EPISODE 04: The New Me
In my Digitariel, it contains the stories of this group, called the Idol Chasers. They are a group of people who are loving and following these lovely School Idols. They are grouped together because their common interests in School Idols are mutual.
Takayoshi finally saw his own dreams while he slept during the night. And he found out that he actually came from the fallen Planet Crims, where his true parents are there, including his big sister, named as Thara. Takayoshi Kitagawa’s true name was found to be as “Teron”.
But what makes some people to know more about School Idols, and what makes them together as a group who loves and follows them? And now that Takayoshi finally found his own missing piece of his own memories, what could be his own resolution?
And this is Lierre, who is narratively speaking to you, reader. Now, let’s get to read this Episode, shall we?

“Tell me! Are mother and father still alive?” asked Takayoshi to Thara.
“I can’t really tell it if they are still alive…” replied Thara to him. “That time, we escaped from our home planet via a machine teleporter.”
“But then, where are you that time when we got separated?”
“I actually went to that place… That place is where a group of girls who were singing and dancing eternally on the fields.”
“Group of girls… Singing and dancing… What is that place?”
“I don’t remember. And then, when they had seen me, they captured me, and was thrown into an endless empty space.”
“But why? They had captured and thrown you away. And who are those group of girls who did that to you?”
“I don’t know who they are. But it seems that I had trespassed their own world, they said.”
“I see. But then, how did you finally get into this human world?”
“When I was stuck in the endless space, I had waited for several years to get a chance to get out, and I am almost dying. But then, I saw a crack on somewhere in the blank space. Until, I had finally get a chance to break out on it, and I was able to get out. Finally, this is where I had found this human world.”
Lierre finally breaks in to the conversation and said, “I see now. Those group of girls who had thrown you into the Interdimensional Space; they are known as the Eidonians.”
“Who are those Eidonians?” asked Thara.
“Eidonians are a group of female beings that existed in the Planet Eidos. Since that planet is only girls and women, any other being than them shall never be allowed on that planet. And whosoever gets caught by them shall be thrown into the endless space, called as the Interdimensional Space.”
“Only girls and women like me are allowed on that Planet Eidos. But for my case, why am I still being caught and thrown out?”
“I forgot to mention it earlier. Even if you are a female being, but you are not an Eidonian, then you are still thrown out to the Interdimensional Space.”
“I understand now.”
“And to add up to the last detail, Planet Eidos is known for the home world of the Lovely Goddesses — notably because they only sing and dance endlessly. That’s right, and they are like School Idols, isn’t it?”
And so, Takayoshi and Saki add up to the talk.
“Eidonians… Planet Eidos… They are so lucky because their home world is so peaceful.”
“I wondered on what could an Eidonian be looked like?”
And so, it really came into the point that Thara is wanting to have Takayoshi, or Teron, to go with her.
But then, Takayoshi said, “I really wanted to go back where I came from. But then, this is already my home.”
“But why, Teron?” asked Thara. “I had already found you. Now, it is really time for us to go.”
“Really have to. But our home planet is already destroyed, and we can’t figure out on where our parents are.”
“I see… I guess I have no other choice.”
And so, something comes into Thara’s mind, causing her to do something. And that is, she said, “Teron! Let’s settle this on a fist duel!”
“Eh?” said the surprised Takayoshi. “Am I going to fight you, my big sis?”
“If you win, you stay here. But if not, you are going along with me, Teron!”
Takayoshi was left with no other choice, and said to her, “Alright, let’s settle this.”
Suddenly, Chiharu opened the door, and she already saw the two that are about to fight. When she was surprised, she said to them, “Wait! Stop! Don’t start a fight because of a simple argument!”
Everybody in the room got surprised because of Chiharu.
“Violence is not an answer! You cannot just settle something by just clashing your fists, and it is not good after all! What else can you get by just punching at each other!?”
It seems that everybody has finally heard it.

