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Christmas Colors – Part 1 –

What colors do Christmas represent? There are only two colors, red and green. If you look this up in the Google search right now, you can find out why. But for my explanation, this is something same, but with different description.

Color Red in Christmas is something like passion, or something that is indeed containing sacrifice or heroic action. With this, people can know that Christmas is something about passion or any heroic works that is indeed present, and they were usually coming just before we celebrate it. So then, the red also means that we should stop, wait, and think about of what we had did in the past, and we reflect ourselves. Basically, it is just the first part where we would totally celebrate Christmas with joy and happiness!

For this Episode, this is where our sufferings shall surface, and we must endure them in order to achieve the ‘love, joy, and peace’! For this one, let the Episode 21 of School Idol Festival Journal Log begin!


Let’s go to the happenings in the School Idol World! What has happened recently?

AZALEA First LoveLive! – Amazing Travel DNA -TRY AGAIN-

After my recent paid live streaming watch of Aqours’ LOST WORLD live, I feel sympathetic to AZALEA group (Dia, Kanan, and Hanamaru sub-unit), for they were not able to commence their very first sub-unit live. It is because of the series of cancellation of events in Japan due to the recent rising cases of COVID-19 there. And also, following their cancellation of their first sub-unit event is the cancellation of their UNIT LIVE ADVENTURE 2020 live event, which is supposedly scheduled for around June 2020. We all know that people can’t control the pandemic, but it seems that they got no other choice, rather than putting these lovely girls into the risk of being infected with COVID-19.

Going back with the headline, the production team announced the tentative dates of this said first live of AZALEA’s sub-unit. The official sub-website page is now up, and official live goods are also up for viewing.

The tentative dates of AZALEA’s first sub-unit live are also there, and it is scheduled for February 27 and 28 (weekends), 2021 next year. I am just hoping that there would be paid live streams of this live, if in case mass gatherings are still not allowed due to COVID-19.

Re-screening Event: LoveLive! Sunshine!! The School Idol Movie Over the Rainbow

It was announced yesterday that there would be a re-screening event of Aqours the Movie this December.

This movie shall be screened starting from December 18, 2020 until January 7, 2021. It shall be held at Cinema Sunshine Numazu, in Japan. This re-screening event is in line with LoveLive! Sunshine!! Anime series’ 5th anniversary, and its movie’s 2nd anniversary!

Aqours the Movie, or the LoveLive! Sunshine!! The School Idol Movie Over the Rainbow, has been premiered in Japan cinemas since January 4, 2019. It is the direct sequel to the LoveLive! Sunshine!! TV Anime series (2 seasons), and its story shall follow after the events happened in the last episode of ‘Season 2’ of that said series.

Overseas screening and several fan screenings all over the globe has been made, just a month after its nationwide premiere in Japan.

Read this past post in which it was also screened here in the country where I live: LoveLive! Sunshine!! Movie Mission Report!

Moving from the headline highlights aside, let us go to the next ones below! What were the happenings and highlights happened in the past weekend and this week on LoveLive! School Idol Festival rhythm game? Please read this Episode carefully until the very end!


Nijigasaki High School Idol Club TV Anime Campaign – Episode 8

This time, it shall feature Shizuku Osaka. And did you know that she came from another school as a transfer student before entering Nijigasaki High School? There are parts of her Bond Episodes in the LoveLive! ALL STARS game that can further explain her profile! Get to know her by reading them!

For this campaign, please backread from Episode 14 to find out what are the contents of these!

Token Collection Event: Aqours and the Touching Sports Day

In the Token Collection Event, it has been previewed since last week! Secret SSR to be obtained is Chika Takami, and the featured Event UR is Kanan Matsuura! Other Event URs that can be obtained by scouting and to increase your Event Points acquisition are Mari and Ruby. The featured Token Collection Event song is CHANGELESS, a B-Side song from CYaRon!’s Braveheart Coaster album!

Selected MASTER songs have been appeared in your B-Sides for a limited time, and it is due to their ongoing campaign called the SIF Music Festival Campaign event. Also, a new 5-Icons version of the MASTER song that shall appear alongside with the Token Collection Event song, HAPPY PARTY TRAIN, has been appeared for a limited time in the B-Sides! Try testing your skills to the limit!

I had tried to attempt to land some Full Combo finish at some MASTER songs that I can finish. Also, I am maxing out the Levels and Bond Points of some members of all rarities that I had obtained from Scouting, as well as the ones that were acquired through with the Exchange Tickets that I had received in my Present Box! So then, I had used this time, just in order to clean up my members stable.

And then, the EXP x 5 live show modifier is present during this Token Event, and shall expire until the Token Collection Event ends! This Event is going to be a tough grind due to the fact that you can gain more EXP than usual, and it seems you can feel that you have ‘unlimited LP’ that you can spend with! Just remember that always use the LP usage multiplier so that you can grind up faster, as well as some EXP (has no effect on Bond Points gain)!

