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Aim for Victory!

This blog post may contain minimal spoilers. Please read this only if you had seen this Episode.

Inori-D Station strives to give spoiler-free Episode Reviews and Impressions in this post.

Overview (Story)
“This is our LoveLive!”

Kanon is having second thoughts in entering the prestigious music school in Vienna, until Chisato has talked to her about it. She is thinking of the possible happenings if she decided to go and study abroad, leaving the other Liella! members in the dust. Their real intention for Kanon is to let her singing voice be heard around ther world, and for the sake of their own school’s honor and recognition.

Finally, Kanon has made that decision to study abroad. But then, they must only need to accomplish one final step in order to make their goal and dreams come true — They must win LoveLive! Finals!

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A season finale Episode Review! Let’s get into it, and finish it!

So then, we are in the season finale, where things have to go… And to have new things to come forth! Basically, what it feels when you are at the top right now?

Wien Margarete has finally impressed us with her “cool” kawaii look (noted for the eating of Chisato’s warm takoyaki snack). And then, it seems that the former, fierce rival before, can become a powerful ally just after making her face turn. But then, will she become Kanon’s rival again, or she would become a supporter that would help the Team Liella! to make their School Idol Group a popular one once again? Of course, we don’t ever forget the Sunny Passion duo, Yuuna and Mao, who also bagged their victory as overall LoveLive! Winners last season.

And for some Liella! characters around. Shiki somehow faking her crying tears… Almost. And Natsumi Oni-Nuts is just having some fun moments here (also, she cried a bit). SumiKeke (Sumire and Keke) still prevailed at the end of this season. But then, I can see some foreshadowing there that Natsumi might be stealing Sumire here from the tandem with Keke. Both yellow-haired girls are somehow annoying, but cute when they argue (The Gusokumushi Girl versus the Comedian Vlogger Girl). Who’s among them is the most annoying? The rest of the characters didn’t have enough time to get their character spotlight at the end (Notably Mei, Shiki, and Kinako). And definitely, Ren Hazuki shall be the second character, for me, who got some character change here, which is noted during Episode 7, where she has developed herself in playing video games. Chisato already did her part in becoming a “backup shield” for Kanon’s character. Backup shield, in the sense that she is already equipping Kanon with some awesome weaponry and items (anti-glossophobic words of motivation and inspiration)! And finally, Kanon has totally thrown out her glossophobic character here, when this season is already finished. Yeah, Kanon Shibuya is a sweet, adorable idol-type character, who would definitely be crying once her dreams have finally come to reality.

The best character in this season? All of them are best, for me. But for my personal pick, it would be Sumire Heanna. She can be my best girl in Liella! faction (Yay! Best girl). And then, her personality can eventually inspire others, like me. But there are times that she can let others down, such as hiding some secrets that she doesn’t even wanted to spill out. What I want from her as a character is being a multi-talented girl, who could sing and dance, and to cook some good food for the Liella! members (as expected from a showbiz girl). And then, she can be a good tandem with Keke as well. But I am also having my second thoughts here in putting her as a tandem to Natsumi Onitsuka here, because both are blondies, and they were annoying, yet cute when they argue!

For the story, since this is the season finale, I am just going to give it a minimal explanation of the theme by a simple question and answer. What does it feel like when you are at the top, just after you get your first win, after losing for a hundred times? Of course, your feelings will ease, and you are feeling that your mind and soul is floating at the top of the clouds, among the countless stars. And then, the fleeting wish among the countless stars has been successfully captured in your hands. What does that mean? It means that your dreams finally come into reality!

To end this, I have learned that… What happens after you got your victory? Of course, you would celebrate it with your friends and family, right? And then, what happens afterward? This is where your new adventure begins, just right after you have accomplished your goal or quest in your previous adventure. It is true that I have learned that I should really know that even though that I have accomplished with my own goal, my own battle for dreams still continue. Yes, and it shall definitely be continuing until our own lives will run out.

Of course, a new star has appeared somewhere. Will that star be a new member that would join Liella! soon? Let’s find out in the next season of LoveLive! Superstar!!

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Series Info
©2022 プロジェクトラブライブ!スーパースター!!

This second season of LoveLive! Superstar!! has been aired on NHK E-TV since July 17, 2022, which continues directly from the last Episode from the previous season last July 2021.

For more info, see this page.

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Inori Donz

Inori Donz is a blogger, video gamer, Anime enthusiast, bicycle rider, and Anime figure photographer. His favorite area of concentration is 'LoveLive! Series', where he plays its featured smartphone video games, as well as watching its Anime series counterparts. "I like Anime, toys and figures, and mostly, I like playing free-to-play video games. Definitely not your usual commoner you see everyday in the streets." He started his blogging journey since December 2013, with a free WordPress blog, named 'IemDonz Blog'. That free blog contains most of his Anime figure photography works, as well as some of his opinions and experiences in the Anime world.