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Finale III: The Rising of A New Sun

This blog post may contain minimal spoilers. Please read this only if you had seen this Episode.

Inori-D Station strives to give spoiler-free Episode Reviews and Impressions in this post.

Overview (Story)
“We love you all!”

Team RISE did become the Extreme Hearts champions in the Kanagawa Tournament finals, winning against the Team May-Bee in the game of basketball. While Hiyori ended up being sent to hospital due to her foot injury, they were celebrating their last minutes of their recognition.

As they were preparing for their victory live concert, Hiyori is thankful for everyone who keep their backs until the end, especially the Team Snow Wolf, who has helped them whenever their game is in the pinch.

And now, Hiyori and the others were standing in the colorful, bright stage. Hiyori can’t believe that she has finally made it to the top, and she begins to cry with happiness in her heart.

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Season Finale review of this Anime series! Let’s head on and read it right away!

I am so happy that this series has been ended with a bright shining light. But then, will the ending be impressing me more?

Firstly, for the characters. It is quite exciting to see all of the four (4) finalists who were able to secure the top spots of their standings in the Extreme Hearts tournament. I was able to see the live performance of these groups. But then, it is quite disappointing for me that they omitted Team LINK@Doll from their performance scene set. I know that the “kawaii idol group” is so cute and bubbly, but why did they need to skip LINK@Doll this time? I know that their song was featured before, but then, it is quite sad for me that I haven’t seen them in a while, though that I had seen that from the previous Episodes somewhere. Team Snow Wolf’s song is awesomely good, though that they had played it half-way. So much better than from LINK@Doll who got omitted at all. And then, so far, the only spotlights here are from Team May-Bee and Team RISE, whose songs are awesomely good, for me. And only RISE got the “bonus” song here, since they were already declared champions of the Kanagawa Extreme Hearts tournament. And look, the Team Snow Wolf has finally joined the Team RISE as backup guitarist and bassist!

And to note, the other members have noticed Hiyori’s neutral character, saying that she had never made some such expressions, like crying, getting angry, and so forth. And then, not only Hiyori is somehow lacking some character development here (Crying and pouting are simply not enough). Yep, in general, there are so many characters out there, and yet, they all lack character development, for me. This could be better for me, whenver these girls are able to try out new things and hobbies, aside from them singing, dancing, and to play in the play field of any sports.

Story is just a slow-paced finale, after Team RISE wrapped up the finals, sweeping May-Bee away from their win. But then, it really shows what happened after they got their win, such as making celebrations, like parties, invited interviews, and so on. Nothing too much to spot here, since they were all detailed in the previous two paragraphs above.

I have learned that there are really good things when you are at the top right now. How does it feel when you feel the sweetness of your own victory? You can see the breeze, shining bright lights, and everything. How does it feel in being at the top? Of course, you will just burst yourself with tears, feeling that you are so happy and thankful because people around you are keeping to root and support you. And that is how you enjoy your own “prize” for being victorious, right after your hardships, trials, and great sufferings in your battles. So then, you can become a Hero who will fight and save… Or an Idol who could sing and dance to make people realize their own dreams in life!

Since this is a Season Finale (Final Episode), I am rating this Anime as an average. It is because there is some parts where they need to be careful in executing some scenes there, so that it won’t be short or long. Remember what happened before in some Episodes, where a story arc is already finished, and then a new Story Arc has entered at the second half of the Episode? Well, that’s a thing to be careful next time, so that people won’t be bored to watch. But awesomely, their “idol” songs are so cool and “kawaii” here. But then, I am feeling sorry for LINK@Doll at all for not getting any spotlight.

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Series Info
©Project ExH

Extreme Hearts began airing in Japan since July 10, 2022 with its First Episode, and began streaming on some streaming networks worldwide.

For more info, see this page.

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Inori Donz

Inori Donz is a blogger, video gamer, Anime enthusiast, bicycle rider, and Anime figure photographer. His favorite area of concentration is 'LoveLive! Series', where he plays its featured smartphone video games, as well as watching its Anime series counterparts. "I like Anime, toys and figures, and mostly, I like playing free-to-play video games. Definitely not your usual commoner you see everyday in the streets." He started his blogging journey since December 2013, with a free WordPress blog, named 'IemDonz Blog'. That free blog contains most of his Anime figure photography works, as well as some of his opinions and experiences in the Anime world.