EPISODE 09: Failed Live Show
In my Digitariel, it contains the adventures of the Idol Chasers, and a School Idol who is in her way to stardom, named as Chiharu Umiboshi.
In the first day of the Fan Thanksgiving Festival in Nijigasaki, Takayoshi has finally squared off against Hyoshiro for the SIF National Tournament Finals. The conclusion to the long-reigning streak of Hyoshiro has been happened when Takayoshi has successfully become the champion. It seems that the major conflict for Takayoshi has been finally stripped out from the Idol Chasers’ list.
But wait, there is something of a last note written here in my Digitariel.
Chiharu has talked with Haruka face-to-face about something. Are they talking about the thing, called the LoveLive!?
Perhaps, something bad is going to happen. Right now, it is the Day 2 of the Fan Thanksgiving Festival event in Nijigasaki.
This is Lierre, the School Idol Oracle, speaking to you, reader.

That evening, Chiharu was browsing information via her smartphone. She is reading some information about the exhibition live show in the Fan Thanksgiving Festival Event Day 2.
“So, this can be a tryout for the upcoming LoveLive! Contest! If we managed to perform and make the audiences be impressed…”
And then, she recalls some words from the conversation with Haruka last time.
“Let’s have a friendly live show together soon, Chiharu!”
“Of course! Because, this one is worth even trying, Haruka!”
“So then, whether you win or lose, make sure to keep your audiences be impressed at you!”
“Sure thing! And I am just playing fair and square!”
“Well then, see you tomorrow on the stage.”
Haruka walks away from the hallway, and Chiharu said, “Yeah, see you tomorrow then.”
And back to present, Chiharu closes her smartphone, and she goes to sleep.
The early morning came, and Chiharu is doing some morning jogging. She did only about 10 kilometers of long jog, and she was tired.
And then, she did her voice training on a gym room. Finally, Honoka is looking and observing her in secret.
The morning came, and in the maid cafe, at the Idol Chasers HQ…
Only the boys and Saki were briefing inside the meeting room.
“Today, we are going to Nijigasaki open campus for the another round of the Fan Thanksgiving Festival Event!” said Saki. “In other words, Day 2!”
“And congratulations to our new champion, Taka-Bro!!” said Sho.
“Congratulations,” said Gen to Takayoshi. “You had proven yourself.”
“Um, thanks everyone,” said Takayoshi. “I guess I won’t be just a champion with no one else around.”
“You had made me proud. At least, you had brought home the honor!”
“Hehe… It is because your little sisters helped you to win that championship title!”
“School Idols in the game, huh? Pretty much, they loved you a lot.”
“Oh, you had made me embarrassed!”
“Going back, let’s talk about the Day 2. It seems that Chiharu, Aika, Lierre, Komari, and Mami shall be participating on an exhibition live show later! Let’s give our support to them to perform very well on the live stage!”
“I had heard recently that it is a tryout to the upcoming LoveLive! Event Contest which is scheduled at the end of this year!”
“No doubt that Chiharu shall be participating.”
“Alright people! Let’s give our support and cheers to Chiharu and her group!”
And finally, Saki confirms the mission to the Idol Chasers. Finally, they head out and they moved to the Nijigasaki open campus.
In the auditorium of the Nijigasaki open campus, the MC finally makes her opening remarks.
“Welcome to the Day 2 of the Fan Thanksgiving Festival! You know, it’s about School Idols, right? And today, we are going to showcase to everybody the songs and School Idols! Also today, we are going to have an exhibition live show!”
The audiences are cheering louder and louder while waving their colorful penlights.
“This exhibition live show is just for fun! But then, though it’s for fun, it is actually a tryout! This is a tryout in which a School Idol Group gets an opportunity to compete for this year’s LoveLive! Event!”
And then, the audiences were excited even more.
“Do you have what it takes to compete for your own stardom in the LoveLive! Event? Then, just give it your shot by performing here on the stage!”
In the dresser room, Chiharu was already wearing her stage costume, and has her makeup on. It seems that everyone is ready.
“I had well sewed this costume for our exhibition live show!” said Aika.
“Pretty awesome,” said Lierre. “Alright, let’s give our best shot here!”
“Whoa! I can’t believe that I am wearing girly clothes already!” said Komari. “But well, I had to put my confidence on.”
“This is my first time wearing this kind of costume, and it’s amazing!” said Mami.
Chiharu was looking steadily on the mirror, looking at her own reflection. And she said, “I can do this… No, we can do this!”
And then, Chiharu said to everyone, “Everyone, let’s give our own best shot!”
And then, the girls have moved out and they were ready.
Meanwhile, outside of the auditorium, Chiharu’s mother and Chinatsu are walking around the open campus, and they checked out some various booths there. Chinatsu was curious about buying an adorable plushie of a School Idol. Until, she saw finally the School Idols that are performing via a jumbotron screen.
“Was that my dear’s friend?” asked Chiharu’s mother.
“No doubt about it either,” said Chinatsu. “I think we should go to the auditorium and watch my big sis’ live performance!”
“I couldn’t reject more. Let’s go inside!”
And then, they immediately went to the auditorium where the exhibition live show is happening.
Inside, the male Idol Chasers and Saki are watching the live performances of the School Idols.
“Haruka’s group is amazing,” said Takayoshi.
“But then, we haven’t seen Chiharu’s group performing yet,” said Gen.
“I am really excited to see their live performance, soon!” said Sho.
“It seems that they are finished performing,” said Saki. “Chiharu’s group is next. Good luck, Chiharu!”
Meanwhile, at the backstage, Chiharu has finally seen Haruka’s live performance. When they had gone down from the stage platform, Haruka talks to her.
“Good luck in your live performance, Chiharu!”
“Thanks! I will do my best!”
And then, Lierre has said to the girls, “Alright, girls! Let’s give our best shot here!”
Finally, they had step in to the stage platform.

