighborhood away.
Liella! Updates
INCOMING: New Liella! Members Update!

To give you some heads up, this is something that the LoveLive! fans should really expect, and to watch out next week! And that is, the reveal of the long-awaited new members, who will join soon in the stable members of Team Liella!, shall be revealed this coming Friday, in the upcoming new issue of the LoveLive! Days Magazine! Are your hearts ready, everyone? I hope that you won’t get a heart attack next week! Coming soon.
LIERRE: According to the history written here in my Digitariel, there are at least three new members to join Liella! soon. And also, there is this new School Idol rival that would appear soon in their way.
AIKA: I am getting nervous every time that I am hearing about it!
LIERRE: And previously, Liella! got only five initial members. It was then added and joined by another four new members. And that makes them nine.
AIKA: So which means… Three more new members? And that makes twelve, right?
LIERRE: Maybe it has something to do with the LoveLive! Series’ 12th Anniversary. Something like that.
AIKA: Eh? You can even predict that this is really happening?
LIERRE: Who knows? μ’s and Aqours got only nine members. Nijigasaki has twelve plus one.
AIKA: And Liella! will be soon twelve?
LIERRE: We’ll just soon find them out next week!
Other Updates
About Updates on Hasunosora Girls’ High School Idol Club
As we all know that Hasunosora is a new group. Or rather, it is called as “Virtual School Idols”.
Their newest game or app, called as the “Link! Like! LoveLive!”, has been released since last weekend, just the same time as with the SIF2 MIRACLE LIVE! game.
And then, it is very difficult for us to note down or to detail every single highlights from that app or game. And since this app is only available within Japan, then there is no need to worry about on knowing more about School Idols through with that game, unless if you are a beginner fan of LoveLive! Series.
And finally, we came into a decision that we have to stop giving highlights and updates from that said app or School Idol group.
Starting next Episode in the Headlines, we are no longer giving highlights and updates from Hasunosora Girls’ High School Idol Club. And the best way to follow their updates is by following their verified SNS accounts and pages! But don’t worry! We are considering to highlight this one again, once they have announced something like TV Anime, or anything that can be seen by everyone worldwide!
Website: https://lovelive-anime.jp/hasunosora/
Twitter: https://twitter.com/hasunosora_SIC
YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/@lovelive_hasu
About the Old SIFJL Episodes Update

LIERRE: And before we jump into the next Highlight of this Episode, with Takayoshi, Sho, and Gen, in the Games Updates…
SAKI: We are going to announce that the old Episodes archive for SIFJL shall be retained!
LIERRE: Due to the fact that these old Episodes are already written and published online, it is a part of the history or memories of this web blog.
SAKI: And then, it was previously announced that the old Episodes shall be removed from this web blog at the end of this month.
LIERRE: For this time on, in this Episode, it is a decision that these old Episodes shall not be removed from the archive.
SAKI: So, did you everyone read it? Then, it is now the time to look back upon these memories!
LIERRE: And after you look back upon these memories, then it is time to look forward into a new future!
SAKI: And this ends our Headlines for this Episode!
LIERRE: Don’t close your web browser yet! Since Games Updates is up next!

TAKAYOSHI: What a week for us LoveLive! fans, Idol Chasers!
SHO: And SIF2 was released last weekend! And I am totally loving it…
GEN: But the thing is… Did we encounter something new in these updates this Episode?
TAKAYOSHI: SIF2 does really become a hype that time last week.
SHO: And also, Bushiroad declared April 15th in Japan as “LLSIF Day”! Take that note!
GEN: Somehow, this can be a holiday for fans in Japan.
ALL: This is the Games Updates! What are the things spotted within this week? Check ’em out!
School Idol Festival
The Memories of LLSIF: Mini-Episode 2
Previously, we talked about the bugs and other annoying exploits in the game, in which it has caused some players to be banned off from the game when they abuse it!
Right now, let’s talk about the School Idols that are talking to you on the screen, especially when they were touched!
Mini Episode 2: School Idol Talks and Innuendos
Previously, we talked about the bugs and other annoying exploits in the game, in which it has caused some players to be banned off from the game!
Right now, let’s talk about the School Idols that are talking to you on the screen, especially when they were touched!

If you are playing on the Global (EN) Side of the game, you would notice that some dialogues are “safely” translated, in order to avoid some sexual references, or innuendos rather! Especially, when it’s Nozomi Tojo’s turn, where she would raise up her hands, and they were acting as “eagle claws” (That’s why it’s “washi-washi”, or “eagle-clawing”).
Some School Idols do really talk and play jokes on you, such as when you touch them, they were getting embarrassed. Such as that, I could refer to them as sensitive. Also, I had noted that with Umi’s dialogue saying, “Everyone’s looking…”, or at Sumire Heanna saying, “Did you want to see me?” Wow, and that’s innuendo jokes for you!
Also, some School Idols in your members stable are randomly appearing when you go back to your Home screen many times. Such as that, they might say something like this, when they temporarily replace your Home Screen partner:

