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Episode 5: The Dark Chapter

Welcome the fifth episode of my gaming public diary of LoveLive! School Idol Festival, or otherwise known as the School Idol Festival Journal Log! Today, I am going to bring you some highlights encountered this week, as well as some other news!

Pre-Episode Highlights

As you have noticed, the fifth episode of this segment has fallen into the very last day of July 2020. In fact, this episode is considered as special, for me! Do you know why? In fact, it’s the last day of the Token Collection Event in the JP side, and it shall end very soon! And also later, it’s the birthday of the Aqours’ very own center School Idol, Chika Takami!

And then, also happening tomorrow, right after this episode, is the release of the First Solo Concert Album series! Yes, it shall start with Chika Takami, on her birthday on August 1! It shall be followed by Riko, Ruby, and others as well in the later dates, on their date of their birthdays!

There are a lot of info encountered during this week, as well as some info encountered in the last Aqours livestream last July 25th! Congratulations to them, since they were able to commence with their 6th Live Dome Tour live performance, especially today, we are on the pandemic crisis! They have announced their live goods and stuff. There are many things to watch out, so we better to make ourselves be prepared for this event!

Right now, let’s go to the highlights which were encountered this week on both sides of LoveLive! SIF!

JP-Side Highlights

For the information that I had gathered during the last Aqours livestream this past weekend, here are some below!

For some information, the future Party URs are announced in the livestream. Honoka-Eli Party URs shall be released later after maintenance or the current Token Collection Event is over! Meanwhile, the Yohane-Riko Party URs shall be released on the 15th of August 2020, right after the maintenance and the Event. So then, do you have enough Love Gems and Scouting Tickets to scout for them? If so, try to get a courage and try!

For that embedded Tweet shown, I had given everything that I got. Since landing a Full Combo on a Master difficulty usually takes time, I just used that time to play on Expert difficulties to master my thumb and finger movements, as well as dexterity and tenacity. By that chance I landed a Full Combo, I got more Event Points, as well as setting my new score record. But then, I need to keep landing FCs several times in order to get more Event Points and to stay in the top rankings! I must then strive to play on these Master difficulties since this is the new normal of LoveLive! SIF from now on, especially it is now included on every single future Events!

The Token Collection Event is expected to end soon before maintenance time. But then, I can expect that I am going to finish this Event in a Tier 2-2 standing again.

As shown in the two Tweets embedded above, I had scouted two new UR members! That includes the Birthday 2020 Limited UR Chika and the UR Riko of her New Romantic Sailors costume! Both of them were scouted and acquired on the same date last July 26th! For the NRS Riko, I have spare Love Gems to spend, after I had successfully acquired Chika after 200 Love Gems. No Scouting Tickets were spent during these scoutings!

And finally, Honoka Kosaka’s Birthday 2020 Limited UR Scouting is also available, and it will last 7 days until her birthday! It was released just 2 days after the Chika Takami Birthday Limited UR Scouting boxes were released that time! So then, are your Love Gems and Scouting Tickets brave enough to win her? Only you can have the answer!

Global Side Highlights

At last, we are about to enter into LoveLive! SIF’s darkest chapter, in which it shall never be the same again! This July 27, we are entering the ‘prelude’ Event. Challenge Festival shall be the prelude Event to the dark chapter of SIF. This time, they shall introduce 7 Event SRs in which they can be acquired in the Event! 5 of them shall be acquired by accumulating more Event Points, while the other two shall be acquired by placing higher in the Event Point Rankings! From the usual 160,000 Event Points, you will have to get all of the rewards by getting a total of 280,000 Event Points! Yep, and at least you got a taste of the dark chapter update of SIF, to be released soon!

If you have read the previous episode, the Episode 4 of this segment, then you shall have an idea what’s going to change in the Global Version of LoveLive! SIF. I had given some spoilers there of what you can expect to encounter in the upcoming major update! You can go to that archive to see what are those!

Also, we are expecting campaigns for Chika Takami and Honoka Kosaka’s birthdays, and we shall have the same mini-game that has surfaced before on the Yoshiko and Nico birthdays! Try to play those in order to get their previous Event SRs, if you haven’t had them yet! And for those who will scout for their birthdays, wish you a good luck!

The Ultimate Live Stage Begins. End of Episode 5!

And that’s all for this episode this week! Anything can happen, but I don’t know or we don’t know when. But at least we should all be prepared! After this episode, there are many things to be announced, as well as the upcoming 6th Live Dome Tour of Aqours! I heard that it shall be only delivered as a paid streaming, but possibilities of live viewing events might be unclear and impossible due to the ongoing pandemic happening around the world today.

Starting at August 5, there is another Event to be commenced on the JP-side of LLSIF, while the Global Side will end its Challenge Festival Event also on the same date. This is where the Ultimate Live Stage of School Idol Festival in the Global Side begins, right after the Event and its major update.

What’s going to happen next? Tune-in to IDS for another episode of School Idol Festival Journal Log! See you next week!

Inori Donz

Inori Donz is a blogger, video gamer, Anime enthusiast, bicycle rider, and Anime figure photographer. His favorite area of concentration is 'LoveLive! Series', where he plays its featured smartphone video games, as well as watching its Anime series counterparts. "I like Anime, toys and figures, and mostly, I like playing free-to-play video games. Definitely not your usual commoner you see everyday in the streets." He started his blogging journey since December 2013, with a free WordPress blog, named 'IemDonz Blog'. That free blog contains most of his Anime figure photography works, as well as some of his opinions and experiences in the Anime world.