EPISODE 12: Tears of Sadness
Greetings, reader. I am Lierre, the School Idol Oracle.
In my Digitariel, it contains the adventures of the Idol Chasers, and a School Idol who is in her way to stardom, named as Chiharu Umiboshi.
So then, we just need to continue on what we had left off from the previous couple of Episodes, namely Episodes 3 and 4.
Takayoshi finally found out his true name, thanks to my telepath ability. His name is Teron, and he came from the fallen Planet Crims. That time, he was an infant, and he escaped together with his big sister, named as Thara. However, they got separated upon their dimension travel via a portal.
And so, from an Interdimensional Warp, Teron did really land into the Human World, and was finally found by Saki. She then adopted him, and he was finally named as Takayoshi Kitagawa.
And then, fate did really happen when Thara was able to find Takayoshi among with a group of friends, called as the Idol Chasers.
“Can you even help us in finding our missing parents?” asked Thara.
“Of course! We can definitely help you!” replied Chiharu.
Finally, an another mission for the Idol Chasers has just begun.
“What I can say is that… They were trapped inside a realm.” I said in a conversation.
My dear people. This is where our current story shall continue!

Lierre has went to the laboratory within the Shinonome Academy campus. In there, she meets with Rika Kamiya.
“Let’s see what I can do,” said Rika. “We are going to slightly modify your Digitariel.”
“Thanks,” replied Lierre to her. “I basically know that my Digitariel can do a lot of things, but there are sometimes limitations when I use them.”
“Lierre, let me ask you something. Where did you find this kind of digital tablet?”
“I actually find it somewhere… And it was given to me by the person whom I don’t really know in my own memory.”
“You are a School Idol Oracle, right? Definitely, you know something about this Digitariel.”
“When I tried browsing it, I can’t really find that first page, in which I can’t seem to understand where and who’s the person who gave it to me.”
“Really a mystery, huh? It seems I can’t do anything about it.”
“Well, I just really need to find out on who really I am, and where did I came from.”
“An amnesiac oracle, huh? Definitely, you can’t just forget things, since you are writing in this Digitariel digital tablet book.”
“Yeah, but there are instances that some of them might be unrecognizable for me to understand…”
“Well, enough talk. We are going to modify your Digitariel. This would take at least about 15 minutes.”
“Thank you for your help.”
“You’re welcome. I do really study about time and space, since they are related to science, after all.”
Meanwhile, Honoka is talking with the four girls, Chiharu, Aika, Komari, and Mami.
“Everyone!” said Honoka. “You are the Idol Stars League! That’s the School Idol group name that you had decided. Right, Chiharu?”
“Yes, Honoka!” said Chiharu. “We are the Idol Stars League!”
“Looks like a group name of an E-sports gaming team…” said Aika. “Still interesting as a School Idol group name, though!”
“And then, it seems that Honoka had already registered our group to the upcoming LoveLive! contest this season!” said Komari.
“For this time on,” said Mami. “We just need to train and practice hard!”
“Everyone! I will be your primary coach! Saki is just always around if in case I am absent.”
“Let’s do our best, in behalf of the Idol Chasers, Idol Stars League!”
On the other hand, Takayoshi, Sho, and Gen are talking together.
“Oh man,” said Sho. “It looks like the game is ready to shutdown next week!”
“Well, the staff has really thanked its players for loving and supporting the game for many years,” said Gen.
“Although it’s closing, I have my fruitful memories with it, though,” said Takayoshi. “I am going to remember the SIF rhythm game.”
As Sho is browsing some news feed, he is surprised about it. And he said, “Really? No way! They had announced a sequel to the game! It is also a rhythm game, which is a sequel to the previous one!”
Takayoshi and Gen were surprised about it.
Back at the Shinonome lab, Lierre has finally received her Digitariel, which was modified by Rika.
“This is the only thing that I can do, for now,” said Rika to her.
“That’s okay,” said Lierre. “You had done already your part, and thank you.”
“No problem. But the thing is, you can only transport at least two people to that unknown realm.”
“Only two people?”
“Yeah, though it can consume much of your energy by just using it to double-shift in the dimensions.”
“So, how do this double-Dimension Shift work?”
“It requires at least two Dimension Shifts simultaneously to open the doors to unknown realm. But I don’t exactly know on how much, and how long should it take to open and to transport at least two people to that realm.”
“Thank you.”
“But then, a word of advice. Once you had transported the two people to that unknown realm, there is no chance for them to get back here. Unless, if they really find some sort of door or portal in that realm, in which it can allow them to get back here in our present Earth.”
“Thank you for the warning, Rika. I have to go.”
And so, Lierre has went back to the Idol Chasers HQ.
Meanwhile, Saki and Thara are talking.
“If you are going to take my dear Takayoshi with you, I will be missing him.”
“Don’t worry. Because I had really came here from far away just in order to find my little brother.”
“But then, this is reality. I just need to accept the fact that my dear Takayoshi’s real parents are still alive.”
“And we just need to get to that dimension in order to find that unknown realm, and find them!”
Lierre has finally came back to the HQ and said, “I am finally back! I had successfully had my Digitariel modified.”