LIERRE: At a first glance, we got some info about the new members of Liella!
SAKI: It seems that they were so cool, cute, yet fierce and terrifying. Will they ever surpass their senpais this time?
AIKA: I want to know them better! Let’s find them out later in that later part!
MAMI: And what else does the Headlines have to tell about?
ALL: This is the Headlines! Please read some news and updates about LoveLive! Series!
Nijigasaki Updates
Next Time on NIJITABI! Fanmeet Tour Series

Now that you had seen Coco Hayashi as Setsuna Yuki in action last weekend! But then, did her scream finally reach her fans?
So then, the next NIJITABI! Event shall take place at LINE CUBE SHIBUYA, in Tokyo, Japan, this coming May 6-7, 2023, at weekends! So, are you ready for the next round with the Nijigasaki Girls? Of course, the hosts, other than Coco Hayashi as Setsuna, are now different from the previous one!
And remember that there is also a paid live streaming and viewing available for fans outside of Japan!
SAKI: Still having a hard time on how to watch their live events?
AIKA: Yeah… I just wanted to watch one…
SAKI: Then, how about I treat you for a paid live streaming for one day? On Day 2? Will you accept?
AIKA: !!!
SAKI: Just promise that you work harder on our maid cafe, and always don’t forget to show up your appeal to everybody.
AIKA: Thank you, Saki… Um, Manager!
SAKI: It’s really normal for young girls like you to cry when you are happy or sad. Just remember to keep up your good work!
AIKA: I will do my best… For my Senpai School Idols!
Liella! Updates
New-Gen Members Revealed!
And here it is… the moment that we are waiting for!
Since yesterday, LoveLive! Series has revealed at least two (2) new members who would join Kanon Shibuya and her girls in the Liella! members stable. So then, who are those two? Probably, one is a formidable rival from the Anime SEASON TWO, and the other one is somebody who was never seen before.
Let’s introduce them! And they are…

LIERRE: Let’s talk about the first one!
SAKI: Wien Margarete! The School Idol who is a Cold-Hearted International Student from Austria! Quite weird for a title of a character like her, isn’t it? But that should do, and sorry for that.
LIERRE: Wien Margarete initially appeared as a formidable rival of Team Liella! in the Anime’s SEASON TWO. She tried entering a prestigious school for a music course. However, she did not succeed after failing her entrance exam.
SAKI: And after that, she went to Japan, and she joined the LoveLive! Contest as a School Idol, and she tried proving herself that music is the only way to convey her feelings.
LIERRE: Despite that she is only alone as a School Idol, she can even surpass the likes of any popular School Idol Groups — with just only her dark appeal.
SAKI: She may be looked like my worthy rival, Mikako Kira.
LIERRE: But then, this is quite different. A once formidable rival of Kanon Shibuya… Will she finally make her face turn to the bright side of the School Idol Universe?
SAKI: I think so. I hope that my rival should realize her wrongdoings against with these young School Idols.
AIKA: Ehem… Let’s talk about the next character!
MAMI: Tomari Onitsuka! I don’t know what to call her by title… The School Idol who is a Cool-Type Onitsuka Imouto!
AIKA: Tomari is Natsumi Onitsuka’s little sister, who is also an enrollee to the Yuigaoka Girls’ High School.
MAMI: Judging from her appearance… She may be looked cool and innocent. But then, will she be the opposite polarity from her Big-Sis?
AIKA: Oninatsumi can be loudy and bubbly, as seen from the Anime SEASON TWO. Oh… I had finally created a nick for Natsumi!
MAMI: How about for Tomari? Have you thought of a nickname?
AIKA: Umm…. Not yet, so far. But I might be thinking of that when I watched her on the Anime, soon!
MAMI: And to note… Their upcoming third season is on the way.
And now, let’s have the final thoughts from the female Idol Chasers!
AIKA: Well, both of them are cute, cool, and… fierce!
SAKI: And these two girls shall be meeting with the current members of Liella!, really soon.
MAMI: And not to mention… Their upcoming Livestream on June 11, 2023 shall be the answer to some questions that are left unanswered.
LIERRE: And since we are running out of time and space, details about their upcoming 4th LoveLive! Event shall be tackled next Episode! And that said Event is a “Prologue” leading to their most awaited Anime 3rd Season!
ALL: And that’s it for the Liella! New-Gen Members Update!
Kanon Shibuya’s Birthday! Messages Next Episode!

