The Punisher
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Overview (Story)

The Sand Steamer has lost its control, and it is heading towards Hopeland, where most of the orphans are living there. Nicholas faces Livio alone, while Vash is thinking of a way on how to stop the Sand Steamer from colliding Hopeland. With the time running out, and even Meryl and Roberto ended up being on board, it is up to Vash and Nicholas to give everything that they got.

Let’s review this Episode! Time to reload your gun bullets!
Let’s have a background info about the character who appeared in this series. The name is Livio the Double Fang.
Contextual spoilers ahead from the Manga source

Livio, who was nicknamed as the Double Fang, or in his full name, Livio the Double Fang, is a character who initially appeared from the TRIGUN MAXIMUM Manga series, which is a sequel from the original Manga itself. Livio is a member of an organization, called as the Eye of Michael.
Livio’s fast-recovery abilities, thanks to the Eye of Michael, allows him to last over battles, especially when severely wounded. Also, he is possessing superhuman strength, allowing him to lift over hundreds of kilograms of weight. Livio also uses the two cross-shaped gun weapons, called as the Double Fangs.
And this ends his additional background info from the Manga source.
So then, let’s get with the other characters as well, like Vash and the two other people, Meryl and Roberto. Like I had said before in the previous Episode Review, they are just exchanging their words and “languages” there, without resolving anything. But then, in this Episode, they were able to solve them out, while quarreling and stuff still remained in the scene. Meryl did show some “Don’t hesitate” emotion here, even though Roberto is telling her to quit because it’s impossible. But then, it’s even risky when you know everything is going to fail, but you didn’t give up until the end. Vash did also his part, but not in some situations where Nicholas was in a pinch in a battle with Livio. So then, it really shows that someone like Livio has totally lost the control of his emotions, and those are already controlling him. Overall, the fact that Livio represented somebody who can’t be changed, even the likes of Vash or Nicholas cannot be able to change him, though.
For the story, it is just the continuation from the previous Episode, where I found it “slow-paced”, and nothing significant is happening to resolve the conflict. But in this Episode, it is just basically slow-paced, but then a significant happening has happened. Overall, it really requires you to watch the previous Episode before watching this one. Definitely, it is just like watching an action movie, while the characters are panicking, or otherwise shooting the brains out of those soldiers.
So then, I had heard the phrase from Bluesummers, “Who will you save? Who will you kill?” It basically shows on what we can kill, and what we can save. But then, it is really true that we can fight and wound each other, but we cannot kill each other. And then, what can only kill people is “accident”. And also, it shows about making “suicide”, wherein a people can’t really take their emotions anymore. Finally, a “kill by accident” usually occurs when either the villain or a hero made their own mistakes at their attacks, thus pitting either of them in a brink of death. And those what I had learned from this Episode.
Overall, the plot in this Episode is slow-paced. While the appearance of Livio, as well as his backstory, is well explained, it basically got some potential to have him to appear more in some future Episodes. Quite questionable, but you know, he got some fast regeneration ability to cover his wounds (Like Wolverine). But then, that representation of killing self is really common in some action movies, where you will yell “WTF” in no time.
My Rating: AVERAGE (2.8/5)
Series Info

© 2023 Yasuhiro Nightow, SHONENGAHOSHA / TRIGUN STAMPEDE Project
This series is now streaming on Crunchyroll (for NA/US) and on Bilibili Asia App (SEA).