Farewell, Cute Nesoberi Plush Dolls!
The official Twitter account of Puchiguru LoveLive! (@lovelive_PG) has announced recently that Pokelabo will soon shut down its game servers starting at May 31st, at 1200 hours JST. Which means, all of the collected Puchigurus (Nesoberi Plush Dolls), Puchiguru Medals, cards, and Jewels will be gone after the shutdown.
Meanwhile, they had announced some sort of farewell campaigns for fans to enjoy while waiting for the shutdown. Also, the serial codes obtained from the movie are also no longer usable after the shutdown.
Puchiguru LoveLive! is a smartphone puzzle game created and developed by Pokelabo. It was released on Android and iOS systems last April 24, 2018.

The days are counting. What are the memorable moments that you had with your cute Puchigurus while playing? We had no assurance to this, but it seems that LoveLive! production team is preparing for something big. Yes, something big.
1 Comment
Post-Game Shutdown: Memories of Puchiguru LoveLive! – Inori-D Station · May 31, 2019 at 2:21 pm
[…] was announced last two months ago. It is rumored that the poor in-app purchases and revenue were the cause of its shutdown. It is […]
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