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Yohane’s Lost Memories with Lailaps

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Overview (Story)
“Was that really something only you can do which is insanely fun?”

Yohane becomes lazy and stubborn when Lailaps told her to move. So then, Lailaps decided to go out alone in order to do something else that Yohane can’t. As Yohane is following Lailaps’ trail, she is then distracted by her friends. However, somewhere in the middle when they were talking, she has lost track with Lailaps. Yohane then remembers a place where she has met Lailaps before in her past young memory.

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Review time! This one is easy to bust it out.

This will revolve around with the giant dog, Lailaps. But then, the origin on how did Lailaps talk is still unknown, though. Apparently, I can tell that this giant dog is really the advisor of Yohane, whenever Yohane is doing something stupid. So then, it is really explained on how did Yohane grew up with Lailaps, and it is further explained when you watched this Episode.

Yohane, on the other hand, is really improving her character, though that there are still points of her that needs improvement when story progresses. One thing that I like with Yohane is that she was able to “reboot” herself when her mistakes are beyond control, and she can literally correct them by herself. And then, the only things that I hate from her are being lazy and being stubborn. But overall, she is a girl who can really correct her own errors, who is being guided by Lailaps.

Story and plot is just straightforward. It is just telling that somebody has run away, and then you come to apologize whenever you are wrong. Definitely, I knew this plot when two people came into an argument, and then one runs away. But at the end, they will just apologize.

My thoughts in this Episode is that, as I had said, it is straightforward. While it has involved several characters due to Yohane’s own incident, all I can say that it is really intense in drama, but not really. I had really enjoyed the other “extra relevant” scenes, which involve the obsessed Riko, the “low-cost Henshin” of Chika and her other sisters, and the “rare moment” where Mari is eating sandwich. Yep, and those scenes had totally balanced the mood of this Episode.

Of course, there is something that we can do after we had accomplished our goals and dreams in life. If we had finished them, what are we going to do next? That is what Lailaps meant on her words, on the quote above of this review. The fact that Yohane is being lazy is that she has done it, and she never tries to do them again. At the same time, she has lost her motivation to do them. Basically, when we are done at something, it doesn’t mean it’s over. We just need to continue with our basic works and routine, so that we can understand the meaning of our true abilities and strength. And that thing is what I have learned from this Episode.

Overall, this Episode is average to good this time, for me. But then, when you pay attention to the characters, and on what they are saying, then you could get the message that hardwork is really important to realize your true strength and abilities. It is because finishing one important job doesn’t really mean it is over.

My Rating: GOOD (3.7/5)

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Series Info
Yohane the Parhelion (Genjitsu no YOHANE)

This series can be streamed on Crunchyroll (Worldwide, excluding Asia).

This Anime series premiered on ABEMA TV earlier by a week since June 25, 2023, with a Japan TV broadcast on July 2, 2023.

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Inori Donz

Inori Donz is a blogger, video gamer, Anime enthusiast, bicycle rider, and Anime figure photographer. His favorite area of concentration is 'LoveLive! Series', where he plays its featured smartphone video games, as well as watching its Anime series counterparts. "I like Anime, toys and figures, and mostly, I like playing free-to-play video games. Definitely not your usual commoner you see everyday in the streets." He started his blogging journey since December 2013, with a free WordPress blog, named 'IemDonz Blog'. That free blog contains most of his Anime figure photography works, as well as some of his opinions and experiences in the Anime world.