From just being a zero until being like a hero, Kanon Shibuya rises from nothing to popularity! Yep, and she is the center of the new School Idol Group, called as Liella!, and she is now facing new adventures as a School Idol!
Her birthday is being celebrated every 1st of May, and she is voiced by Sayuri Date.
So then, for the first time in this Episode, we shall be featuring birthday greeting messages from the fans — you!
So, what can you do? All you have to do is to post or to tweet your birthday messages to Kanon Shibuya, at the date of her birthday, on May 1! Use the Japanese hashtag, #澁谷かのん生誕祭2023 , and try to give your birthday greetings to her!
Also, take note that we shall be only reading your birthday greetings and messages for Kanon in “English” language only.
So, will you give her some birthday greetings on May 1? You can do so at her birthday! Just post or tweet your best birthday greetings for her, and get a chance to have your birthday greetings for her to be featured here on the next Episode!
AIKA: I don’t know on what to say on my birthday greetings for her, and I am getting nervous!
LIERRE: And to give you some further info, Kanon Shibuya is once a glossophobic girl who can’t even shout her feelings at the front of many people.
MAMI: Kanon Shibuya is a nice and sweet girl. I wanna meet her in person, soon!
SAKI: Don’t worry, Mami. Time will come and we could able to meet these girls from Team Liella!, soon.
AIKA: Right now, I am going to write my best birthday message for her!
LIERRE: And for readers who read this, make sure to participate, so that your birthday greetings might reach her!

TAKAYOSHI: Wow, Lierre! Those new Liella! members are so darn cute, yet cool and fierce!
SHO: I wonder who’s my favorite among those new members…?
GEN: We might get to know them more when we see them in the Anime soon.
TAKAYOSHI: Setting them aside, what are the things encountered this week on the LL! games?
SHO: I hope you guys enjoy reading these stuff!
GEN: And now, let’s go to the Games Updates!
ALL: There are things to know about SIF2 and LLAS! Stage Start!
School Idol Festival
The Memories of LLSIF – Mini Episode 3
Previously, we had talked about the nice innuendos and jokes of some School Idols, when touched or when they are even replacing temporarily your Home Screen Partner!
This time, in this topic, we shall be talking about your luck when scouting some School Idols from the banner! It is a matter of fact that you can get a UR by just scouting at a single draw!
Mini-Episode 3: Soloyolo Scouting
So, what is this single-scout draw? It means you have to use your small amount of Love Gems in order to scout for once. Some people call this as “Soloyolo” draw, or in the sense that “you only live once”, as a term. You can get as many lower rarities on your single scouting. But, did you know that you could accidentally pull a single UR without you noticing? If it happens that you had drawn a UR from a soloyolo scout, that means, you are very lucky. You had just saved your Love Gems and Tickets for something useful in the near future.

So then, your luck is being determined when you draw solo from the Scouting Banners. Of course, you just need to rely with the appearance rates being set by the game itself. When is the time that you had drawn your very first UR from the scouting banner with just a single draw?

TAKAYOSHI: I had tried it somehow for once. At the time that I am facing towards the beach.
SHO: Soloyolo draw? In fact, I haven’t drawn any UR by just drawing once with a single draw!
GEN: Definitely the hardest one to overtake, because it is all or nothing.
TAKAYOSHI: You will just have to rely on your luck, aside from the fact that the appearance rates of the URs are very low in general.
SHO: What I am going to do is to save as many Love Gems as I can!
GEN: Perhaps, you could save them when there is an “Anniversary Celebration Campaign”, or something!
TAKAYOSHI: So then, I just need to collect more URs in my party, so that my scoring capabilities are stronger, too!
SHO: Why can’t I draw any URs with my 200 Love Gems spent!?
GEN: That Soloyolo thing is really a test of your luck, after all…
In the next Episode, we shall be talking about “URs Versus Limiteds“. Look forward into it!
School Idol Festival 2: MIRACLE LIVE!
Info About Some Never-Released-Before Songs!
As you can see, some songs here are not very familiar in your ears or eyes. Not only because they were new. But some of them are really never released on the original LLSIF as playable B-Side songs.

