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Sleeping With A Pillow

Screenshot Info
AnimeD.C. III ~Da Capo III~
EpisodeEpisode 1: The Cherry Blossom Blooms
Characters PresentCharles Yoshino
Kiyotaka Yoshino

Ever trying to sleep in a lonely night alone? You may be sleeping alone while you are holding on a soft pillow. But what if it is no longer a pillow that you are holding, but something real that you are holding right now? Such as, you may be holding and hugging someone that you really love in the years while you are still alive.

If you are a boy, you may be hugging a girl while you sleep, and a boy when you are a girl. It is a matter of fact that we can always hug on our soft pillows, thinking of somebody we love, whenever we are sad and lonely.

Inori Donz

Inori Donz is a blogger, video gamer, Anime enthusiast, bicycle rider, and Anime figure photographer. His favorite area of concentration is 'LoveLive! Series', where he plays its featured smartphone video games, as well as watching its Anime series counterparts. "I like Anime, toys and figures, and mostly, I like playing free-to-play video games. Definitely not your usual commoner you see everyday in the streets." He started his blogging journey since December 2013, with a free WordPress blog, named 'IemDonz Blog'. That free blog contains most of his Anime figure photography works, as well as some of his opinions and experiences in the Anime world.