EPISODE 40: Save Honoka (Part 1)
Don’t ever miss in reading the Story Episode of this Episode! Alright, there is no time to waste, and let’s get started! Time for the climax!

One day, Chiharu was standing alone in an empty auditorium, with the dim lights on. And on the place not far from her location, there stood a stage platform. And so, she went straight to that stage platform, and she stands there.
Upon standing on that stage, Chiharu encounters that School Idol again. And it was none other than Honoka. Then, Honoka tries to ask Chiharu about something.
“Why do you want to become a School Idol?”
“Eh? School Idol? It is because I have a dream to make it come true.”
“Dreams that you wanted to come true? What are those dreams of yours? Let me know!”
“Um… Actually, I am a fan and supporter of School Idols, and I follow them wherever they go.”
“But then, what are your dreams?”
“My dreams are… I wanted to be with the School Idols whom I am following. I wanted to sing and dance along with them on a stage!”
“Is that all?”
Chiharu noticed a different tone on Honoka’s voice. And she said, “I think you weren’t the same Honoka whom I had talked with in my previous dreams. You used to talk in a cutesy way before. However, you are —“
“It’s just me, Honoka, after all. But then, you are just a nobody.”
Honoka suddenly teleported at the front of Chiharu and said, “You are not a School Idol, nor a supporter. YOU ARE A NOBODY!”
Chiharu sees the sudden transformation of Honoka’s face into a monstrous face. And when Chiharu saw her ugly face, she was intimidated, and that monstrous Honoka has finally slapped her face.
Chiharu finally wakes up from her sleep, and she realized that it was just all a bad dream.
“That bad dream,” she said. “What am I to everybody? I am a School Idol and a Supporter, yet she said I am a nobody.”
That time, her alarm clock has sounded, and she turned off its snooze. She can’t believe that she has awaken from her sleep before her alarm clock has sounded.
And so, Chiharu has gotten up from her bed. She then looks at the poster featuring School Idols.
“School Idols, huh? Haven’t tried nor experienced in becoming one, though.”
At the time during the breakfast, Chiharu is talking with her mother and her sister, Chinatsu.
“Mother, I do really wanted to become a School Idol, someday.”
“School Idol? That’s interesting!”
“But then, did you have any girls whom you had invited to join along with you to form a group?”
“Actually, not because I wanted to. It is because I wanted to sing and dance along with the School Idols whom I wish to be with!”
“Oh… If that’s your decision, then go with it! We ain’t going to stop you on what do you want to do in yourself, because you are a grown-up lady now!”
“Mom is right! And you wouldn’t even know it unless you try! Go for it, sis!”
“Thanks Mom! Thanks Nacchan!”
“Just do and be what you are. Just remember to not forsake your studies because it is for the sake of your future!”
“Real-life responsibilities always come first before everything! You know what that means, right?”
Their breakfast has ended, and Chiharu leaves the house for school.
In the classroom of the Shinonome Campus, Chiharu finally took a major exam. She was able to answer all of the questions carefully.
And then, the class period has ended. Their teacher announced that it was the end of their semester this year. And so, the class has been dismissed.
The afternoon came, and Chiharu and Lierre are talking to each other while walking in the open area.
“Lierre, why do high school girls become School Idols?”
“A question is quite easy to answer. They become one because they have their own dreams.”
“And what kind of dreams does these School Idols have?”
“It varies depending on the person. Sometimes, it is just relative to the things that she saw in her eyes. Such as that, she wanted to sing and dance along with that School Idol Group whom she wanted to be with on the live stage.”
“Whoa… That’s exactly what I had said before… In my bad dreams!”
“Well, every School Idol does have their own dreams. Sometimes, they become one because of money and fame. While for others, they wanted to make people smile around. And some girls become School Idols because they wanted to see their favorite School Idol on the stage. Yeah, and it depends after all.”
“Lierre, if I am going to become a School Idol, what things do you suggest for me to do in order to achieve for my own dreams?”
“The question lies within. You wanted to become a School Idol because you are a Supporter of them. And your dreams is to meet them, and to sing and dance along with them, right? But other than those, what is really your true dream?”
“My true dreams are… Umm… I…”
“You know, aside from the fact that you wanted to meet with your favorite School Idols, definitely, you should —“
Suddenly, somebody appeared in front of them. It was none other than Inverse Lierre, Lierre’s other dark self.
“Talking about School Idols… In fact, we haven’t been meeting for a long time, my other self!”
“Inverse Lierre!” said Chiharu and asked, “What are you doing here?”
“It’s been a while, my other self,” said Lierre.
“Haha! Going back, School Idols are just putting yourself into tragedy. In fact, none of them shall be lasting forever!”
“Why the tragedy? School Idols aren’t bad as it is! It is just you who makes it bad!”
“Tell me. Did you do something horrible again, just like what you did to Riko Sakurauchi last time?”
“Haha! I did. But then, this is indeed different. Take a look at this!”

