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The Countdown to WHITE ISLAND

The spectacular, explosive performance of Aqours has brought us to the conclusion of year 2020! Considering as the ‘endgame’ live show of 2020, many fans were very excited, and at the same time hyped at this wonderful performance!

Going to the mission report proper, let us go to the highlights of this countdown live show of Aqours! Bring it on!

Aqours LOST WORLD Cliffhanger

As teased by the narrator at the end of the Day 2 of their LOST WORLD online live, it is revealed that they shall be doing another online live paid stream. It is called as the ‘Countdown’ live, the WHITE ISLAND. This was done and performed at the end of December 2020, which could be at the New Year’s Eve itself. This shall be considered to be the ‘endgame’ live performance of 2020, and also considered to serve as to the previous LOST WORLD’s cliffhanger. In fact, this can be a memorable history for LoveLive! fans, just like me!

The Highlights! Embedded Tweets Only!

Screenshots and clips, however, are prohibited here, unless if it is coming from the LoveLive! team itself. I am going to give to you the summary of what has happened recently in the countdown live this past week!

Their performance has been started and opened, starting with Seinaru Hino Inori and Jingle Bells ga Tomaranai. In fact, the opening animation from the start, and the first two songs were made available for live viewing for free on YouTube Live. For fans who had purchased their virtual tickets, they can able to continue watching for their countdown live performance until the end.

Related Post: Year 2020 Endgame Event: Aqours WHITE ISLAND Live

Some of my predictions, though that some were incorrect, had somehow matched the outcome! My predictions had included that they can perform some songs that they had never done before in their previous lives. The only predictions that matched are: They performed songs from the WINTER VACATION album, and also it includes their live performance of ‘Future flight’, which is somehow totally a highlight of my predictions!

And then, they had announced more incoming stuff, such as their upcoming animation PV single, and their incoming 5th anniversary project live this May 2021!

Absence of Hanamaru Kunikida’s Actress

More than excited or not, fans did not really expect the turnout. Please look at the embedded Tweet and the next paragraph below for the details!

Kanako Takatsuki (Hanamaru Kunikida’s actress) was not able to perform with the girls live due to her poor physical condition due to anxiety. LoveLive! team has already posted a statement with regards to Ms. Takatsuki’s condition, and they had decided to temporarily suspend her live performances until she was fully recovered.

Meanwhile, she still can be seen in the pre-recorded parts of the WHITE ISLAND countdown live, though that she is not really present where the rest of the girls of Aqours are performing together.

For her serious physical illness due to her anxiety, all love, support, and prayers shall go to her.

Songs Set List

Below is the list of songs performed at the Days 1 and 2 of the WHITE ISLAND countdown live.

Basically, Days 1 and 2 are different from each other when it comes to the songs set list shown above. The lineup of the songs coming from the WINTER VACATION album are still the same, only the songs had changed their order, other than Misty Frosty Love.

Meanwhile, the songs after Seinaru Hino Inori and Jingle Bells ga Tomaranai are differing from each other, while Aozora Jumping Heart stays the same.

Finally, the last four songs before Future flight on each day are different from each other. It makes sense now that there are many songs than before than in their previous LOST WORLD online live. A total of 18 songs were performed at the combined 2 days of their countdown live performance, while 5 of these songs are different from the two days set. So then, if you want to listen and watch all of their songs live, you have to attend both of the two days!

And finally, for people who were about to attend a delayed viewing screening of this countdown live (Thailand is notably the only country that has a DLV screening), let me give you an advice! As mentioned in the last sentence in the last paragraph above, you need to attend both of the two days performance! Good luck and enjoy!

The Live Show is Not Over

As the last heading suggests, the live performances of Aqours is far from over. And yep, they aren’t done yet with their ongoing 5th Anniversary Project! There are still more to expect to come from them. And as long as we keep to continue to love and support them, there are many things in which we can see more from Aqours.

Now that a New Year has finally come, we do really expect a major turn of events right now. So then, we can expect a lot of stuffs in which they shall be integrated with the LoveLive! games, the LLSIF and the ALL STARS game! And don’t forget about the Nijigasaki High School Idol Club in which they are just standing right in the corner waiting for their next move or strategy. Finally, for the new group, Liella (from the new LoveLive! Superstar!!), be also prepared, since they are already making their upcoming projects which shall be taking place in the next succeeding months!

And that’s the end of this mission report post! We all thank Aqours for making our New Year’s Eve celebration, an awesome one, yet the explosive one! It has finally made boom-boom desuwa in our hearts!

Cheers~! Thank you Aqours for making our year-end an awesome one! The Explosive Ending.

Inori Donz

Inori Donz is a blogger, video gamer, Anime enthusiast, bicycle rider, and Anime figure photographer. His favorite area of concentration is 'LoveLive! Series', where he plays its featured smartphone video games, as well as watching its Anime series counterparts. "I like Anime, toys and figures, and mostly, I like playing free-to-play video games. Definitely not your usual commoner you see everyday in the streets." He started his blogging journey since December 2013, with a free WordPress blog, named 'IemDonz Blog'. That free blog contains most of his Anime figure photography works, as well as some of his opinions and experiences in the Anime world.