Although they may sometimes play dirty and may do jokes on you, especially when they were touched, that’s how they show love for you.
TAKAYOSHI: That’s why I treated these School Idols as my little sisters. It is because they were always at my side.
GEN: For myself, I was born from Riko’s existence. I am literally a “shadow” along her.
TAKAYOSHI: You were once a threat to us. But because of Riko, your ways have been changed.
GEN: That’s a long story to talk.
TAKAYOSHI: And sometimes, they have bonus voices when their Max Levels and Bond Points were maxed out!
GEN: That is a tip in that game.
TAKAYOSHI: Man, I do really missed in seeing these School Idols on an old game.
GEN: But then, a new future awaits! Who knows that there would be more?
TAKAYOSHI: More School Idols… More little sisters to protect and to adore!
GEN: I think that you can be a maniac here or something…
In the next Episode, titled as “Soloyolo Scouting“, what is the feeling when you draw a UR on a single Scout draw? Look forward into it!
School Idol Festival 2: MIRACLE LIVE!
The SIF2 Experience!
So far, on SIF2… We had encountered some good things… And some bad things in this Episode!
Let’s talk about the good things! First is the game system.

The Live Show play introduces a “Rehearsal” mode, wherein you could able to practice on that song on any difficulty! At least you should be prepared on what to do when you play on that song, especially on MASTER difficulty.
The Rehearsal mode allows players to practice on a song of any difficulty. Your LP will not be consumed, and you can continue a Live Show play, even if your Stamina reaches 0. However, you cannot receive any rewards nor your song progress be counted in the song records.
And also, you are allowed to restart your current live show play without consuming your LP.

There are over 500 songs to play with, which includes the newly-released songs, and some songs that are used for the Events and Campaigns.

And then, the scouting system is also updated. In which there are only three rarities to have, namely R, SR, and UR. And these members are staying right in your members stable, thus they can no longer be removed, unlike from the original LLSIF.
There are many things to do, such as the “Chat” feature, in which you could talk to some School Idols via automated text messaging system!
And after all, for the bad things encountered, this game got a lot of bugs and gltiches. You know, they were annoying, right? And basically, this game is just new to some.
TAKAYOSHI: I see. So this new game has added more features. At the same time, they had removed some that are considered as no longer relevant.
GEN: So far, how’s the experience?
TAKAYOSHI: I can’t even land an FC to any MASTER songs. I don’t think that my rhythm skills isn’t the only problem here.
GEN: It looks like you have to buy a new and better device. Your old current device can’t even last longer anymore.
TAKAYOSHI: Yeah, and it is already overheating after I used it for at least 10 minutes.
GEN: How unlucky of you. But then, getting a new device is quite hard…
TAKAYOSHI: I just need to work harder to earn more, and to buy my new device, so that I could continue playing!
GEN: It does seem that you got no other choice then.
Bushiroad Declares April 15th in Japan as “LLSIF Day”
April 15th is the day when the SIF2 MIRACLE LIVE! was released in Japan. Also, it marks the day where the original LLSIF game was released. From that day on, Bushiroad has declared April 15th in Japan as LLSIF Day, or in its Japanese counterpart, Sukufesu no Hi (スクフェスの日).
So then, we could try to commemorate the game by celebrating its own holiday on every 15th day of April!
TAKAYOSHI: So LLSIF is now a certified holiday to be celebrated, as declared by Bushiroad, huh?
SHO: That could be interesting!
GEN: This game is considered to be one of the long-running online games ever existed in the age.
TAKAYOSHI: And when April 15th has come…
SHO: We remember… School Idol Festival!
GEN: To repeat, it is now a certified holiday, as declared by Bushiroad! Take note!
The First In-Game Event!

And so, the very-first Event has started! This time, it is going to be on the Liella! Side!
The title of the Event is Operation: Slump Escape, and it shall be on the Liella! Side. You have to play and grind in this Event in order to win an Event UR Chisato Arashi from the Points Rewards!
Unlike from the previous original LLSIF, SIF2 features at least three (3) ranking categories, in which it would test your competence. Event Points Rank, Event Score Rank, and a new feature that is new to everybody: The Oshimen Ranking!
The Oshimen Ranking is the overall rank of your best girl (School Idol) in the Rankings. And it is determined with the usage of your members in a team! I don’t exactly know on how the Oshimen Ranking is being determined or calculated, based from the School Idols that you are using. But then, it is really up to you to find them out!
This Event shall be ending on April 29th, same as with the current LLAS Story Event, which is also ending on the same time and date. Grind in this Event, and be victorious!
TAKAYOSHI: I don’t think that I could play harder because of my laggy device.
SHO: And that’s a bad news. It looks like you have to save your money for a new device!
TAKAYOSHI: Of what I had heard, the current Event now is somewhat similar to LLSIF’s Icon Collection.
SHO: Definitely! You just need to grab on to these items or tokens in order to play the Event Song!
TAKAYOSHI: That’s how it is.
SHO: So then, I am looking forward in buying and getting your new smartphone device, Taka-Bro!
STORY: Shizuku’s Treasure Hunt!