LIERRE: The story of the School Idols are heading into a different direction now.
AIKA: What did you mean “heading into a different direction”?
SAKI: Speaking of the Headlines, there are so much things for us to expect soon in the LoveLive! Series.
MAMI: Yohane the Parhelion is premiering tomorrow! I mean, it shall be getting a one week release ahead from the actual TV premiere!
ALL: This is the Headlines! Stage Start!
Aqours Updates
TODAY: Aqours Urajo JMA feat. YYY (8OJ)
LIERRE: It’s the last part of their Urajo (Uranohoshi Radio) JMA Series!
MAMI: And then, there is only one day for them to perform!
LIERRE: It shall be held on J:COM Hall Hachioji, in Tokyo! And make sure that you could watch them live for the last time today! And there are at least two (2) timeslots for you to watch, the 3:30pm and 7:00pm JST timeslots!
MAMI: I am gonna watch them live, to see what happens!
Nijigasaki Updates
Thank You LLAS! Nijigasaki Livestream
MAMI: In this Nijigasaki Livestream, they are going to celebrate Karin Asaka’s birthday!
AIKA: Seemingly, they might be talking about the highlights that happened during the recently-concluded SIFSK2023 Event (Just after this Episode)! And also… The NIJITABI! Fan Meet Tour Series!
MAMI: And finally… It’s the LLAS game’s last scream!
AIKA: This livestream shall be hosted by Kaori Maeda (Shizuku), Miyu Kubota (Karin), and Shu Uchida (Mia). Tune-in on June 29th to get latest info about them, which also includes their upcoming live events, merch, and other exciting content updates!
Karin Asaka’s Birthday

LIERRE: Of course! The sweet ending for LLAS won’t be as happy and complete without celebrating Karin Asaka’s birthday on June 29th, on the next Episode!
AIKA: Speaking of Asakarin… She got a nice body figure here! But then, it really makes me wonder on who really she is.
LIERRE: (Looks and searching via Digitariel) She is really a nobody, isn’t it? Her family background is really missing on the spot.
AIKA: Anyway, we shall be delivering our birthday messages to her on the next Episode!
LIERRE: Well, just let me have some time when I could be able to get some sufficient data profile for Karin Asaka. And I might include that also on the next Episode!
Liella! Updates
The Liella! 4th LoveLive! Tour Series
LIERRE: As teased from the previous Episode in the Headlines, we shall be giving out some little details about the Team Liella!’s upcoming 4th LoveLive! Tour Series in August and September.
SAKI: It was subtitled as brand new Sparkle! It shall be occurring on at least three (3) venues across Japan! Therefore, it shall be occurring, in order, at Chiba, Aichi, and Tokyo!
AIKA: This time, their 4th LoveLive! Tour is somehow sub-unit-themed, one for each venue!
MAMI: KALEIDOSCORE shall be at Chiba on August 19-20, 2023, CatChu! shall be at Aichi on August 26-27, 2023, and 5yncri5e! shall be taking the last venue at Tokyo, on September 9-10, 2023!
LIERRE: But then, those are only sub-units. Who knows that there would be a fourth venue?
SAKI: Whatever it is, you guys should be watching their live show series. Since this can be a road leading to their most-awaited TV Anime 3rd Season!
AIKA: Yep. And overseas paid live streaming shall be up soon enough once this Event is coming in a hunch.
MAMI: Song for you, song for me… Song for ALL! That’s their catchphrase!
Other Updates
LoveLive! On Anime Expo 2023
LIERRE: Got some questions that you can ask from the LoveLive! Series team? Then, you may do so by going to the link given in the embedded Tweet above!
SAKI: As usual, it is powered by Google Forms! Input your questions for them to answer during their Meet-and-Greet appearance on Anime Expo 2023 this coming July 1st!
LIERRE: Deadline of your submissions are until June 26th! US Pacific Time!
SAKI: Should I write? But I don’t know what question should I ask them!

