EPISODE 15: Takayoshi in the Sea
A few decades ago, there are a group of young girls who wished for their own dreams to come true. All they wanted is to make every people happy — These girls must sing their own songs and to touch and reach for their fans’ feelings. They started from scratch and they were just ordinary high school girls who wear their cute and frilly costumes, and they dance and sing on the live stage. They are the School Idols!
And then, these people had established their own group in order to follow and explore more of the world or universe of these School Idols and Groups. This group is called as the “Idol Chasers”!

That evening, the Idol Chasers are just walking in the streets. And they don’t have an idea on where to go — to the place where they could stay overnight to rest!
Just one more hour later, they eventually ride some buses there, and they ended up into the place where some inns are there.
And then, Takayoshi saw something with his eyes and said, “I think this inn could be familiar to me.”
Chiharu joins in and said, “Is this inn familiar to you?”
“What I had remembered is that… Anyway, whatever. Let’s go inside and inquire!”
“Alright. I think we need some rest, for now, after our long journey.”
The Idol Chasers got inside the inn, and they inquire. Inside, they had encountered the Takami siblings, Mito and Shima, who were the inn keepers.
“Hi, welcome to our ryokan inn!”
“You guys might be tired! Wanna stay and rest?”
Aika and Sho were really tired, and they talk.
“Of course! We want to rest after our long strolling in the streets!”
“Me too… I had been very tired, and I can’t walk any further.”
And then, Mito and Shima replied to them.
“Okay! Shima, please show them their room now!”
“Alright, but please show your politeness to your customers, Mito.”
“Eh?? Did I miss something again? Anyway, this way, please!”
And then, they show their room to rest.
When they had unpacked out their things, Lierre talks to Chiharu.
“It looks like you have brought a lot of things, Chiharu.”
“Yeah. And everytime there is a trip, I always bring these things!”
“Good thing that you were always prepared. But just be careful on losing them on purpose.”
“I got always technique for that! In fact, you must group all of your things into one place, so that you could see them easily!”
“It seems. And if you are placing different things on different places, then there is a chance that you might lose them, right?”
“Correct! Make sure to put them and group them into one place together! And this is how I make my things secure!”
“But then, just be careful on revealing your valuables. You might put them inside your bag instead.”
The midnight has risen, and they had finished everything, such as taking bath and changing clothes. And also, they had started sleeping.
They all started sleeping, other than Takayoshi, who is still playing on his rhythm game.
“A new UR? She is my favorite School Idol! I must need to scout her! I need her in my team!”
And then, he started scouting for that featured UR. However, he has finally used up almost all of his Scouting Tickets and Love Gems in the game, and he hasn’t drawn any UR yet!
“Darn! I got 3 Scouting Tickets left! And still, she ain’t appearing yet. At this rate, I won’t be able… To get her on time!”
Takayoshi then decided to close the game in his smartphone, and he has finally taken his sleep. And he finally said, “I will definitely… never giving up.”
He then closes his eyes and sleeps.

There is nothing too much to give out headlines for the current events and updates happening in the LoveLive! Series (mostly detailed in the previous Episode). But, I am going to give out some smaller details for their upcoming stuff, such as the undetailed “Nijigasaki 5th Live!” live performance event!
So far, what were the details of these? Find out by reading!
Nijigasaki Anime SEASON TWO Episode 4 Review

