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Includes the Upcoming Podcast

Retrieved on August 5, 2021 via LoveLive! Sunshine!! Official Website – It has been reported by the LoveLive! Sunshine!! team that the appearance of Kanako Takatsuki (Hanamaru Kunikida VA) shall be cancelled in the upcoming sub-unit live, which shall be held on August 14-15, 2021, next week. This has been decided when Kanako has been diagnosed with adjustment disorder.

Also, in line with this, her appearance on the upcoming web radio live (podcast) shall also be cancelled.

This is actually not the first time that happened to her. Her cancellation of appearance has been occurred during the Aqours WHITE ISLAND live, which was done at the end of December 2020.

For the upcoming unit live of AZALEA, entitled, “AZALEA 1st LoveLive! – In the Dark ~Himitsu no Story~”, her appearance shall be cancelled. Meanwhile, the VAs of Dia Kurosawa and Kanan Matsuura shall still perform. The people were also given the option to refund, as advised by the LoveLive! Sunshine!! team.

The AZALEA 1st LoveLive! – In the Dark ~Himitsu no Story~ shall be held on Xebio Arena Sendai, in Miyagi, Japan, this coming August 14-15, 2021.

Via LoveLive! Sunshine!! Official Website

Inori Donz

Inori Donz is a blogger, video gamer, Anime enthusiast, bicycle rider, and Anime figure photographer. His favorite area of concentration is 'LoveLive! Series', where he plays its featured smartphone video games, as well as watching its Anime series counterparts. "I like Anime, toys and figures, and mostly, I like playing free-to-play video games. Definitely not your usual commoner you see everyday in the streets." He started his blogging journey since December 2013, with a free WordPress blog, named 'IemDonz Blog'. That free blog contains most of his Anime figure photography works, as well as some of his opinions and experiences in the Anime world.