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Updates for my Figure Photography Page!

The past months have been a busy stuff for me, and I wasn’t able to post new figure photography pictures of my Anime figures, especially my Nendoroid Dolls and clothes constructions. There are things that prevented me to post them, and they are below. And also, there are good things that happened recently when I was out! Please read more below to find out.

1. IemDonz Blog 7th Anniversary Figure: Nendoroid Purple Heart (BD Bundle)

To have this wonderful Nendoroid figure bundled with Blu-Ray and other illustration booklet stuffs and CDs, I had preordered this one last year around March 2020 as my personal birthday and Christmas present to myself. But then, it turns out that my personal birthday and Christmas present was delayed further from December 2020 until mid-February 2021 due to some COVID-19 quarantine restrictions not only in my place, but also on the place where I got this item.

At least, I got now this item, and this could be a part of my 7th anniversary celebration of my figure photography page, IemDonz Blog! To give you heads up, I might post a review blog post here on IDS! Stay tuned!

2. Recent Nendoroid Doll Clothes Projects

At the time when I got a free time, I decided to sew up some clothes for them, a bit. In fact, I had referenced more patterns that I had seen from somewhere!

The first one is my very recent clothes project, and it is a denim-type of clothes! You can see on how did I do with this one.

And the last one is that I was able to create a simple sailor uniform, which in fact, almost similar to the sailor uniform that was used by the characters of LoveLive! Sunshine!! TV Anime series. It was done very well, for me. However, there are still rooms for improvement, and I just need some improvements in reinforcing that clothes very well.

3. LoveLive! Games Series of Events

Apart from the things in which I ain’t able to post any new photos of my Nendoroid figures, it is also because of the series of in-game Events occurring in the LoveLive! Games (LLSIF and ALL STARS) which requires me to play harder just in order to defend and maintain my ranks in the Events. Basically, being in a higher rank means more and better rewards, and they can make my teams even more stronger than ever.

Below shown are the embedded Tweets that contain my recently finished Events, one from each side (JP and Global).

So then, I only grind harder if the Event is in the Aqours Side, and not if it is on a µ’s Side. Usually happens when some Events are occurring every 5-15 and 20-28/30/31 basis every month. So then, I got about 5 resting period days before every Events, and those days are being also used so that I can do anything I have to do and finish everything before an Event starts! Somehow, this has become my rotational routine, and in fact, this has become my priority in my daily duties.

And finally, my segment in Inori-D Station, the School Idol Festival Journal Log, records every of my progress in the LLSIF rhythm game in both JP and Global Sides (ALL STARS not included in the highlight). You can read those Episodes in the archive so that you can find out what has happened recently and in the past! As of today, February 23, the segment has reached over 30 Episodes, and Episode 33 shall be published on Friday. Be sure to read them so that you can find out of what was happening recently in the LoveLive! Series, as well as my current progress in the LLSIF rhythm game in the JP and Global Sides!

End of Updates!

So far, these are the happenings that occurred when I was away from IemDonz Blog in a while. But then, thank you for your understanding! Thank you for supporting me, and I hope I can do more figure photography stuff when the time comes. See you and cheers!

Inori Donz

Inori Donz is a blogger, video gamer, Anime enthusiast, bicycle rider, and Anime figure photographer. His favorite area of concentration is 'LoveLive! Series', where he plays its featured smartphone video games, as well as watching its Anime series counterparts. "I like Anime, toys and figures, and mostly, I like playing free-to-play video games. Definitely not your usual commoner you see everyday in the streets." He started his blogging journey since December 2013, with a free WordPress blog, named 'IemDonz Blog'. That free blog contains most of his Anime figure photography works, as well as some of his opinions and experiences in the Anime world.