Basically, there are times that friends and rivals must fight together in order to beat their one common threat! So far, what has happened in this Episode, and what are my reviews and impressions in it?
Find out my Episode Review by reading here! (Opens new window or tab)
My previous Episode Reviews of this Anime can be found here!
Nijigasaki “5th Live!” Series
Recently, at the time before the Nijigasaki Anime SEASON TWO was put on air, it was announced at the end of their 4th Live! last February. Therefore, their upcoming 5th Live is scheduled on at least two venues in Japan, in just about five (5) months away! Wanna find out some small details? Continue reading!
The title is LoveLive! Nijigasaki High School Idol Club 5th Live! And that shall be subtitled with at least two titles, at least! Their main key visual of their upcoming live performance shall be revealed at a later date — most probably when their TV Anime series is close to the final episode! Or even, it shall be revealed at their livestreams in the future!
Part 1: Colorful Dreams! Colorful Smiles!
The first part of their 5th Live shall be held at Tokyo Garden Theater, in Tokyo, Japan, on weekends of September 10 and 11, 2022! Ticket prices shall be at least 5,400 JPY per day.
Part 2: Next TOKIMEKI
This second part shall be happening a week, right after Part 1 above. This live performance shall be held at Musashino Forest Sports Plaza, also in Tokyo, Japan, on the weekends of September 17-18, 2022. Ticket prices shall be the same as in above.
Who knows that they might be announcing some big stuff, right after this part? If that’s the case, then this is something to watch out for!
Stay tuned at their feed for more updates about this! Such as, like I had said, that their main key visual for their upcoming event is not yet revealed.
Liella! 2nd LoveLive! Part 2
— ラブライブ!シリーズ公式 (@LoveLive_staff) April 22, 2022
生バンドでのライブに挑戦🎸https://t.co/Gb31Xy8Bfq#lovelive pic.twitter.com/tw0Rb6phEG
In the previous Episode, also from the Headlines, we had talked about their upcoming MTV Unplugged segment, which shall take place around late-May 2022. This time, we shall be talking about the details of their upcoming live performance on June 2022! This shall serve as the road leading to the Liella! Anime’s second season on July!
Their “Part 2” live performance, the Liella! 2nd LoveLive! ~What a Wonderful Dream!!~, shall be held on Osaka-Jo Hall, this coming June 4-5, 2022, in Osaka, Japan. This time, Sunny Passion shall be replaced with an another unit or band, called the Yuigaoka Girls Band! Ticket price shall be at least 5,000 JPY per day, and more likely, overseas paid live streaming shall be announced soon at a later date. Just stay tuned at their feed for more info about this!
And take note! After their live performance (this one), the trailer announcement video for the LoveLive! Superstar!! Anime SEASON TWO shall be revealed there! Quite predictable enough that they’re going to show us everything when their major live ends! If that’s the case, then look forward!
Aqours 6th LoveLive! Part 3 (WINDY STAGE)

While we still don’t have enough relevant updates for Aqours, I am going to give out details for their upcoming “Part 3” of their 6th LoveLive! Dome Tour! Could it be their resolution for their cancelled 2020 Dome Tour, due to pandemic?
The part three of their Aqours 6th LoveLive! ~KU-RU-KU-RU Rock ‘n’ Roll TOUR~ shall be subtitled as WINDY STAGE. This time, they shall be having one additional guest band to perform alongside them! The orchestra band, called the Uranohoshi Symphony Orchestra (浦の星交響楽団), shall be joining with Aqours to perform this coming June 25-26, 2022, in Tokyo Dome!
My related post:
Aqours 6th LoveLive! Review (OCEAN & SUNNY STAGE)
Who knows that they are going to announce some stuffs related to their 7th Anniversary project? And to be sure, Aqours 7th LoveLive! can be possible here. Just stay tuned at their feed.
Official Page:
4 New Members of Liella! Coming Soon?

As seen in this teaser poster released by the LoveLive! Series team on Twitter, and from the latest issue of LoveLive! Days Magazine, there are at least four (4) new members who were running and chasing Kanon Shibuya and the other of her four girls! Who could be those new members, which are already foreshadowed in this teaser poster?
Read more in this news (Opens new browser window or tab).