While we are at the climax of the season two of SIFJL, there are some things happened during this week, and in the past weekend. So then, I shall be only highlighting and headlining the important ones here.
This week on LoveLive! Series, what are those important updates? Stage Start!
Happy Birthday, Rin Hoshizora!

She said, “Happy Birthday, Rin-chan! Hehe…” Anyway, let’s greet her with a message!
Dear Rin,
You were so much happy when you see us fans! How is your regular strolling with your friends, so far?
I got nothing to say more, because you had finally realized your own dreams, as a School Idol. Just remember that you were meant to be protected by those who loved you so much.
Happy Birthday, dear Rin Hoshizora from the Team μ’s! We fans love you so much, nya!
Aqours Updates
6th Live OCEAN STAGE Blu-Ray Box Set Now Available!
If in case you did MISS watching the Aqours 6th LoveLive! Series last February 2022, then it’s your chance to watch them again on a home Blu-Ray video! Experience the excitement, once again, with Aqours!
The Part 1 of their series (OCEAN STAGE) has been released since November 2, 2022 as a home Blu-Ray Box set video. You can now order it elsewhere online, or visit their official website for more information on how to buy and get it!
Aqours 2nd Unit Live Blu-Ray Box Sets Release Dates
Take note of the release dates of the following Blu-Ray Box Sets, which are from the Aqours 2nd Unit Live Series! If in case you did really miss in watching all of them, then it’s your chance to see them again by owning and watching these live shows on a home video!
- CYaRon! 2nd Live – Daikakumei Wake Up Kingdom [Nov 16]
- Guilty Kiss 2nd Live – Return to Love ~ kiss kiss kiss [Dec 7]
- AZALEA 2nd Live – Amazing Travel DNA REBOOT [Dec 21]
Also, you just need to play their respective featured songs in LLSIF Aqours B-Sides, to be highlighted later!
Nijigasaki Updates
Setsuna’s Current VA Will Step Down

Tomori Kusunoki, the current voice actress for Setsuna Yuki (and Nana Nakagawa) shall be stepping down soon from her role at the end of March 2023.
Read the news here.
Liella! Updates
Liella! Will Appear on NHK’s “SONGS OF TOKYO” Program
If in case you never heard, Team Liella! shall be appearing next week on NHK WORLD-JAPAN channel, at their SONGS OF TOKYO Festival 2022 program!
SONGS OF TOKYO will feature various Japanese artists and idols, which would include ClariS, LiSA, Hironobu Kageyama, Nana Mizuki, and many others, including Liella! group!
See this news page below for more information!

In LLSIF, there are some new things to discover and to challenge here. Such as that, there are bunch of colorful and powerful Limiteds that can be scouted in order for your current teams to become stronger! Make sure to scout for them, and use them in order to dominate in the Score Rankings of every Events!
This week on LLSIF: What are the important highlights here? S.I.F. !!
Round 25 (Season 5) Live Arena

It’s a new Season! This time, expect things to go harder now, especially when you are regularly using those new meta teams, caused by the number of Limiteds that are popping out left and right in every scouting banners!
UR Ai Miyashita shall be your prized idol here. So make sure that you could reach EXPERT or ROYAL EXPERT Category here at the end of November 25th! And make sure to check out what are the items that you can get from the Live Arena Shop!
That’s the info that I can give. And if there are some missing info from my Live Arena Guides and Tips post, the rest shall be up to you to discover! Happy grinding and be victorious.
New B-Side Songs!

Have you been checking out your B-Side Songs lately? Recently, they had added some limited songs there for you to challenge! This was in line with their ongoing 53 million players worldwide campaign.
In Aqours B-Sides Song Library, there are at least three (3) songs for you to challenge.
- Aru hi… Eien Mitai ni! [CYaRon!]
- We’ll get the next dream!!! [AZALEA]
- Shooting Star Warrior [Guilty Kiss]
It seems that their EXPERT beatmaps are slightly easy to difficult. But which of them is the hardest?
These songs shall be up in a limited time! Use the lower difficulties, so that you could have enough time to practice and to land a Full Combo Finish to all of those three songs in EXPERT difficulty!
Round 35 Challenge Festival

So then, you already know what to do now, right? This Event shall be starting later afternoon, so get your teams ready and recovery items stocked up!
These members can more likely increase your Event Points gain, so try to take advantage of them! And these are the new members below, in this list!
- UR Hanayo Koizumi [Event Reward]
- UR Kotori Minami & Umi Sonoda [Scouting]
Somehow, if I am motivated, maybe I could create a Twitter post thread, showing my current progress report of this Challenge Festival Event, perhaps?
And as usual, my Event progress report shall be posted on the next Episode! Make sure to read the guides and tips post above if you got some questions!

