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Squatter Encounter

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Overview (Story)
“Espimon evolved!?”

Some strange things are happening in an apartment building, within the 10th until the 18th floors. Some tenants did really moved out because this phenomenon happens all over again. One day, Espimon leaves out, and investigates something strange within that apartment building.

It was then followed afterward by Ruli and her friend, Aoi, when they went inside it. Until, something strange has happened, and they were finally brought into a “hidden” floor of the building suddenly.

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Reminded me somehow of the horror film, titled as “Grave Encounters”. Even going inside the elevator alone can be a hell of horror! Alright, let’s review!

Characters. It seems that Espimon got his new evolved form powerup, and that name is HoverEspimon! I did really expect for Espimon to evolve, since all of the main three hero Digimons were finally decimated by that Digimon of the week, who is of Mega Level, same as with Siriusmon and others. It seems that it is really possible for a Digimon user to have an another Digimon to digivolve into a higher form. In other words, Hiro, as a Digimon user, can evolve at least two Digimons at once! Maybe it is due to an upgrade card given to them by Hiro’s father, perhaps? Who knows! And then, that Digimon villain of the week is really powerful, that not at least two Mega-formed hero Digimons can beat him.

The Episode title is “The Strange Floor”. But then, I just stick to my translation counterpart, which was dubbed as “The Phantom Floor” (due to a Japanese kanji, maboroshi or gen (幻)). But then, either of these titles will work.

Story. On what I had said earlier, its theme is just like what I had saw from the movie, titled as Grave Encounters. Only, Ruli and Aoi just rode in the elevator to reach a certain floor, but ended up in a strange floor which was never seen nor accessed before. In that said movie, the people were also riding on the elevator to escape, but then, they were ended up being brought back to that place instead, and they were stuck and locked up forever, until they die.

It is really true that riding on an elevator, whenever we are alone at night, can be scary at all times. Maybe bravery can save us, though, but not all the times when a curse finally struck us. Also, in a battle, when all of our strong people are defeated, and you were the only weak one standing, what will you do? How will the tables turn, when the weakest one is only remaining in battle? These are the things that I have learned from this Episode!

Overall, this Episode is really worth it to watch, since it was able to maximize its time and scenes, without ending them in cliffhanger.

My Rating: GOOD (4/5)

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Series Info
© 本郷あきよし・フジテレビ・東映アニメーション

Digimon Ghost Game began airing and streaming in Japan and overseas since October 3, 2021.

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Inori Donz

Inori Donz is a blogger, video gamer, Anime enthusiast, bicycle rider, and Anime figure photographer. His favorite area of concentration is 'LoveLive! Series', where he plays its featured smartphone video games, as well as watching its Anime series counterparts. "I like Anime, toys and figures, and mostly, I like playing free-to-play video games. Definitely not your usual commoner you see everyday in the streets." He started his blogging journey since December 2013, with a free WordPress blog, named 'IemDonz Blog'. That free blog contains most of his Anime figure photography works, as well as some of his opinions and experiences in the Anime world.