SAKI: LoveLive! is really full of surprises, isn’t it?
LIERRE: They are bringing a lot more stuff because its fans totally supported it. Without them, LoveLive! is just nothing.
AIKA: Oh, and talking about Headlines… There are things to talk about, especially with that recent BushiRock Fest last weekend!
MAMI: And also, the Nijigasaki High School Idol Club: Next Sky OVA is just around the corner! You just make sure to watch them on The Bonus Stage at the end of this Episode!
SAKI: Nijigaku and Liella! had been busy lately, and they deliver more contents than before!
LIERRE: This is the Headlines! What are the things that are spotted during this week?
ALL: Stage Start!
μ’s Updates
Nozomi Tojo’s Birthday!

AIKA: Oh, so it’s Nozomi Tojo’s birthday on June 9th! Maybe we should greet her a happy birthday next week?
LIERRE: That’s right. My profile says that Nozomi was my School Idol Sign.
SAKI: Lierre, can you tell us what our School Idol Signs are?
LIERRE: Mine would be Nozomi. And you can be Dia.
AIKA: What’s mine?
LIERRE: Aika, yours is Kotori.
MAMI: Girls, can you tell me mine, too?
LIERRE: Mami, your School Idol Sign is Ayumu.
LIERRE: So everyone, remember to celebrate her birthday, Nozomi Tojo, which is on June 9th! Our messages for her shall be included next Episode!
SAKI: And be sure to check out her upcoming birthday campaigns on SIF2 and LLAS! Look forward into it!
Aqours Updates
Mari Ohara’s Third Solo Concert Song!
LIERRE: And finally, the solo song for Mari Ohara has been surfaced online!
SAKI: Let’s play and listen on it. Here it goes!
ALL: Please listen to this song by Mari Ohara! Mata Kimi ni Aunda!
LIERRE: Komari has been having a hard time searching for the mysteries about her mother.
SAKI: I just hope that she might have some clue by listening to this song.
LIERRE: Komari, I hope that you could ever listen to this song by your mother!
SAKI: This amazing song of Mari Ohara in the Third Solo Concert Album Series shall be released on her birthday! On June 13th! Look forward into it!
Yohane the Parhelion Special Livestream
AIKA: This is for the upcoming TV Anime next month, the Yohane the Parhelion!
LIERRE: This livestream shall be streamed via its related networks soon, this coming Wednesday, June 7th, at 8:00 pm JST!
AIKA: Tune in to their livestream for various new information about the Anime!
LIERRE: It shall be hosted by Yohane, Hanamaru, and Dia! You know already their voice actresses, don’t you?
AIKA: This is really spine-chilling! Hope that you won’t ever miss this livestream!
Nijigasaki Updates
LLAS Story Chapter 53 Theme Song Revealed
LIERRE: It seems that Sho is somehow ready to bid farewell to LLAS, which shall be closing its doors to fans soon at the end of June 2023.
AIKA: At least, they shall be releasing a new single or song, in which it shall serve as the game’s Story Finale song.
SAKI: The title of their song is KAGAYAKI Don’t forget! It shall be released on June 7th next week!
MAMI: Witness the game’s finale by listening into this song soon, once it’s released!
Happy Birthday, Ai Miyashita!