Generally, ALL STARS (LLAS) has introduced some new ways to enjoy playing it until it lasts. Such as that, there are some new songs that appeared recently on the songs library, especially on higher difficulties! Are your teams tough enough to traverse the song gimmicks, as well as landing a Voltage Rank S finish on it?
Aside from these, we are now in the new chapter or season of the main story! And this new girl who is a student of Nijigasaki — Will she become a future new member of Nijigasaki High School Idol Club? Who knows about the possibility?
And going back, what are the things which were spotted in the past couple of days in LLAS game?
School Idol Channel Weekly Bulletin

Nya~! Rin got a tremendous Average Cheer Points or Rally Power here! Also, the JP Side is way too dominating than in the Global EN Side either! This was due to a “special campaign” which allows the fans and players to get as much as Rally Power items when you do training mode for the School Idols!
JP Side – #83
1 | Rin | µ’s | 115,011 |
2 | Shioriko | Nijigasaki | 55,487 |
3 | Kotori | µ’s | 54,903 |
4 | Eli | µ’s | 52,820 |
5 | Setsuna | Nijigasaki | 51,597 |
6 | Chika | Aqours | 42,376 |
7 | Honoka | µ’s | 39,513 |
8 | Ayumu | Nijigasaki | 38,883 |
9 | Ruby | Aqours | 37,549 |
10 | You | Aqours | 37,066 |
Global Side – #70
1 | Rin | µ’s | 55,084 |
2 | Ruby | Aqours | 33,781 |
3 | Nozomi | µ’s | 31,498 |
4 | Kotori | µ’s | 30,101 |
5 | Setsuna | Nijigasaki | 27,624 |
6 | Shioriko | Nijigasaki | 25,256 |
7 | Eli | µ’s | 25,143 |
8 | Honoka | µ’s | 24,439 |
9 | Maki | µ’s | 24,028 |
10 | Mia | Nijigasaki | 22,148 |
More likely, after Rin Hoshizora gets her top one victory, and after her birthday, make sure to switch to Rina Tennoji next time on the next ranking period! More likely, she would dominate the top spot two times in a row!
And that’s it for the School Idol Channel Weekly Bulletin for this Episode! See you next time!
Round 28 SBL
It seems I didn’t have enough time to introduce this Event either! Well, anyway, this shall end tomorrow on 3:00 pm JST! You just need to grind, and to get any SBL Awards, whenever you can!
Here are some songs to challenge!
- Mirai no Bokura wa Shitteru yo
- Yagate Hitotsu no Monogatari
See your in-game notifications for the details of this Event, as well as on how to play with it.
This Event shall be ending tomorrow afternoon, as mentioned above. And my final results shall be on the next Episode! Look forward into it!
EXCHANGE: Kanata’s Treats and Autumn

(Until Nov 22, 2022 2:59 pm JST, for Event Item Exchange)
See In-Game Notifications / Event Guide for Game Mechanics.
SAME Time and Contents as in the original JP Side Server.
This Event shall be starting on Monday. Get more Event Points, as well as placing higher in the Voltage Score Rankings!
This time, refer to the tables below for some Event members and songs to encounter!
UR | Kanata Konoe | Exchange Event Pts Ranking (End Period) | +30% (50% Maximum) |
SR | Shizuku Osaka Mia Taylor | Exchange Event Pts Ranking (End Period) | +15% Each (+30% Maximum) |
UR | Nico Yazawa Riko Sakurauchi | Scouting | +100% Each |
SR | Eli Ayase | Scouting | +50% |
And here are some songs to challenge in Voltage Score Rankings! µ’s, Aqours, and Nijigasaki, respectively.
- Bokutachi wa Hitotsu no Hikari
- Strawberry Trapper
- Twilight
And the featured song to be used is Twinkle Town! It is scheduled to be released on the Main Story Chapter 45, in December 2022 next month!
So far, let’s see what I can do, especially when only my EN Side shall be playing alone, while JP is now totally absent. Highlights of it shall be on the next Episode!