What’s the catch when you play with these “alternative” version of these songs? Definitely, you might not only notice the changes with the vocals of the song, but with the difference of the rhythm icon charts as well! Try playing this song, and look for the changes with the original START:DASH!! song which was sung by the entire μ’s members!
TAKAYOSHI: I see now. There are some other versions which was never released on the original LLSIF before, like that START:DASH!! song!
GEN: And to mention also, the “Omoi yo Hitotsu ni Nare” got its own version, too.
TAKAYOSHI: Did Aqours got their own alternative version, too?
GEN: You will definitely play with it, though. The fact that the newer version of that song was sung by the entire Aqours members, while the original one from the TV Anime was sung by everyone, except my own shadow.
TAKAYOSHI: Riko was not there on that song, right? But in their last live performance, she was there.
GEN: Absolutely. And everyone did sing that song in order to save her, right?
TAKAYOSHI: Well… From the SEASON TWO, Episode 23… That’s it. If you guys can backread the Story Episodes from the previous season, then you may do so to recall what has happened on that Episode!
Get Ready for the Next Event: Taking Pictures of Our Town
After the current Liella! Event today, which shall be ending later afternoon, another Event is starting within 24 hours! Are you ready for the next Event?
The next Event shall be on the µ’s Side, and it is titled as “Taking Pictures of Our Town”! Featuring Event UR Nico Yazawa as the reward, you just need to play and grind harder in this Event in order to get her! This Event shall start tomorrow at April 30, 2023, at 2:00pm JST!
While you can read Japanese as your primary gaming language, this Event is just almost similar to the original LLSIF’s Icon Collection Event.
Idol Chasers! Stage Start!
SHO: What!? Another Event in 24 hours? I haven’t rested nor recharged my LP recovery items!
TAKAYOSHI: 24 hours rest period between Events is just too short… This is going to be a hell grind after all, unlike from the previous LLSIF.
GEN: It seems that they would never allow their fans to rest nor have time to arrange their team sets for Score Rankings.
SHO: Well then… It seems that we got no other options.
TAKAYOSHI: SIF2 shall never be the game again. We just need to fight, or they leave out from our sight!
GEN: Also, the two (2) new URs that were obtained from the new Scouting Banner shall be your aid in getting more Event Points to rack up higher ranks! Make sure to put them on your Team, and use them along with your Team before you play or skip a live show!
SHO: Let’s go, everyone!
Channel Weekly Bulletin

JP #108
1 | Maki | μ’s | 14,697 |
2 | Setsuna | Nijigasaki | 3,898 |
3 | Shizuku | Nijigasaki | 3,767 |
4 | Chika | Aqours | 3,690 |
5 | Ruby | Aqours | 3,587 |
6 | Kotori | μ’s | 3,533 |
7 | Hanayo | μ’s | 3,392 |
8 | Umi | μ’s | 3,297 |
9 | Yohane | Aqours | 3,262 |
10 | Kanata | Nijigasaki | 3,057 |
GL/EN #95
1 | Maki | μ’s | 13,814 |
2 | Shizuku | Nijigasaki | 3,117 |
3 | Yohane | Aqours | 3,057 |
4 | Setsuna | Nijigasaki | 2,975 |
5 | Umi | μ’s | 2,849 |
6 | Hanayo | μ’s | 2,848 |
7 | Ayumu | Nijigasaki | 2,824 |
8 | Kotori | μ’s | 2,773 |
9 | Riko | Aqours | 2,679 |
10 | Karin | Nijigasaki | 2,658 |
Let’s have the male Idol Chasers to comment on the results!
SHO: Yay! As predicted by Taka-Bro, Maki was in first place!
GEN: Since there is no girl nearby to celebrate her birthday, choosing any girl is just up the players.
SHO: And which means… I can go for my best girl!
GEN: Yep, you can. But then, will she top or flop next week?
SHO: Those are the things to find out next Episode!
GEN: And for the results today, it has finally went down to four digits average, unlike from the previous ones last time.
SHO: And the top girls, as usual, will always get the five digits average!
GEN: Make sure to get either silver or gold rank in her channel to unlock her “bonus voice”!
SHO: And that’s it for the latest Channel Ranking Bulletin! Tune-in next Episode for the newer one!
LLAS Main Story – Chapter 50
SHO: And to wrap up the Games Updates, please do check out this upcoming Story Chapter!
TAKAYOSHI: We are still far from finishing the current season of this game!
GEN: The title of this Story Chapter is… The Limitless Ai-verse!
SHO: So then, Ai’s friends are playing that metaverse game!
TAKAYOSHI: And it seems that Ai has never tried playing that game either. Will she ever try it?
GEN: Here’s the preview of this Story Chapter to be released soon in the game! Please do look at your notifications in-game for more details!