SHO: It’s here! I can finally see Yohane-sama on TV!
TAKAYOSHI: Calm down, Sho. You can be like a bomb who is ready to explode.
GEN: And then, the SIF Series Thanksgiving 2023 event is now on! Make sure to keep your heads up to their latest info!
TAKAYOSHI: Speaking of the games, what are the things encountered in this week? And finally, it’s the LLAS game’s final farewell!
ALL: S.I.F. !!
School Idol Festival
The Memories of LLSIF – Mini-Episode 11
In the previous Episode, we talked about Live Arena. That was my favorite Event to play along when there is no active Event yet that is occurring.
Mini-Episode 11: Rhythmic Carnival

In Rhythmic Carnival, you will have to play with some players along you. Each Rhythmic Carnival play requires you to play with at least 100 people at the same time.
There are at least two ways in order to play in this game mode. It is either you can compete with your scores against with the other players, or even clearing a mission by landing a required group score given! Of course, you could try to be both!

Rhythmic Carnival requires you also to have a strong Internet connection, irregardless if you are on a Wi-Fi or on your cellular data. Otherwise, if your connection is unstable during the play, you will be disconnected in no time. And then, your live show play in RC mode will still continue, even if your stamina reaches 0.
Playing in RC is really optional. However, you could get some exclusive items, where you will exchange your Rhythmic Carnival Points in the Points Exchange Shop! To gain these points, you will just need to play on the Rhythmic Carnival a lot of times, during the weekends! And some exclusive items, like the Party UR Medals, and other supportive items, are awaiting for you.
TAKAYOSHI: Also, you can play the Rhythmic Carnival in a Private mode! You will just need to host a room, while sharing your room number to the people whom you invited to play along with you!
GEN: Does it really require you to play with at least 100 people? Not really.
SHO: And then, your current team’s composition will affect the stats of other players, including you! These are really essential in clearing the song’s group score objective.
TAKAYOSHI: And sometimes, a random EXP multiplier appears in between the periods, during its run in the weekends! You should have taken this opportunity in order to raise your Player Rank!
GEN: So then, that’s it for the Rhythmic Carnival.
SHO: We have totally left so much memories there…
TAKAYOSHI: Yeah. We are going to miss totally LLSIF. I guess that we have wrapped up everything in this wonderful game that lasted for at least 10 years.
And now, LLSIF has finally ended its gaming service since last March 31, 2023. But then, adventures in the School Idol Universe shall continue in the SIF2!
We thought it is really over. But then, the world of School Idols are yet full of mysteries, in which more questions are appearing than answers.
Final Mini-Episode. “The Live Show Must Go On“.
Look forward into it for the last time!
School Idol Festival 2: MIRACLE LIVE!
Aqours Multi Live

TAKAYOSHI: Lasting up until June 28th is the Multi Live Event! Make sure to play in this Event harder in order to get the new UR Ruby as an Event Reward!
SHO: And also, you have to scout the new UR members from the new Scouting Banner! If you know what I mean!
GEN: It seems that you have to put those Event URs in your current team in order to boost your current score right after every live show play! I got that info from a fellow player who has said it.
TAKAYOSHI: If that’s the case… I just need to put my newly-acquired UR Dia! I will put her in my current team in order to increase my score by at least 10%!
SHO: This should also work on Event UR Ruby.
GEN: The Event songs to be used in this Event are mostly Aqours songs of Smile Attribute. You just need to form a team consisting of only Smile Attribute members! A plus when the team is all-Aqours!
TAKAYOSHI: So guys… I will be creating a Private Room in the game. Wanna play?
SHO: Sure! I am in, Taka-Bro! Let’s play!
GEN: Prepare yourself, champion! Stage Start!
ALL: S.I.F. !!
Channel Weekly Bulletin

JP #116
1 | Mari | Aqours | 76,695 |
2 | Ayumu | Nijigasaki | 35,733 |
3 | Eli | μ’s | 31,525 |
4 | Nozomi | μ’s | 30,062 |
5 | Dia | Aqours | 25,713 |
6 | Setsuna | Nijigasaki | 24,572 |
7 | You | Aqours | 24,217 |
8 | Shizuku | Nijigasaki | 24,198 |
9 | Kotori | μ’s | 23,803 |
10 | Hanamaru | Aqours | 23,559 |
GL/EN #103
1 | Nozomi | μ’s | 31,457 |
2 | Mari | Aqours | 30,553 |
3 | Hanayo | μ’s | 28,310 |
4 | Umi | μ’s | 20,240 |
5 | Setsuna | Nijigasaki | 14,187 |
6 | Hanamaru | Aqours | 13,366 |
7 | Ayumu | Nijigasaki | 12,863 |
8 | Kotori | μ’s | 12,512 |
9 | Shioriko | Nijigasaki | 11,227 |
10 | Emma | Nijigasaki | 10,106 |
Let’s have the Idol Chasers to comment on the results above!
GEN: No wonder that Mari lost in the EN side is because the other “whale” players have quitted playing.
SHO: So then, maybe the next Channel Weekly Bulletin to be issued in the next Episode would be the last! I repeat… The next one shall be the LAST!!
TAKAYOSHI: Since the next one shall be the final, and the game is closing next week, then the last one shall be the fight for your best girl in LoveLive!
GEN: So then, try switching to your best girl, as well as fighting for your overall rankings in her channel!
SHO: Right now, I shall be switching with Yohane now! Let’s do this, guys!
TAKAYOSHI: The next ranking bulletin is the last one! See you and look forward into it!

