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Celebrating in a 2D Way.

We all see our favorite Anime characters in action. We adore and idolize them. But do these ‘fictional’ 2D drawings have a sort of celebration to themselves — birthdays?

Some fictional Anime characters do have birthdays in their profile. Basically, it is up to the creators of the Anime characters that they have created to put them a date of birth in their profile or bio. Well, when their birthdays are indicated, it is up to them, people, on how they will greet them and celebrate.

But then, as of present, fictional Anime character celebrations are now a thing in the Anime World, especially in Japan. It has finally become not only a trend, but a tradition, to some. They were usually associated with hashtags, usually in Japanese kanji lettering, followed by the year.

This will apply not only to just fictional Anime characters in different genre, but it will also apply to other genre, namely both the 2D and 3D idol worlds.

I am going to show to you some examples via Tweets made by other people, and me.

And here’s what I did last August 1, in relation to the last Tweet above.

There are still more examples, such as celebrating with the Cosplayers wearing different costumes of that celebrant character surrounded with figures, plushies, and other merchandise. Yep, there are a lots of ways on how to celebrate the birthday of your favorite fictional Anime character!

Claudine Saijo from Revue Starlight Re LIVE celebrates her birthday on August 1st. Incentive login bonuses, as well as item freebies, are given out to players who logged in at the date when the birthday is celebrated.

In some video games and/or smartphone online games, when a character is celebrating his/her birthday, a player can receive some item freebies, or like incentive login bonuses. Also, special messages, as well as side stories, can be read along.

LoveLive! SIF: A Birthday Limited Box Scouting of Kotori Minami during her birthday on September 12. You can draw her exclusive Birthday Limited UR by scouting! Of course, you must need a certain amount of Love Gems and Tickets in order to win her Birthday UR!

As mentioned, there are many ways on how you can celebrate the birthday of your favorite fictional Anime character. It can be in a form of ‘shrine’ platform, a fan art, or even a little photography of Cosplay or action figure portraying the celebrant character. What style do you want to do to celebrate your favorite fictional Anime character’s birthday? The way on how you celebrate is all up to you.

Does fictional Anime character birthday celebrations now a thing?

Not really. But if you are a Twitter user and you look up to the Japan trend hashtags, then it can be a thing.

For me, I do not know the history or origin on how this traditional thing has started. I believe that it has begun a long time ago, ever since when I was a kid… perhaps?

I am truly aware that the celebration of birthdays of these people, who don’t even exist in reality, are now a thing to do in the Anime World. It can be embarrassing to some, for me. But then, I just tried and make experience of what really it is like. It is just like talking to a wall, but no. I can feel that I am not alone after all. Since I celebrate, it is just me and the Anime character itself. Actually, I am feeling good at that part, since it has relieved my stress and anxiety. I just took photos and then I post them to my respective SNS accounts.

I had already given myself a try, recently — doing my first-ever fictional Anime character birthday mini-celebration. My friends in the circle has already given themselves a try, and then I tried, also.

Who’s your favorite fictional Anime character and when is his/her birthday?

Inori Donz

Inori Donz is a blogger, video gamer, Anime enthusiast, bicycle rider, and Anime figure photographer. His favorite area of concentration is 'LoveLive! Series', where he plays its featured smartphone video games, as well as watching its Anime series counterparts. "I like Anime, toys and figures, and mostly, I like playing free-to-play video games. Definitely not your usual commoner you see everyday in the streets." He started his blogging journey since December 2013, with a free WordPress blog, named 'IemDonz Blog'. That free blog contains most of his Anime figure photography works, as well as some of his opinions and experiences in the Anime world.