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Overview (Story)
Will you take that request, even though it’s just small or not urgent?

After Sung Jinwoo survived the instance dungeon to defeat a high-level boss monster, he just needs the items in order to craft an elixir to cure his mother. But on his current level, he knows that he can’t survive further, so he backed out.

Jinwoo finally accepted Yoo Jinho’s request to do his Guild mission, for a condition to clear them with just only two of them. As he continued his training, the Hunter’s Association had sent him a request for a D-Rank Dungeon raid, along with the other Hunters.

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Review time. Would this be an another Episode which is average?

Sometimes, we can fail if we tend to be reckless. This is basically what happened when Sung Jinwoo entered a dungeon without realizing his limits. So then, there are instances that we can never go for an another attempt once we fail. However, there are opportunities that will come… But, of a very little chance.

This time, this Episode introduced a lot of characters, which would also include Kang Taeshik. I wondered on what could be their relationship to Jinwoo when they meet? Will they cross paths really soon?

The Episode, this time, has no action and gore — all talk and convo. It all talks around Hunters who had experienced their traumas and frustrations. As I can see, the plot becomes more boring when these characters talk, but then relevant to the story flow. This would give me enough time to know them more, especially when they finally cross paths with the MC (main character).

It is good to have these characters, who survived from the previous Episode 2, to recollect themselves again.

Kang Taeshik.

My thoughts about this Episode? Basically, like I said, it’s all talk and convo, and there’s no action and gore this time. And also, I have learned that triggering a secret mission or quest can only happen once in a blue moon. So, when it was triggered for the first time, then chances to trigger it again will be lower to none. I am just hoping that these foreshadowed characters would eventually cross paths or meet with Jinwoo, especially with that S-Rank female Hunter. And for the overall impact of the Episode, this would be just average. It is because the plot pacing is just average, too. But then, I am really excited on what’s gonna happen next when these Hunters finally entered this dungeon. Let’s see how stronger is Sung Jinwoo right now, compared from the previous chapters or Episodes when he was still a bummer.

My Rating: AVERAGE (3.3/5)

Review Rating Summary and Breakdown

Story: (3/5) – Story pacing is just average, all talk and convo, and has no action and gore.
Animation: (3/5) – Nothing to spot for animation, which is just right and average. But the character and group recollection really amazed here, wherein it really shows that Jinwoo isn’t the same guy anymore.
Insights: (4/5) – Sometimes, we can fail if we tend to be reckless, and we get frustrated at the end. And for the other insight, even though the request of a person is just small, will you still take it? Will you still take that request, even though it’s just a low-priority?

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Series Info
Solo Leveling
© Solo Leveling Animation Partners

This Anime series can be watched on Crunchyroll, and its related VODs.

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Inori Donz

Inori Donz is a blogger, video gamer, Anime enthusiast, bicycle rider, and Anime figure photographer. His favorite area of concentration is 'LoveLive! Series', where he plays its featured smartphone video games, as well as watching its Anime series counterparts. "I like Anime, toys and figures, and mostly, I like playing free-to-play video games. Definitely not your usual commoner you see everyday in the streets." He started his blogging journey since December 2013, with a free WordPress blog, named 'IemDonz Blog'. That free blog contains most of his Anime figure photography works, as well as some of his opinions and experiences in the Anime world.