And then, Lierre has talked about them the details on how they could able to reach that unknown realm within the Interdimensional Space.
“I see,” said Chiharu with a sad expression. “So only two people are able to get into that unknown realm.”
“In other words,” said Saki to them, “Only Takayoshi and Thara shall be going there.”
It seems that Takayoshi is full of will and determined with his eyes. And he said, “Guys, I will go. It is because, I am Teron, after all.”
Everybody were surprised. It seems that some of them are really missing Takayoshi, a lot.
“I won’t stop you anymore my dear,” said Saki to him. “It is because, it is your destiny to finally find and meet your true parents!”
“Go now, Senpai!” said Aika, and she is crying with tears. “We know that we will be missing you a lot! Who knows that you might come back again?”
“Go for it, Taka-Bro!” said Sho. “You had already become a champion, and you had reached for your dreams already! And we will be missing you a lot!”
“Well, we might be losing you,” said Komari. “But your spirit shall be with us along!”
“Come on, Takayoshi!” said Gen. “Your fate awaits you at the other side of the stars.”
“Takayoshi,” said Mami to him. “Are you going to come back again, right?”
“Hey, Takayoshi!” said Honoka to him. “Just always fight! School Idols are like your little sisters, from now on, okay? Just leave the rest to us!”
“Takayoshi…” said Chiharu and she hugs him and cries. “We will be missing you a lot! Just come back, if you can able to come back!”
Takayoshi sees everyone crying at him. And then, he finally speaks out.
“My true name is Teron. Don’t worry, guys. If I could be able to find my way out, I will surely return! I will return along with Thara and with my mother and father! Definitely!”
“It is now time,” said Thara. “Let’s go now, my little brother.”
Lierre uses her Digitariel, and performed her Dimension Shift ability. The portal to the Interdimensional Space opens. Not only that, it was doubled, and finally opened the door leading to the unknown realm.
As this process is done, Lierre is losing some of her energy. She then said, “Takayoshi… No, Teron… You must go now along with Thara. We shall be missing you. We shall be seeing each other… Someday. Hurry, I am losing my life force energy if I keep holding it for long!”
“Thank you,” said Takayoshi. “Everyone, thank you for everything. We shall be seeing each other next time around! So long!”
Finally, Takayoshi (Teron) and Thara finally took the portal gate and they were finally transported. When they are gone, the portal has closed, thus ending the Dimension Shift process.
“Takayoshi…” said Chiharu. “Goodbye. We shall be seeing each other… Someday!”
Saki was also crying in tears, knowing that her pseudo-son has finally left her and the Idol Chasers behind.
“Transport… complete.” Those are the last words of Lierre, before she finally collapsed, falling to the floor unconscious.
“Lierre! Lierre!!” said Chiharu on the fainted Lierre.
“It looks like the Digitariel had drained drastically her life force in order to use that ability!” said Komari.
“She just needs some rest,” said Saki. “It looks like she did already her part.”
Sho and Aika carried Lierre up to the bed where Takayoshi is sleeping. And then, they finally left her.
Hours have passed, and it was peaceful at Takayoshi’s bedroom, where Lierre is sleeping tight. And some few seconds later, Lierre finally opened her eyes. However the color of her eyes is different. From her usual green eyes, it was colored red instead.
And then, she said, “Let me take over your place, for the meantime, while you are resting, okay?”

Takayoshi is gone, and has left the Idol Chasers.
All seems lost, but then, they must need to fight on! Their battle with the Black Lace Ribbons is just beginning. However, there is something strange!
Inverse Lierre has awakened! And not only that, when they come out from the maid cafe…
Next time on SIF Journal Log 3rd Season, “Dimension Shift“.
Catch your dreams, and aim for victory!
The Bonus Stage
Yohane is just a loner, and was moved into a town that she ain’t used into.
What could be her thing to do in order to create a world where music do really even exist?
Yohane the Parhelion: Sunshine in the Mirror
Premiering on ABEMA TV on June 25, 2023, a week earlier before TV broadcast!
To be followed on July 2, 2023, on Japan TV related networks!
Follow your local Anime licensors for more info about release and schedule!