So far, the excitement for the LLSIF’s 9th Anniversary Campaigns are not yet over! In fact, we had just finished the “one-third” of it! And we got until June to wrap things up!
So far, the ongoing Event with the EXP x 10 live show modifier is quite chaotic. The good thing is that it is now over, and the Event is running towards the finale! Will I able to defend successfully the Gold Tier Rank, in terms of Event Points gained?
And then, what is this Setlist Event, in which it is believed to have at least five parts (Given the first and second Setlist Events are over)? Find out by reading more of the highlights below!
Setlist Events
So then, it is slowly becoming a regular mini-event now, from now on. Setlist Events are quite different from a regular Event, and from Live Arena.
As part of their ongoing LLSIF 9th Anniversary Celebration Campaign, there shall be at least five (5) parts of this Setlist Event! While two of them are already finished, there are still three more to go!

For the upcoming 3rd Setlist Event (namely for µ’s and Aqours 3rd Live), it shall come out later after the patch update on April 30, 2022, and shall last until May 5, 2022, at 2:59 pm JST. Basically, there is still Part 4 and Part 5 (4th and 5th Live), as pictured from the photo above! Most probably, the next one shall come right after the upcoming First-Half Event (µ’s) on May 5 until 15, 2022!
【LoveLive! SIF】
— INORI DONZ | Inori-D Station (@InoriDONZ) January 5, 2022
<Setlist: SIF New Year’s Live! 2022>
Details are on the second photo of this Tweet! The rest shall be explained on #IDS_SIFJL S2 on Friday!#lovelive #スクフェス #LLSIF pic.twitter.com/QaBKNQ1vDb
To refresh up your minds, here are some key summary and points on how to play in the Setlist Events! And this was referenced from my First Episode of SIFJL S2!
To start a Setlist play, you just have to select a group or faction by tapping either left or right arrows on the left part of the window (First photo of the embedded Tweet).
Next, once you had decided a group, tap the “SELECT” button, and choose your difficulty course! It is available from EASY up to EXPERT difficulty (Also includes MASTER, or SPECIAL difficulties).
Then, you have to complete the series of songs given in order. In order to unlock the last songs in Encore, you should need to accumulate the required Emotion Points indicated!
Emotion Points are points that you can gain when you completed a Live Show. It can be determined on how well you landed a Total High Score! Playing on higher difficulties can more likely to give you more Emotion Points, as well as landing a very high score on it!
And also, you could use those exchange items (Can be obtained everytime a song is cleared) to draw from a lottery! You can get some items there, such as “Seasonal UR” Exchange Tickets (Any past Event URs that you have missed), as well as getting “Lottery Tickets” for the LLSIF 9th Anniversary Lottery Draw!
【LoveLive! SIF】
— INORI DONZ | Inori-D Station (@InoriDONZ) March 16, 2022
<Setlist Event>
SIF White Day Live Show 2022
Details on #IDS_SIFJL S2 this Friday.#lovelive #スクフェス #LLSIF pic.twitter.com/goA6IE51f9
And those are the details that I can give to you when playing on these Setlist Events, each and every time before any regular Events start! Any some smaller details that I had missed — It’s up to you to discover them on your own! Good luck, and try landing an AA finish to any of those Setlist Songs! Each AA Rank in a list can give you at least 15 Love Gems!
Round 31 Medley Festival (Final)