And then, Thara finally speaks and said, “Alright. It seems that I can’t just take my little brother with me by force.”
Saki finally speaks out and said, “You can’t even force him to be with you along. In fact, he has already found his new home… And a new name as well!”
And so, everyone in the Idol Chasers group has come out. This would include the others like Aika, Sho, Komari, Mami, and Gen around the rest. And Thara was well overwhelmed with surprise.
“Big sis,” said Takayoshi to Thara. “Those girls, called the School Idols, are the reasons why I am here now. And because of them, I had met my new friends here. This has already become my new home.”
“Little brother Teron,” replied Thara to him. “I totally understand now… On how to become stronger in my own feelings for other people.”
“And I do still remember the words of my mother, when I was an infant, right? I will become a man who could love and protect the people whom I love and adore.”
“I see now. And those people whom you love and adore are… School Idols, right?”
“Yeah. And thanks to my friends around me who had really helped me in making my dreams a possible one!”
“But then, I had no place to go. I had no idea on where our mother and father are now.”
Chiharu steps in, and she talks to Thara and said, “Thara, we Idol Chasers could even help you to find your mother and father!”
“Really?” asked Thara. “Can you even help us in finding our missing parents?”
“Of course! We can definitely help you!”
Lierre was finally finding something in her Digitariel. And she was surprised when she was able to see that archived file containing the history of Teron (Takayoshi) and Thara’s parents. Finally, she said, “It is quite possible that your father and mother are still alive.”
Takayoshi and Thara were informed about Lierre’s statement.
“What I can say is that… They were trapped inside a realm.”
Takayoshi and Thara were surprised that their parents are still alive. Then, Lierre continues her statement.
“They were trapped inside an unknown realm in which I never heard of in years. And the only way to get there is by travelling through the Interdimensional Space. But then, there is only one way to get there. And once you are in, you can never go out from there, and you would be stuck there, forever.”
Saki enters the conversation, and said, “Lierre, I know that your ability in shifting between parallel worlds and timelines can be possible. But the question is, can our latest technology can able to manipulate your abilities in shifting in and out to that so-called realm?”
Then Lierre replied, “Hmm…. I think that might be possible. Maybe I could ask Rika Kamiya about this to find out!”
And going back to the current conversation, Takayoshi finally talks to Thara and said, “Big sis Thara, I had finally found a new home where I could live and grow as a human now. In fact, Teron might be my real name, but I had finally left out my old self now. I am now Takayoshi Kitagawa, and thanks to Saki, whom I had found out that she is my mother, but she was not. And definitely, we are going to help ourselves to find our real parents!”
“Teron… No, Takayoshi Kitagawa,” replied Thara to him. “It seems you had really found the new you now, and I am so glad!”
Aika makes her sentences and said, “Don’t worry! We are going to help you to find your Mom and Dad! Just hang on, though!”
“Well, a simple problem has become a complex one!” said Sho. “But then, we are going to fix this out!”
“Oh my,” said Komari. “In fact, this could be my turn to shine now!”
“The Idol Chasers are just around,” said Gen. “But then, mystery is still a mystery, and we just need to unravel them.”
“This is getting interesting,” said Mami. “Of course, I could really study on how dreams are achieved!”
“Thara, let’s work together!” said Chiharu to her. “We are going to save your Mom and Dad!”
“Everyone, thank you!” said Thara with the tears in her eyes.
“Big sis!” said Takayoshi to Thara. “The Idol Chasers and me… We are here to help you!”
“Oh, that’s emotional,” said Saki. “Everyone, let’s get to work! Your mission is… Find and save Takayoshi and Thara’s real parents!”
“So then, it’s now an official mission,” said Lierre.
“From that day on,” said Takayoshi, “I had found the new me!”
And then, Saki finally confirmed the mission to the Idol Chasers.
“Idol Chasers! Stage Start!!”
And they replied, “S.I.F. !!”
And one morning, at the grounds of the Otonokizaka Academy, Honoka is standing from a distance. She then reminisced her youthful past, while saying her words.
“It’s been a while, isn’t it? I am more than just being a School Idol now!”

In order to execute their moves properly, the School Idols should do regular exercise and diet! Those are the ways in order to maintain their shape and appearance! And also, maintaining your stamina and endurance are some aspects in order to keep your voice quality and dance movements stable! Of course, have a consistent rest as well!
Next time on SIF Journal Log 3rd Season, “School Idol Exercise“.
Catch your dreams, and aim for victory!
The Bonus Stage
This Episode OVA shall follow the events right after the SEASON TWO of the Anime. What else does the School Idol Club has to encounter, right after Ayumu’s arrival from London?
LoveLive! Nijigasaki High School Idol Club: Next Sky
Premiering on June 23, 2023 in Japan theaters! Blu-Ray release announced!