Legato Bluesummers
This review post may contain visual and contextual spoilers. Please read at your own discretion.
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Overview (Story)

Vash the Stampede and Nicholas D. Wolfwood has boarded a Sand Steamer in order to get to July, and they had left Meryl and Roberto behind.
As they had boarded and travelled along the way, a mysterious hitman has attacked the two of them. And Nicholas find out that it was none other than Livio, who used to be his long-lost friend in the orphanage back in Hopeland.

Alright, time for a serious Episode Review.
First and mostly, let us have an intro with the villain, who can control bodies and objects and manipulate them! His name is Legato Bluesummers.
(Contextual spoilers ahead from the Manga source)
Legato Bluesummers is one of the major villains, and he is the right-hand man of Millions Knives. Initially, on his backstory, he was a nameless slave, who was believed to be abused, wounded, and even raped, before he can even fully developed his own powers. There is also a backstory in the Manga series, where he was actually a “messenger”, and he had told Vash that demons will be coming to chase him, and to kill him.
Bluesummers is one of the villains who is considered as “more villain” and dangerous than the main villain, Millions Knives himself. This was reviewed by several reviewers, which rated Legato Bluesummers as a “classic villain” that can have an evil smile, who is more sadistic than the main villain, and can even torture Vash with both physical and psychological words.
Yep, that’s it for Legato Bluesummers. More evil than the main villain, Millions Knives.
Some other things that I had noticed is that when Nicholas had met his long-lost friend, Livio. The memories scene was dramatized by a frame-by-frame animation, while there are voiceless dialogues that are appearing when characters talk.
Story is just basically slow-paced in this Episode. They had boarded the Sand Steamer, getting attacked by a hitman, and then being under attack by a group of enemies later on. Seemingly, it was slow-paced, because the progress is just making me wonder on why the story flow isn’t moving at all (like it’s traffic), and ending it in a cliffhanger, wasting the minutes without the characters doing anything.
What I can basically learn that sometimes villains can act as heroes, while heroes can act as a villain. Quite confusing, whether a hero is fighting for a villain, and vice-versa. So then, the overall twist can eventually make me confused, thus making me replay some Episodes a lot of times to understand it.
Overall, this Episode can be just an average. Livio’s backstory was well told. And then, you will never know about Bluesummers, unless if you had read his backstory and info from the Manga source. And then, all I can say that this Episode is just slow-paced, making me wonder why Vash and Nicholas didn’t do anything much in this Episode. Just only exchanging of “languages”, and then, end of story.
My Rating: AVERAGE (2.6/5)
Series Info

© 2023 Yasuhiro Nightow, SHONENGAHOSHA / TRIGUN STAMPEDE Project
This series is now streaming on Crunchyroll (for NA/US) and on Bilibili Asia App (SEA).