And so, Inverse Lierre has opened up a dimension window showing up someone else. On that window shows the frail Honoka, who is tied up with some ropes and cords, and her eyes are closed, and was unconscious.
“Honoka… No…” said the surprised Chiharu.
“What did you do to her, my other self?” asked Lierre.
“You know, she is a runaway target of the Black Lace Ribbons. And so, I was able to capture her by myself! It is because it’s really just futile if I just rely too much on Mikako Kira’s orders.”
Inverse Lierre has finally given them a challenge. And so, she said, “I am going to invite you to a challenge! You shall be going to the Parody Universe again. Well, I shall be giving you this invitation card as your entrance ticket. Therefore, you shall be playing along with me in the Live Arena Tower!”
“Not again…” said Chiharu, “Just like last time?”
“Probably, the prized one shall be Honoka, right?”
“Exactly! If you managed to survive and win all of the 100 session floors in the LIve Arena Tower, then I shall lose.”
“If we win, then we can get Honoka back, right?”
“But what if we lose instead?”
“If you lose, then you shall be offered to the Black Lace Ribbons as sacrifices, including with Honoka. Is that a deal?”
“Alright. Deal. I will accept your challenge!”
“It seems we can’t just ignore a challenge from our enemy.”
“Well then, the deal has been set. Good luck in your challenge with me!”
Inverse Lierre has sent an invitation card that would serve as their ticket to the Parody Universe, leading to the Live Arena Tower. And finally, she has left the two behind.
“Lierre, it seems I have finally realized my own reason for my dreams,” said Chiharu.
“So, did you finally get your resolve in becoming one, isn’t it?”
“Lierre, I will going to become… a School Idol! I will be a School Idol in order to save Honoka, and to make people smile around!”
“Well, it seems that it is now set. From now on, you are a School Idol now!”
“It is because… I am a School Idol, and… an Idol Chaser!”
It was already evening, and Chiharu was in her house. She was ready to go out for a night walk.
“My dear,” said her mother. “Are you sure about this?”
“Be careful on your way to your night shift work, big sis!” said Chinatsu to her.
“Thank you, Mom! Nacchan!” said Chiharu. “I have to go now!”
And then, Chiharu has finally left the house.
Chiharu has finally arrived at the Idol Chasers HQ alone. And Saki is waiting for her.
Chiharu then said, “I have made my decision. I will become a School Idol… I will save Honoka!”
“You must know the reason why you are here in this group right now, Chiharu!” said Saki to her.
“My Mother Saki was right,” said Takayoshi as he has made entrance. “We are all together gathered up here right now is because of you, Chiharu Umiboshi.”
“Taka-Bro is right!” said Sho to her, as he makes entrance. “It’s all thanks to you because Idol Chasers have been formed! And we are all here because we have our one common interest!”
“And that interest is School Idols!” said Aika and made entrance. “For I, Aika Tenkuji, shall be blasting my own appeal and charm to make people smile in their faces! Count me in also in becoming one!”
“So then, these School Idols have made you smile and be impressed at them,” said Komari. “Now, it’s your turn to make them smile and be impressed at you!”
“No matter what are your dreams, just continue to follow it on where it shall go along with you,” said Gen.
“Chiharu,” said Lierre, “I am really sure that Honoka shall be proud of you if you become a School Idol! You must know your reason on why you have become one!”
“Everyone… Thank you!” said Chiharu. “This time, I ain’t just becoming a School Idol for myself. I become one because of my friends around me who are keeping to give hopes for me!”
“That’s right,” said Saki. “We are Idol Chasers because we keep to follow and support these School Idols until the very end! And for Chiharu who decides to become a School Idol, let’s put our hopes and dreams for her! In short, let’s go and support her!”
And then, Lierre has scanned the invitation card given by Inverse Lierre. And so, the Teleportation Portal has opened leading to the Parody Universe, where the Live Arena Tower was.
“Our mission…” said and commanded Saki. “Climb the Live Arena Tower, and we save Honoka from Inverse Lierre! Idol Chasers… Stage Start!!”
Everyone replied, “S.I.F. !!”
And so, everyone has teleported to the Parody Universe. After teleportation, they headed straight to the Live Arena Tower, and they begin climbing with the Session Floors.
“Honoka,” said Chiharu. “We will go, and we will save you!”

It’s okay! The next Episode shall be the last! So please, read this until the very end!
Chiharu and the Idol Chasers must work together in order to be successful in their mission! This is going to be their final showdown against Inverse Lierre. So then, what comes afterward?
Chiharu Umiboshi, be a School Idol and make your dreams come true!
School Idol Festival Journal Log SEASON TWO, the Final Episode.
Save Honoka – Part 2.
Now, let us make our dreams come true together!