Please see your in-game notifications, and in-game Rules page for more info on how to play in this Event.
Same time and contents as in the JP Side.
As usual, you just need to grind higher ranks by getting more Event Points, and to get some better rewards when this Event ends!
The featured Event UR (Shizuku) and SRs (Ai and Hanayo) can be obtained when you play in this Event. Use and put them into your team when you play or skip some live show plays! Meanwhile, the featured Event URs (Setsuna and Umi) and an SR (Chika) that can be obtained from Scouting can drastically increase your Event Points gain even more!
Good luck in your Event Grind, Idol Chaser.
SHO: With the amount of Skip Tickets that I have, as well as having the featured members that I had obtained from Scouting, this is going to be my warzone!
TAKAYOSHI: Remember that playing and skipping on higher and harder difficulties can give you more Event Points than just playing on lower difficulties.
SHO: Yep, and I am playing harder in order to get a top rank!
TAKAYOSHI: But then, were you able to clear some Challenge difficulty songs?
SHO: Of course, I did. How about you?
TAKAYOSHI: Haven’t, for once. I haven’t played in a while, so I just skip.
SHO: But then, playing on a harder difficulty proves that you are one of an Elite!
TAKAYOSHI: Something that I couldn’t able to get used into. I will just focus on my rhythm gaming skills instead.
SHO: So then, this is my moment to shine, Taka-Bro! I will fight for the top ranks!
TAKAYOSHI: Good luck, Sho.
Channel Weekly Bulletin

JP #107
1 | You | Aqours | 55,352 |
2 | Maki | µ’s | 21,844 |
3 | Setsuna | Nijigasaki | 17,533 |
4 | Nico | µ’s | 12,555 |
5 | Eli | µ’s | 11,777 |
6 | Yohane | Aqours | 11,267 |
7 | Kotori | µ’s | 11,004 |
8 | Chika | Aqours | 10,787 |
9 | Rina | Nijigasaki | 10,610 |
10 | Nozomi | µ’s | 10,590 |
GL/EN #94
1 | You | Aqours | 33,462 |
2 | Maki | µ’s | 9,196 |
3 | Kotori | µ’s | 9,142 |
4 | Setsuna | Nijigasaki | 8,912 |
5 | Yohane | Aqours | 8,857 |
6 | Hanayo | µ’s | 8,594 |
7 | Shioriko | Nijigasaki | 8,263 |
8 | Kasumi | Nijigasaki | 8,207 |
9 | Dia | Aqours | 7,162 |
10 | Chika | Aqours | 6,838 |
Let’s have the Idol Chasers to comment on the results!
SHO: Yocchan! Congratulations on making it to the top ten on both sides!
TAKAYOSHI: Sho! You just betrayed your Yohane!
SHO: What?! What did you mean that I had betrayed her?
TAKAYOSHI: You-chan was in first place, right?
SHO: Yep. And did You-chan and Yocchan sound alike? Yocchan is somehow my alternate nick for Yohane.
TAKAYOSHI: Nah, I am just kidding. And I am just testing you.
SHO: Oh, come on! Taka-Bro, I really hated being surprised!
TAKAYOSHI: Well, just keep on cheering with your favorite School Idols, as usual.
SHO: And remember to be on her channel in order to get some bonus items, if it was the time of her birthday!
TAKAYOSHI: It is really expected that Maki shall be on the top one ranking in the next ranking bulletin!
SHO: And make sure to look forward into it, guys!

At the Idol Chasers HQ, Takayoshi was summoned by Saki. She was along with a mysterious girl who was still not known by her name.
“My dear Takayoshi,” said Saki to him. “Somebody is here to see you.”
When Takayoshi recognized the face, he said, “I think I know this person.”
“You do?”
“Yeah. She is somehow related to my past memory.”
And so, the girl finally speaks to him and said, “So, you have finally grown now, my little brother, Teron.”
“Thara! Big sis!” said Takayoshi as Teron. “It’s been years. I got separated from you while we are on our teleportation.”
“So then, you ended up here in this world, and somebody adopted you.”
“That’s right. Tell me! Are mother and father still alive?”
And this is where the conversation between Takayoshi, as Teron, and Thara have broaden up.

Now that you have found your new self, will you ever go back to your own past in order to reminisce your own memories once more? Definitely, not all of us can even go back there. It is because, we have finally found a new home or life where we could live by it forever until we are alive.
Next time on SIF Journal Log 3rd Season, “The New Me“.
Catch your dreams, and aim for victory!
The Bonus Stage
This Episode OVA shall follow the events right after the SEASON TWO of the Anime. What else does the School Idol Club has to encounter, right after Ayumu’s arrival from London?
LoveLive! Nijigasaki High School Idol Club: Next Sky
Premiering on June 23, 2023 in Japan theaters! Blu-Ray release announced!