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MEM-cho × Kana × Self-Esteem

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Overview (Story)
“If we can’t take it seriously, then what are being idols for?”

MEM-cho finally joins as the third B Komachi member, after being hired under the Strawberry Productions. At first, she did lie on her age, despite being young at her appearance.

Ruby, MEM-cho, and Kana are deciding on who is going to be the center of their group. And then, something is holding back Kana to be a part of them — something in which everytime she is talking to Aqua.

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Review time! Though that my insights is going “meh” this time.

Though that the focus on this Episode is mostly on MEM-cho, it finally shifted instantly to Kana, when some parts do really talk about her.

Kana is really a jealous girl, thinking that she could be a semi-antagonist, but not quite. Everytime she is encountering Aqua, her being a barbarian-like speeches are intensifying like flames. Of course, she is jealous about Aqua being with Akane Kurokawa (as pointed in the previous Episode about the kissing part). As for me, Kana is really loving Aqua that much, and that’s why she is always getting more some “tsun-tsun” factor.

And also, Kana is just really lacking self-esteem, wherein it is a factor in which she is being held back and hesitating. Overall, she is girl that is literally a “humble” person, despite the fact that she always tells that she is an NG (not good) girl. But then, for me, she is embarrassed when her past works are being dug out from the deep soil.

And then, how does it feel when your family or friends did really open your “treasured” moments, whether it contained your good or bad memories of the past? This is what this Episode means.

Also, self-esteem is really essential in being an idol. You can be an “NG” from the beginning because you are lacking experience. However, in order for you to stand up in the stage alone, you just need the support of your friends and family. But for my case, Kana Arima did the opposite. She is always saying that “she can’t do it”, because she is lacking faith. But the thing is, she is actually doing it and was successful, for her friends and fans.

Overall, this Episode is an inspiration, and at the same time, a representation where most people are lacking self-esteem. What makes a person to hold back? Of course, reasoning and doubt are the things that makes a person like Kana to hesitate. And instead of giving more focus to MEM-cho, it was then shifted to Kana Arima, suddenly.

My Rating: AVERAGE (3.5/5)

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Series Info

This Anime series was aired and streamed since April 12, 2023 with its first Episode. The first Episode was aired and streamed as a one-hour Episode premiere.

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Inori Donz

Inori Donz is a blogger, video gamer, Anime enthusiast, bicycle rider, and Anime figure photographer. His favorite area of concentration is 'LoveLive! Series', where he plays its featured smartphone video games, as well as watching its Anime series counterparts. "I like Anime, toys and figures, and mostly, I like playing free-to-play video games. Definitely not your usual commoner you see everyday in the streets." He started his blogging journey since December 2013, with a free WordPress blog, named 'IemDonz Blog'. That free blog contains most of his Anime figure photography works, as well as some of his opinions and experiences in the Anime world.