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Overview (Story)

In Millions Knives’ plan to open the gates leading to the Core, Vash has fallen into a trap. Meryl was on her way to the place where Vash got trapped, until she has encountered William Conrad along. It was about the time that Meryl was making her move to save Vash, but it’s too late.

Penultimate? Maybe. Anyway, time for a tragic Episode Review in this one!
Seemingly, a lot of natural phenomenon, instead of firing guns (a bit), are mostly involved in this Anime.
The meaning behind this Episode is quite deep, while Millions Knives is already manipulating Vash by channeling his powers to him. Of course, the other characters did nothing here, especially Wolfwood. Meryl did really watch her hero dying on the spot, while has no hope in saving him either. It is really showing that when heroes die, who else who could fight and save them?
It is really true that Vash the Stampede is the center, or likewise the “heart” of this Anime series. Also, anything can be changed because of him. And people who manipulate him can make them put themselves into disaster. Maybe, for me, that’s why he was called as the “Humanoid Typhoon”, isn’t it? But then, in my opinion, how did he get that such nickname?
So far, this Anime is quite angst-driven, for me, where the villain is just pummeling our main character with some words, while being restrained. Something that villains that can do, while not allowing our heroes to fight back against them.
Overall, this Episode can be a below average to bad. But then, since it’s ending next time, will it be a higher rating this time? Who knows! But then, some characters, like Zazie and Bluesummers, didn’t budge in that much in this series.
My Rating: BAD (2.4/5)
Series Info

© 2023 Yasuhiro Nightow, SHONENGAHOSHA / TRIGUN STAMPEDE Project
This series is now streaming on Crunchyroll (for NA/US) and on Bilibili Asia App (SEA).