Death and Revenge
Shenmue the Animation is an Anime series based from the video game title of the same name by SEGA and Yu Suzuki (YS NET). This Anime series was produced exclusively by Crunchyroll and Cartoon Network’s Adult Swim programming block. Its First Episode was premiered since February 6, 2022.
Series Info
Title | シェンムー Shenmue the Animation |
Genre(s) | Action, Martial Arts |
Creator(s) | SEGA, Yu Suzuki (YS NET) |
Based from | Shenmue (Video Game Series) |
Director | Chikara Sakurai |
Music | Kana Shibue |
Animation Studio | Telecom Animation Film |
Original Airing (First Episode) | February 6, 2022 |
Episodes | 13 |
Official Website | (Japanese) |
The story takes place in year 1986, in Yokosuka. A man, named Ryo Hazuki, is training to master the martial art style by his father in the Dojo. One day, this mysterious man, named Lan Di, has murdered his father, and he takes the mirror that his father was protecting ever since. Finding out the truth about his father’s death, Ryo is determined to train more, and he tries to seek revenge — only to be ended in a war between the underground organizations!
Episodes List and Reviews
1 | Thunderclap | Self-Control |
2 | Daybreak | The Meaning Behind the Truth |
3 | Yin-Yang | Entrance to Darkness |
4 | Shackles | Brothers |
5 | Equal | Dangers Ahead |
6 | Dignified | No Need to Rush |
7 | Future | The Four Ways of the Wude |
8 | Aspiration | A Purpose to Learn Martial Arts |
9 | Distinct | Never Looking Back |
10 | Comeback | Understand Before Doing Anything |
11 | Entangled | Chasing Traces |
12 | Guidepost | Road to Last Boss |
13 | Shenmue | The Legend of Shenmue |
Ryo Hazuki | Masaya Matsukaze |
Lan Di | Takahiro Sakurai |
Shenhua | Haruka Terui |
Nozomi Harasaki | Haruka Fushimi |
Guizhang Chen | Ryuichi Kijima |
Xiuying Hong | Mirei Kumagai |
Joy | M・A・O |
Ren | Osamu Taira |
Wong | Shota Hayama |
This page has been updated since May 18, 2022.