SAKI: And as promised, we shall be giving out birthday messages for Ai Miyashita!
AIKA: Happy birthday, Aimi-chan! Yep, and that’s a nickname that I give to you, as a fan! Aimi because… AI MIyashita!
LIERRE: Remember to take care as always. Because all AIs will be on you!
SAKI: Your monjayakis are so delicious! Would you teach me on how to cook one, please?
MAMI: You are a smart and sporty girl! You can be like Komari. Anyway, take care on your future endeavors as a School Idol!
ALL: Happy birthday, Ai Miyashita!

TAKAYOSHI: Thanks for the news and updates, girls!
SHO: This time, it’s our turn, Taka-Bro! Gen!
GEN: Speaking of the Games Updates, what are the things that were recently encountered in the past days?
ALL: This is the Games Updates! S.I.F. !!
School Idol Festival
The Memories of LLSIF – Mini-Episode 8
Previously, we had talked about in playing on at least five (5) different Events in this game. And we also talked about on why we should play harder, and to place higher in the rankings on every Events that we play.
This time, we are going to mention the “sixth” Event, in which it was used in a while, and was never used again in the succeeding years or months.
Mini-Episode 8: The Adventure Stroll

The Adventure Stroll (おさんぽラリー) is the sixth Event, which was featured also in the LLSIF game.
Adventure Stroll features a progressive gameplay, where players have to clear a song, in order to unlock another place, called as “Spots”.
There are at least three (3) kinds of Spots:
- Event Story Spot – The Event Story Spot must be played in order to unlock another Event Story Spot (or Story Episode rather). Unlocking some of them can allow you to unlock some Challenge Spots.
- Challenge Spot – Challenge Spots (Smile, Cool, and Pure) are the places that you can go in order to compete for the Score Rankings. The songs are given at random, and you must play on a higher difficulty in order to get higher score, and to place higher in the Event Score Rankings.
- Special Spot – The Special Spot can only randomly appear when you had completed your Live Show play on either Event Story or Challenge Spots. But then, playing on that spot allows you to get tremendous amount of exchange items, where you can use them in order to exchange them with various items, like the featured Event SRs, and many more!
But then, in the mid year 2019, this Event is no longer used, at the time when Event Story Episodes were finally featured in some Events.
TAKAYOSHI: I am reminiscing my own memories for this one.
SHO: Adventure Stroll… Yeah, and I am missing that Event!
GEN: No wonder that they had stopped that, and they had removed it from Event rotations of LLSIF. Yep, and this is totally a history.
In the next Episode, we shall be talking about the meta team, in which it was totally used at the time when the nearing of LLSIF’s service termination has been announced.
Next time, “The Skill Repeat Meta Team“. See you next time!
School Idol Festival 2: MIRACLE LIVE!
Miracle Collection: Creating a Network Connectivity
GEN: This time, Nijigasaki Side shall be in charge for this Event!
TAKAYOSHI: And you know about collecting Miracle Stars in order to play the Event Song, don’t you?
SHO: Well, if I am going to full-force here again, my Love Gems will…
GEN: This time, we have to be careful when we use these LP recovery items, because they are limited.
TAKAYOSHI: No matter the cost, you should play harder in order to get the new UR Rina Tennoji at 100,000 Event Points.
SHO: Somehow, the new UR members that can be scouted shall be your aid.
GEN: You just need to do whatever you can, and finish the Event with the best rank that you can get!
Channel Weekly Bulletin