Here we are, in the final stretch of a curve! Floor it or blow it!
As we are heading towards the last hours of this Event, I am going to give out my highlights, as well as my grinding progress and summary here!
Basically, of what I have mentioned in my Medley Festival Guide before is that you must really aim for your High Score early, whenever you are still in a lower Medley Mission Level. And also, you must take some periodical rests, if in case that your eyes are getting tired, and if your fingers can’t land some Full Combo Finishes anymore on some MASTER songs (even lower difficulty songs like Thrilling One Way and Kimetayo Hand in Hand do count here, on my side). And finally, ALWAYS ENABLE your LP X 4 Usage at all times before beginning a Medley Festival session or play.
For my grinding progress, it seems that my grinding for Event Points are slightly getting weaker also, even if I have higher Cheer Points Boosts set (Notably my Code Geass UR Chika and my 9th Anniversary UR Chika). But then, I am striving to do my best to not let my Rank go down, if it happens that I lost my diligence in grinding for more Event Points.
So far, I had failed some of the Medley Missions when I am already at the peak Level 35 (I had failed at least two of them). But then, if it happens that I failed and got demoted, then that could be my chance to use my meta team in order for me to attempt to get higher score, and to place higher in the Event Score Rankings. Given only if that Medley Mission requires me to land a Combo Rank B on the total of three (3) songs in a medley (Two MASTERs and one of any difficulty), I can do this. I am just really hoping for an Encore in order to fill out the missing total combo counts that I need in order to complete that Medley Mission Level!
Basically, all of them are really detailed in my Medley Festival Guide, in which it was already given in the link above!
This Event is ending soon in 5 hours less (From the time in which this Episode was published). I am going to give my Event Report details, in which they shall be posted to my Twitter account soon once the results are released, and this Event is already finished!
And this ends my highlights to this! Tune-in next time for another edition then!
“Golden Week” UR Scouting
Ever heard of the national public holiday in Japan, called the Golden Week? Usually, it was being celebrated and observed in Japan every at the end of April and at the first week of May, every calendar year.
Golden Week, Japanese Ōgon Shūkan, also called Ōgata Renkyū, series of four holidays closely spaced together and observed at the end of April and beginning of May in Japan. The four holidays are Shōwa Day (April 29), Constitution Day (May 3), Greenery Day (May 4), and Children’s Day (May 5).
Citation source: https://www.britannica.com/topic/Golden-Week
【LoveLive! SIF】
— INORI DONZ | Inori-D Station (@InoriDONZ) April 29, 2022
So many… Colorful URs 🤔😂
Details to be revealed on tomorrow’s #IDS_SIFJL_S2 Ep 15 publishing on IDS! Look forward!#lovelive #スクフェス #LLSIF pic.twitter.com/gAnJEpwUIZ
Going back to the highlight, the game team has attacked us with some lots of “colorful” UR sets, in which not only µ’s and Aqours are just there, but the URs from Nijigasaki and Liella! are also there! This shall include the ones that appeared exclusively in some mini-Events, such as collaboration cafes and other related, from the SIFAC / SIFACHM video game counterparts, and many more.
Also, included in this limited Golden Week UR Scouting Boxes are the Liella! URs with their START! True dreams costumes, and some other mixed costume sets of Nijigasaki URs.
You can always go scout for these URs, if you can — if you still have enough Love Gems and Tickets!

And take note that these Golden Week Limited URs don’t even count towards in completing a special limited-timed goal, in which you can get 50 Love Gems if you managed to complete all of the 30 Daily Goals (Challenges) in the limited-timed 9th Anniversary Celebration Campaign Event! And did your in-game notification message (See photo above) has given to you that clarification before?

