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Where to go when Ragnarok PC PH is gone?

Cover photo used is my old screenshot from the game, Ragnarok Online, since 2005 (First Ragnarok PH Server existed before Ragnarok Online MSP).

As for the Ragnarok Online MSP (PH Server) is coming soon into a close for the second time this late November, Ragnarok fans in PH are wondering on where they could go next when this server closes. A lot of good online video games have ever existed on either PC or smartphone devices, which caused not only the game to close its doors, but its contract with the game developer has already expired.

So then, Filipino Ragnarok fans are just finding ways on how they could eliminate their boredom. And that is, they could play on some few, unknown, and lesser-populated Ragnarok Online private servers.

I had searched on the Internet for some lesser-known, yet interesting private servers of Ragnarok Online to play or hang out with. I am going to list down at least five (5) of them. Here it goes!

1. Aeon Ragnarok Online (AeonRO) (Link)
EXP (Base/Job/Quest): 30/30/1
Item Drop Rate (Normal/Equip/Card/MVP): 15/20/20/1

The reviews are positive, according to some feedbacks by players who play in this private server. Currently, the average players is at least 100. Other features of this private server include lottery, Guild vs Guild (GVG), VIP system, and it features other commands, such as autoloot (A command that automatically loots items upon defeating any monsters).

2. Ragnarok Travels (Link)
EXP (Base/Job/Quest): 1/1/1
Item Drop Rate (Normal/Equip/Card/MVP): 1/1/1/1

This Ragnarok Online private server has some features which can almost match the official PH server of Ragnarok. Basically, what you can see above uses the default rate setting for the server. Everything is only times one, which means it’s all-original solo-level grinding. This private server doesn’t allow any sort of emulation, such as dual or multi-clienting (running the game twice or more within one PC). Also, this private server is running with at least 100 players total online.

3. OathRO (Link)
EXP (Base/Job/Quest): Default x 1
Item Drop Rate (Normal/Equip/Card/MVP): Default x 1

OathRO is a another low-rate private server which can match almost a regular official server. Except, it goes on its pre-renewal classic job classes. This private server is more focused on its gameplay system, which includes the balances of certain skills, and other aspects, like item drops. And this server is running with at least about 60 people online.

For this one, it doesn’t feature some Cash Shops (which requires real money or cryptocurrency). But instead, the owner of this private server has invested a lot of money capital, which covers the hosting, game maintenance, and others like graphics and the crew who were behind in running this private server.

4. Dreamer RO (Link)
EXP (Base/Job/Quest): 8,000/8,000/3,000
Item Drop Rate (Normal/Equip/Card/MVP): 3,000/10,000/1,000/10,000(Equip) & 300 (Card)

Do you want something what we call imbalance? Imbalance, in the sense that everything you throw against is totally unfair? If you want some unfair play and other dirty gaming experience, then this private server is just for you (For the toxic gamers out there lol).

It features at least 500 players online playing every day, whether they are stationary (vending mode), or even playing non-stop (leaving it open while AFK). Somehow, the other features of it can allow you to reset your character stats (We call it changing your character build) and skills, as well as the other commands that can allow you to warp from place to place! And then, you can always collect and acquire certain powerful items and equipment with ease, without spending any cents of your money (Like it says, No Pay to Win)!

And to mention, it is one of the longest-running private servers of Ragnarok Online, since year 2009!

5. NYRO (Link)
EXP (Base/Job/Quest): 50,000/50,000/25,000
Item Drop Rate (Normal/Equip/Card/MVP): 5,000/5,000/2,000/1,000

One of the known private servers ever existed, and also one of the longest-running since September 2013. It is somehow one of the private servers which is known to some Filipino Ragnarok fans.

Like DreamerRO, NYRO is also a high-rate private server. It also features that you can actually reach your character’s level beyond Level 99 (500 is currently the max level). Also, it features some third-party contents (some undocumented and unauthorized collaborations) in which it was present in this private server. And finally, you can acquire some end-game items and equipment easily, in which it was similar to other high-rate private servers like DreamerRO.

But then, according to some reviews, there is an occasion that your game client will crash because of many skills and items that can easy lag your screen. If in case that occurs, especially on your low-spec PC, you can always set your graphics settings and effects to minimal or very low.


Those five (5) above are just examples, but they were somehow relevant and popular!

But then, there are still more existing private servers of Ragnarok Online out there! Apparently, some of them are closed down, but there are some that are newly created recently! There are other features that each of these private servers has, such as that one private server can be run either on desktop PC or even on an Android smartphones or devices. Sometimes, there are some that runs on a web browser!

Not only that, but there are other private servers of Ragnarok Online that can utilize the blockchain technology, in which it involves cryptocurrencies, like Bitcoin or Ethereum!

Those were some of the features to be encountered in some RO private servers that I had recently encountered! You might as well encounter them while you are browsing your SNS account’s newsfeed!

If you want more Ragnarok Online private server discovery, then the website, RateMyServer, can allow you to explore more!


Basically, these Ragnarok Online private servers are already existent since a long time ago, ever since Ragnarok Online MSP (and the early Ragnarok PH in 2003). But then, their purpose is really to test something that you can do in the private server, and to be used soon on the actual official servers.

Related post: Private Game Servers

And then, these existing Ragnarok Online private servers are unofficial, nor under the operation of Gravity Corp. anymore. And then, people or players should exercise caution when registering to these private servers, and they should not give out sensitive information, such as their credit card number or home address.

Inori Donz

Inori Donz is a blogger, video gamer, Anime enthusiast, bicycle rider, and Anime figure photographer. His favorite area of concentration is 'LoveLive! Series', where he plays its featured smartphone video games, as well as watching its Anime series counterparts. "I like Anime, toys and figures, and mostly, I like playing free-to-play video games. Definitely not your usual commoner you see everyday in the streets." He started his blogging journey since December 2013, with a free WordPress blog, named 'IemDonz Blog'. That free blog contains most of his Anime figure photography works, as well as some of his opinions and experiences in the Anime world.