JP #113
1 | Ai | Nijigasaki | 124,627 |
2 | Shioriko | Nijigasaki | 46,475 |
3 | Setsuna | Nijigasaki | 28,907 |
4 | You | Aqours | 28,536 |
5 | Kotori | μ’s | 26,970 |
6 | Ayumu | Nijigasaki | 25,211 |
7 | Yohane | Aqours | 24,686 |
8 | Eli | μ’s | 22,512 |
9 | Honoka | μ’s | 20,745 |
10 | Shizuku | Nijigasaki | 18,355 |
GL/EN #100
1 | Shioriko | Nijigasaki | 42,712 |
2 | Ai | Nijigasaki | 40,336 |
3 | Kotori | μ’s | 18,787 |
4 | Umi | μ’s | 14,904 |
5 | Eli | μ’s | 13,372 |
6 | Setsuna | Nijigasaki | 12,173 |
7 | Nico | μ’s | 11,911 |
8 | Yohane | Aqours | 11,630 |
9 | Hanamaru | Aqours | 10,703 |
10 | Maki | μ’s | 10,124 |
SHO: What!? Ai Miyashita lost? I do really expected her to win, though!
GEN: Ai Miyashita might have lost. But she did win on the JP side in return!
TAKAYOSHI: If you want to get her bonus Memento Item, just get it at the time of her birthday. And then, try switching your channel this time before the ranking period on Wednesday!
SHO: Well, time to switch to Nozomi‘s channel this time around.
GEN: I don’t think so. It seems that they had did it again… Just like last year.
TAKAYOSHI: What did you mean by that?
ALL: And so, let’s fight with our best girls until the very end! See you guys in the next ranking bulletin!
SIF2 Data and Progress Transfer Feature
SHO: To access this feature, go to Menu -> then choose Importing to SIF2 option!
TAKAYOSHI: Upon accessing that screen, follow instructions given.
GEN: This feature shall allow players on both JP and EN sides to transfer their play data and progress to SIF2. Upon server closure of LLAS, wait for their announcements about the date on when can you transfer your progress.
SHO: Progress like Titles, and other album data can be transferred!
TAKAYOSHI: If you haven’t yet made an issue with data transfer passcode, then do it so before the LLAS game servers close on June 30th!

“Please, listen to our song!” said Chiharu to the audience, and they started singing and dancing.
The audiences are somehow cheering for them, so does to the Idol Chasers who are also giving their louder cheers to them.
And from the side away from the Idol Chasers, Honoka, while wearing her face mask, is observing something different from Chiharu. She noticed it by just observing the movements of her body.
And when Chiharu attempts to do a slight jump in order to shift her direction, she did finally make a mistake and she got trampled with her left foot ankle. She was finally dropped on the floor.
The audiences were surprised on what happened. And the Idol Chasers saw it, too.
The live performance was put into a stop, and the music has stopped playing.
“Chiharu, hang in there! Chiharu!!” said Lierre.
“Are you okay!?” asked Aika.
“Get yourself together! It’s not over yet!” said Komari.
“Chiharu, keep on fighting! Please, stand up!” said Mami.
Chiharu can’t say anything about on what has happened. She just only said these.
“It’s really hard being popular. Just one wrong step and the blame shall be on me. Sigh, I had failed my first-ever live show to the public!”

“I quit being a School Idol.”
That’s the line that they said because they can’t even reach for their dreams anymore. A mistake that is made cannot be undone, unless if you can rollback time!
Chiharu can really give up, but then, Honoka got something to say to her!
Next time on SIF Journal Log 3rd Season, “Honoka’s Encouragement“.
Catch your dreams, and aim for victory!
The Bonus Stage
This Episode OVA shall follow the events right after the SEASON TWO of the Anime. What else does the School Idol Club has to encounter, right after Ayumu’s arrival from London?
LoveLive! Nijigasaki High School Idol Club: Next Sky
Premiering on June 23, 2023 in Japan theaters! Blu-Ray release announced!