Every week, until the Nijigasaki Anime SEASON TWO is finished airing, we got some bonus items to get for our School Idols’ strengths! And Free UR Scouting Tickets!? And also, we could get to play those songs that appear in the Anime, too.
So far, what were the highlights seen in this week? Find out by reading more below!
STORY: Eggspressing Our Feelings (Final)
In the past Events, I absolutely did nothing, but Dailies. In fact, I had broken another of my Login Streak since the past weekends (First time happened during You Watanabe’s birthday, missing the Birthday Login Bonus items)! So then, it seems that my Event Grinding power in this game has greatly weakened. There is really nothing that I can do, and I am no longer playing competitively, in terms of Event Points Rankings and Voltage Scores.
But going back to the highlight and my grinding progress report, I had tried, at least, to fight on, and to get the featured Event UR reward, somehow. Yeah, and I am always prone in not totally getting that Event UR at all, due to my laziness and negligence in logging in to the game on time (Sometimes logging in to the game late at two hours before the login bonus reset time). And then, during at the last hours of the Event, I had tried to unlock and finish all of the stories, and to get some substantial amount of Event Points to get the featured Event UR reward, Shizuku.
【LoveLive! ALL STARS】
— INORI DONZ | Inori-D Station (@InoriDONZ) April 29, 2022
<STORY> Eggspressing Our Feelings
〈Event Points〉
JP: 🥉 30,684 | 140,234 pts.
GL: 🥈 7,536 | 139,156 pts.
Other summary of my progress in this Event shall be detailed on #IDS_SIFJL_S2 Ep 15 tomorrow.#lovelive #スクスタ #LLAS pic.twitter.com/5V8KjV4M9x
This Event has been finished, and I had only finished on at least Bronze Tier Ranking on my JP Side account, and Silver Tier Ranking on my Global (EN) Side account.
Basically, JP Side is just too difficult to reach and maintain higher ranks, especially due to the massive amount of players playing there. And simply having at least a thousand Skip Tickets don’t really guarantee you some Gold Tier Ranking victory.
And for some Pro-Tip below in this embedded Tweet of mine:
【LoveLive! ALL STARS】
— INORI DONZ | Inori-D Station (@InoriDONZ) April 28, 2022
<LLAS #Facts>
In the JP Side, you can get 30 additional Skip Tickets each time an Event is ending in 24 hours.
Global (EN) Side doesn’t give you any.#SIFAS #lovelive #LLAS #スクスタ pic.twitter.com/2Wb016YLIu
In the JP Side, you can get 30 additional Skip Tickets each time an Event is ending in 24 hours. Meanwhile, Global (EN) Side doesn’t give you any.
And finally, this ends my highlights and my Event grinding summary in this Event! Tune-in next week for another edition!
School Idol Channel Weekly Bulletin

REVENGE SUCCESS! Maki Nishikino finally got her deserved revenge, after her loss in the last week’s School Idol Channel Rankings!
So far, the streak of dominance has been finally broken. Can you find out if your best girl has made it to the top ten this time?
JP Side #56
1 | Maki | μ’s | 14,678 |
2 | Shizuku | Nijigasaki | 4,436 |
3 | Rina | Nijigasaki | 4,231 |
4 | Chika | Aqours | 4,030 |
5 | Kasumi | Nijigasaki | 3,744 |
6 | You | Aqours | 3,742 |
7 | Setsuna | Nijigasaki | 3,577 |
8 | Eli | μ’s | 3,546 |
9 | Hanayo | μ’s | 3,477 |
10 | Umi | μ’s | 3,459 |
Global Side #43
1 | Maki | μ’s | 15,714 |
2 | Nico | μ’s | 5,238 |
3 | Umi | μ’s | 4,467 |
4 | Kotori | μ’s | 4,245 |
5 | Setsuna | Nijigasaki | 4,155 |
6 | Kasumi | Nijigasaki | 4,117 |
7 | Rina | Nijigasaki | 3,973 |
8 | Shizuku | Nijigasaki | 3,855 |
9 | Hanayo | μ’s | 3,720 |
10 | Chika | Aqours | 3,508 |
The Global Side, this time around, wins! And they got more Average Cheer Points than in the JP Side!
Meanwhile, it is really sad that Kotori’s dominating Top 10 winning streak is over in the JP Side (finishing with a Rank 13 finish), while Setsuna still retained it! And also, the Global Side has μ’s on all of its Top 3 positions, while lacking of Aqours who made it to the Top Ten.
So far, there is no nearby School Idol yet, in which her birthday is being celebrated! If that’s the case, then you are free to choose whatever channel you like (You may, with your best girl)!
PRO-TIP: Basically, if that School Idol’s birthday is nearby, then you just have to switch on that channel (Before the ranking period) in order to get an experience of what is like being on a top with that School Idol that you have chosen! And also, the benefits of being Top One can allow you to get more Character Channel items, in which you can exchange them for Higher Memories (Memento items), and other essential upgrade items from the Exchange Shop!