This Token Collection Event shall be ending at November 30, at 3pm JST/UTC+9, in just 3 days from this Episode. Could this be my 4th Tier 1 Event Points victory in the Aqours Side? Final highlights and results of it shall be posted next week! Look forward into it!

Other Stuff Done

There are things that I did, when the Token Collection Event is still on-going. Please read more to find out!

a. Aqours 2nd Years Forever Titles

So then, I tried hunting down the SIS items of the Aqours School Idols, starting with Riko (I am done with Chika). As of today, I am partnered with You in my homescreen, and I tried acquiring her SIS item. And that is to upgrade and enhance my ultimate team that I am using. By chance, I had already acquired her ‘forever’ title, and yet I haven’t acquired her SIS item yet. But then, I should continue to play until I got her item. And after that, I have to switch my homescreen partner to another Aqours member to acquire another SIS item!

b. 50 Million Players Celebration Limited Scouting (Impulse Scout!)

When the Token Collection Event has started, I had find out that the featured song is of Pure attribute. So then, my Pure attribute team is pretty weak, and I am losing at every Score Matches and placing me always at the last position in every Score Missions in the Companion Match Events. Because of this, I am needing for a powerful UR in which it can help me to score higher in the featured Token Collection Event song. It has given me no choice, so I hesitate no more and I try acquiring this limited Yohane UR in my party!

c. Live Show Arena Round 1: Conclusion

Finally, the first round of the Live Show Arena Event has been finished since the last minute of November 25. Rewards, such as the Event UR Ayumu Uehara, has been acquired for the first time by clearing Royal Expert Category! Yep, finishing it doesn’t mean it’s over. For this time being, I am expecting for another round of this Live Show Arena Event sooner. Maybe in the last day of this month, perhaps?


On the other side of this game, what has happened in my grinding progress in the Global Side? Read more to find out!

Round 14 Companion Match: SoLL, Kotori, and Printemps

My grinding progress in this Event has become more difficult and insane than ever. In fact, it has become more difficult grinding in the Global Side than in the JP Side from now on! In order to get and secure the Tier 1 Event Points ranking cutoff, you shall have to place yourself higher, placing in the Rank 1-60 bracket! In fact, you should be placing in that higher position among the thousands and hundred thousands of people who play in the Global Side. Yeah, totally friggin’ insane!

For the Companion Match proper, if you were reading the previous Episodes in the JP Side featuring this new ‘revamped’ Companion Match Event, it is just basically the same. But then, the grinding has become more harder and serious, and I can’t divide my time with this and with the JP Side! So then, maybe, in the future Events, I shall be stuck in the Tier 2 Event Points rank position forever. Add up my time with the LoveLive! ALL STARS game, in which also Events are happening there at the same time!

This is going to be a not-so-happy ending for me. And finally, I had finished this Event in a Tier 2-1 standing. Expect me to land a Tier 2 Event Points Rank in the next succeeding Events in the Global Side. Man, I wish I could only reach a Tier 1 position in the Global Side if the two-digit cutoff isn’t really a pain in the butt.

Rhythmic Carnival Play with KLab Games Station

Also, yesterday, I had played with the folks at KLab Games Station for their Rhythmic Carnival Play challenge at their LLSIF segment, in their Episode 189 live stream programming! Basically, they do Rhythmic Carnival plays if it is available (Available if there is no ongoing Events). For people who were watching their live stream programming on YouTube, or other video streaming platforms, why not join them in playing Rhythmic Carnival? Give it a shot and try!

KLab Games Station (often abbreviated as KGS) is featured every Thursdays of the week (English stream). So then, if you want some critical updates for LLSIF, better watch that live stream programming, and just go to their LLSIF corner segment! They also feature ALL STARS there! Their live stream is also available in different languages, and they stream on different timeslots!

The meaning behind Christmas… To be continued!

Red in Christmas colors means passion and sacrifice. Basically, you shall have to sacrifice and endure yourself in the sufferings and all kinds of hardships that you are encountering along your away. And that is, in order to achieve eternal peace, love, joy, and… victory!

This is just the Part 1 of the Christmas Colors. What’s in the Part 2? If you want to know about the Part 2, then you shouldn’t miss the next Episode! All of the things above in the School Idol Festival Journal Log Episode 21 today has a continuity!

It’s the end of this Episode already? It’s kinda short! To be continued! In the next Episode! See you next week, and cheers!

Inori Donz

Inori Donz is a blogger, video gamer, Anime enthusiast, bicycle rider, and Anime figure photographer. His favorite area of concentration is 'LoveLive! Series', where he plays its featured smartphone video games, as well as watching its Anime series counterparts. "I like Anime, toys and figures, and mostly, I like playing free-to-play video games. Definitely not your usual commoner you see everyday in the streets." He started his blogging journey since December 2013, with a free WordPress blog, named 'IemDonz Blog'. That free blog contains most of his Anime figure photography works, as well as some of his opinions and experiences in the Anime world.