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Aqua × Akane × Stars

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Overview (Story)
“Reality isn’t a game of poker.”

Aqua did finally saved Akane from getting killed. It was due to the fact that Akane is being faced with bash comments and criticisms on social media.

In order to counter those criticisms around Akane, Aqua has thought of a strategy on how to put her back into the filming again. They had used some footages which came from the director who filmed them, and from the pictures which was handled by MEM-cho, and they edited them.

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Episode Review time. I think I am needing more energy drinks in order to concentrate and to give it a review properly!

So then, as pointed in the previous review of this series, ending yourself isn’t the way to resolve things. You just need to seek help from your family and friends for a better counseling.

And then, this really shows that in order to counter criticisms on social media, then you just need to change your self-image. Being silent is the only way because when you fight back by apology, they will still just fight back against you, and your issues will just escalate. Akane did really do her best to hang on. But then, her depression has made her down, due to the fact that the netizens are already flaming her with bash comments. And so, “nurture” is the only thing that a depressed person like her should need.

Aqua did really outsmarted the director which is seemingly older than him. And he did really pointed out that adults should be the ones who would protect the minors like Akane. Of course, if the minors did something horrible, then the adults are always to blame, if they forsake them.

And so, Akane did really change her character image here — I can call it a character development here, finally!

For the story, I do really like the representation where things can still be resolved by just doing something in order to cheer up that person who is in a verge of ending themselves. And girls like Akane Kurokawa have these different “feelings” set from the typical boys and men. When they were speaked out harshly, their feelings will hurt. When it is a guy, they will just get angry and fight back. But for the girls, they will just cry like babies.

At the end of this Episode Review, I have learned that love and nurture are the things that a depressed person should need. Even myself need some nurturing, at the time when I was still in my high school days! And so, that nurture is your only stepping stone where you could go back to zero and start again — restarting yourself. It is just like rebooting your PC when the performance is too slow to load up the apps that you want to open!

The buzz editing was a success!

And overall, this Episode is good, making you wonder why Akane Kurokawa has finally changed her character at the end. Will she become a clue to Aqua’s Ai Hoshino-related incident search? Yep, and nurture is one of the powerful tools that someone can use in order to counter depression of a lonely person.

My Rating: GOOD (4/5)

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Series Info

This Anime series was aired and streamed since April 12, 2023 with its first Episode. The first Episode was aired and streamed as a one-hour Episode premiere.

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Inori Donz

Inori Donz is a blogger, video gamer, Anime enthusiast, bicycle rider, and Anime figure photographer. His favorite area of concentration is 'LoveLive! Series', where he plays its featured smartphone video games, as well as watching its Anime series counterparts. "I like Anime, toys and figures, and mostly, I like playing free-to-play video games. Definitely not your usual commoner you see everyday in the streets." He started his blogging journey since December 2013, with a free WordPress blog, named 'IemDonz Blog'. That free blog contains most of his Anime figure photography works, as well as some of his opinions and experiences in the Anime world.