Few hours passed, and in the early dawn, Takayoshi is no longer on his bed.
That time, Takayoshi is just running, as in he is just doing sprint exercise. Then, he runs towards the route to the nearby beach. He can barely see the sunrise there.
And then, Takayoshi opens his rhythm game app on his smartphone and said, “This is the right time! I will definitely get this UR!”
His two Scouting Tickets were already consumed, and he got nothing, but Rares. When he attempted to scout for that UR again using his last Scouting Ticket, a connection error has occurred.
“Oh come on. You got still a connection when I open it. But now, you had lost it! If that’s the case…”
Takayoshi tapped the “OK” button on his smartphone, and then he is starting to run towards the beach and ocean.
As the sun continues to rise, Takayoshi said, “Until I had reached for it, I will continue to keep running until the very end!”
Suddenly, a rock somewhere has tripped him, losing balance. And Takayoshi was fallen into the ground, in which he also dropped his smartphone ahead of him.
Takayoshi tries to stand up, and he barely reaches for his smartphone in which its connection is still loading. And he said,
“I have to fight until the very end!”
And then, out of nowhere, a girl with white dress, and a short, tangerine-colored hair with pointed hair strand has picked up Takayoshi’s smartphone.
“Whoa! You got my UR! Congratulations!”
Takayoshi managed to stand up with his two feet and said, “You are, Chika!”
Chika then talks to Takayoshi.
“That time when you were playing this game, you are always telling to yourself that I am like a little sister to you.”
“Did I literally say that? Okay, and I know it’s the truth. I always treat School Idols as my little sisters.”
“That’s very warm! And we were always at your side just to make you happy!”
“And now that I have this new UR of yours, I won’t be sad anymore!”
“Just continue to do your best and to work hard… Big-bro!”
“Eh…? Since when…?”
And then, Saki, Takayoshi’s mother, has arrived in the scene and said, “Takayoshi, did I already mention to you that Chika is one of your early cousins since childhood? At least, you can get to see her once again, after many years!”
“What, Mom? How did you get in here? I thought you were in the maid cafe!”
“Don’t worry. I temporarily closed down the cafe early yesterday because nobody is interested in taking the part-time shift. So then, I followed you guys here instead. Now, just play with your cousin, Takayoshi!”
“Okay, but please, make her calm, at least!”
“It’s been a while since you two are playing at each other — as cousins.”
Meanwhile, Chiharu, Lierre, Sho, and Aika are standing from the distance. And Lierre said,
“I see. So Chika is a cousin of Takayoshi in this parallel world. But in reality, Chika doesn’t have anything in the other parallel world. In fact, another history is becoming a mystery itself.”

You got multiple School Idol Groups that you follow at the same time. Are you still willing to watch their live performance, even though that their schedule is almost near or same as with the other? You can rather pick up that one live performance of theirs over the other, not only because it has conflicts with your schedules. Or let’s say… You loved this group rather than this other group, perhaps?
Next time on School Idol Festival Journal Log SEASON TWO, “A Boring Live Performance”.
Now, let’s make our dreams come true together!
The Bonus Stage
The girls of Nijigasaki are back in this second season! Shioriko Mifune, Mia Taylor, and Lanzhu Zhong are now added to the stable!
Once again, these girls are seeing each other — sometimes as friends or rivals everyday.
They all have one, common dreams! And that is, somebody like Yu Takasaki, can support these twelve girls in making their dreams come true!
And once more, they are chasing for their dreams, along with their new friends and rivals at their side!
So then, they wanted to have an Event once more, in order to put these girls, whether friends or rivals, together! This Event is called as the “School Idol Festival”.
However, the different concurring activities in school can make themselves having a hard time organizing this come-together Event. Can Yu be able to put these girls together, and make their dreams come true? This is the story of Yu Takasaki and the twelve School Idols, in their quest for unity and with their rainbow-colored friendship adventures!
LoveLive! Nijigasaki High School Idol Club SEASON TWO!
Starts airing and streaming on April 2, 2022!
For overseas simulcast, check with your local Anime licensors per region for the time and availability in your area!
Also, LLSIF and ALL STARS in-game celebration campaigns now going on!
Official website: