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Shido Versus Nibeelcole

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Overview (Story)
Defeat your female enemy by kissing them!

The Ratatoskr, Spirits, and the AST teams must band together to battle against the DEM who were trying to eliminate the Spirits as soon as possible. Meanwhile, Shido is standing aside, while wiping out the horde of Nibeelcoles by kissing them.

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It’s time for an Episode Review!

In this Episode, it was filled with action, while it is supplied with some cut-in dialogues, and a bit of romantic comedy. This is also the Episode, where I am bit impressed with some execution of the scenes there.

I am really impressed that Shido’s character here has changed, especially when he dealt with the Nibeelcole clones by himself. He did it by kissing them. And as I had noticed, these Nibeelcoles are really sensitive, when the male that they are encountering is dominant and aggressive. And to note, the voices of them are really cute, especially when they are in their “infatuated” state.

For the others, like Kurumi, I can’t wait to see what’s gonna happen, when the Spirit of Origin has finally appeared in an instant without warning. So then, I am hoping that the other characters there would be doing their part in the next future Episodes!

Overall, this Episode is exciting to watch, especially when I watch these characters fight, especially Kurumi. For the rating of the story and plot progression, it’s up from bad to average this time. But then, the highlight of this Episode is that Shido battles the Nibeelcoles by kissing them, and I can’t bit move on from that!

My Rating: AVERAGE (3.3/5)

Review Rating Summary and Breakdown

Story: (3/5) – This time, it’s no longer bad or worst, since the order of the scenes had enough to impress me in this Episode.
Animation: (4/5) – Bashing of swords, shooting of guns — that’s what makes it for the action animation. How about Shido kissing girls? Was it good enough for battle animation rating? Overall, they are all good.
Insights: (3/5) – Sometimes, we think of ways on how to battle in order to defeat our opponents. Of course, we do not do the method that Shido does to the Nibeelcoles. But then, to generalize the insight, you just have to side with someone who has already done the criminality before, but with a sense of justice (For the AST who sided with the Ratatoskr, thinking that the DEM has fooled them already). In other words, side with someone who already has a sense of justice against evil.

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Series Info
©2023 Koushi Tachibana, Tsunako / KADOKAWA / “DATE A LIVE V” Partners

This Anime series can be watched on the following platforms:

  • Crunchyroll [US/Worldwide]
  • MUSE Asia YouTube Channel [SEA]

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Inori Donz

Inori Donz is a blogger, video gamer, Anime enthusiast, bicycle rider, and Anime figure photographer. His favorite area of concentration is 'LoveLive! Series', where he plays its featured smartphone video games, as well as watching its Anime series counterparts. "I like Anime, toys and figures, and mostly, I like playing free-to-play video games. Definitely not your usual commoner you see everyday in the streets." He started his blogging journey since December 2013, with a free WordPress blog, named 'IemDonz Blog'. That free blog contains most of his Anime figure photography works, as well as some of his opinions and experiences in the Anime world.