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Which Weapon Should Rein Use?

This blog post may contain minimal spoilers. Please read this only if you had seen this Episode.

Inori-D Station strives to give spoiler-free Episode Reviews and Impressions in this post.

Overview (Story)
“And then, how about we go swimming, Rein?”

Rein and his party have completed a lot of quests, and getting stronger at the same time. Tania suggested him to get a nice, powerful weapons and equipment. They visited a weaponry shop, and they met an old blacksmith named Gantz. Rein wanted to get a powerful weapon from him, and he asked him to make one. However, Gantz told them that he has run out of refinery materials for weapon making, especially the mithril ore which is usually used. So, Gantz wanted Rein to check out on what’s happening on the mine caves — about on how did these mithril ores disappear instantly.

And so, they had accepted the quest, and they went to the mine caves to investigate and search.

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Review time! Oh, and that minified censorship while taking bath!

It looks like the girls did their showoff here, without having their identities revealed. And look! Along the way, there is an extra scene where they had done the “usual thing” which is princial in most Anime — bathing in onsen or lakes, or other equivalent! Of course, the occasional “peeping tom” shall never be left behind at the end.

Someone like Gantz the old blacksmith? Anyway, they were somehow always present in almost any kinds of RPG games or series ever. You know, talking about older men, they were usually the “specialists” when it comes to any arsenal or whatsoever kinds of equipment ever. They were not just specialists, but I literally call them as “veterans” in making weapons. So then, they were usually short and has some while long beards. Reminded me of some other video games where older men are usually rescued from those baddies. Yep, they had benefits, too, aside from just being a minor or extra character. So then, I am just thinking that Gantz might be just a reference from a certain video game character that has the same style and elements as being an old blacksmith — something like a Viking wearing helmets without any horns?

And I am just having some thoughts and impression with the fairy sisters, Sora and Runa. Runa is just being loud here and bossy, while Sora is being shy, or otherwise being the opposite. Whose the sister, for me, is the best? I can call them equal, but for me, I want the calm and shy, who is Sora. And then, Rein is very unaware on what’s really happening, especially when he approaches the girls. And some laughing here, the children call the sisters as “wives” of Rein here. I don’t know why, but I am really liking Sora more here than Runa, as twins.

Story, as mentioned in my previous Episode Reviews of this series, is just like playing an RPG genre video game. And the fact that Rein wanted to accept the quest from the blacksmith is basically he is brave, and he never hesitates. Also, it shows that how important is to have help from somebody, without involving any monetary transactions. Of course, we are born equal and the same.

I have learned that we can be strong in all situations. But then, what thing should we need in order to control or to traverse our limitless strength? We have our attacks maxed out, but there is something indeed missing! The answer is that we must need some equipment where we need some defense, in order to withstand the attacks of our enemies!

Also, to learn something, we can always help people or somebody whenever we can. Are we willing enough to accept the request of a person who needs something? Of course, we would never reject it, and we know that there is a reward that awaits us when we completed it!

My Rating for this Episode: AVERAGE (3.5/5)

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Series Info
©Suzu Miyama, Moto Shigemura / BEAST TAMER Production Committee

Beast Tamer (Full title: 勇者パーティーを追放されたビーストテイマー、最強種の猫耳少女と出会う / A Beast Tamer Who Got Expelled from the Heroes Party Meets a Strongest-Race Nekomimi Girl) is a novel series created and written by Suzu Miyama. Its TV Anime counterpart was aired and streamed since October 2, 2022.

See this page for more information.

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Inori Donz

Inori Donz is a blogger, video gamer, Anime enthusiast, bicycle rider, and Anime figure photographer. His favorite area of concentration is 'LoveLive! Series', where he plays its featured smartphone video games, as well as watching its Anime series counterparts. "I like Anime, toys and figures, and mostly, I like playing free-to-play video games. Definitely not your usual commoner you see everyday in the streets." He started his blogging journey since December 2013, with a free WordPress blog, named 'IemDonz Blog'. That free blog contains most of his Anime figure photography works, as well as some of his opinions and experiences in the Anime world.