Have “Yu” My Friends
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Overview (Story)

Kasumi is thinking of something that can surprise Setsuna when everytime she is doing some solo live shows for her fans.
Meanwhile, Yu is inviting Ayumu to go to a place where a new attraction can be visited. But Ayumu wants to do practice for her live show instead.
And then, one day, Yu is playing some of her songs on a piano, until the Nijigasaki girls went inside to see and sing along with her!
Episode Review time! Actually, I can say and thought that this could be my last Episode Review, but it was not. Definitely, this Anime shorts can still become active, even when it is finished airing on TV. And did you know that there are some new Episodes that you could watch sometime in the future when you purchase that exclusive home video disc, containing the unaired/unstreamed ones?
For the meantime, let’s have a review with the new Episodes around! Namely, Episodes 10 through 12!
Well, Episode 10 is basically Setsuna-centered. And you know that it was the last days of the voice actress who would take her role as Setsuna, right? Remember the last A・ZU・NA livestream? So then, the representation of Setsuna who did the “acapella” version of her own song is basically her VA counterpart, who did her “last run” during the last A・ZU・NA live performance. And the winking part did really make the fans like me happy, and at the same time, sad. And overall, the Episode made me happy and sad, at the same time.
Okay, Episode 11. Nothing to spot too much on this one. But then, Lanzhu’s “imouto” type behavior has made me do the “Huh?” expression, as well as to laugh on it. Especially when her expression is in an “XD Emoji”, while freaking Shioriko out. But then, the Episode looks so focused on Ayumu and Yu, but then it shifted to Shioriko and Lanzhu so suddenly. And talking about childhood thingy, in general, some characters do really acting different when they are in their “kids” form.
Finally, Episode 12 seems to be focused on Yu Takasaki. And the acapella piano-accompanied “Love U my friends” song is so friggin’ good. So then, they just talk, but they had sung along instead at the end. What could be the representation of that Episode there? Also, Setsuna did really make her final spotlight here, as her song in “piano-instrumental” version had made cameo here, for the last time — Just connecting to Episode 10’s ending.
Overall, some Episodes did a great job here, especially when only Setsuna Yuki and Yu Takasaki are the main highlighters here in these three Episodes. So then, it is quite questionable when I give it a low rating. But in terms of representation of some scenes, I doubt that it can be a bad rating. So then, did I learn something unique from these three Episodes? Not quite.
And overall, these girls are darn cute in their simplistic drawings — much like Azumanga Daioh or Lucky Star.
And that’s it! I just need to wait for at least few weeks or months so that I could get some source on how to watch the remaining Episodes, and to write Episode Reviews on them!
My Rating: AVERAGE (2.5/5)
Series Info

This Anime shorts was based from LoveLive! Nijigasaki High School Idol Club, and its four-panel comics counterpart of the same title, Nijiyon. It is being streamed on its LoveLive! Series Official YouTube Channel (Japan only), and on Crunchyroll (NA/US only, about at least 1 hour from the original broadcast schedule).