The Question: Can it be used for art-related reference?
Imagining and making artworks can be difficult. In the sense that you had run out of ideas, on how would you like to pose your character, and to add up some props or whatever backgrounds, in which it can be a problem by most artists.
As myself, I had tried exploring this mysterious website that amazingly generates artworks, which came from various artworks that were found elsewhere online. And this website is actually called an AI Art Generator, where you could input some keywords (or tags) into the text box. And with a single click, you could get to generate yourself with an artwork (mostly, an Anime artwork or some kind). I am really surprised, since I had just made an input of few keywords, and then this artwork was made in just few seconds.
The AI Art Generator Website, the NyaAI, is actually based from the story and art generator website, known as the NovelAI.
NyaAI is mostly focused on Anime artworks, and it can generate images from thousands and millions of different artworks found and uploaded online. Upon becoming a trend just few days ago, it has finally surfaced on various SNS networks, and in various groups, in which it has finally caught attention.

I have made a sample AI-generated artwork from that said website. Namely, I had only inputted at least three keywords or tags. For my case, I had inputted Kousaka Honoka (Honoka Kosaka from LoveLive! Series), white dress, and princess.

It’s so fun when you can use it. You can literally add up with some “erotic” and “skimpy” arts. Just add along with the name of an Anime character with the tags that you are inputting on the generator!

Tips in Artworks: When to Use This Generator?
Somehow, you can use the AI art generator whenever your imagination has hit you. But then, will it have significant effects if you are going to just use it, as if that generated artwork is really yours?
PROS. Since the AI art generator can be used to generate millions of artworks coming also from various billions of artworks uploaded online, it can really inspire you to imitate that art — using them as reference materials in order for your imagination to fire up. Basically, looking at your generated art allows you to think of other modifications, such as altering some elements, like the character’s clothes and color, or even posing it on an another (suggestive and erotic) pose that you like. If you have multiple artworks that you have, included the generated, these can even help you to think more of the possible combinations that you can use in order to create your own, “dream Anime character” — most likely an Anime girl of your dreams, or other related, in other gender! Just make sure to use them wisely, and it doesn’t really mean it is your final character art and design. Of course, you should also try to train with your drawing skills, too!
CONS: Since NyaAI is only based from the NovelAI website, don’t simply make it as a substitute to your drawing skills. NyaAI is just an AI Art Generator website, wherein it gets images from various websites based on their keywords and tags. By combining such tags, you are able to generate some character images. However, there are disadvantages when you could able to generate your own characters by their names and tags, and by their appearance and color. First, check the art style. Does this art style came from an artist that you never seen or known before? Sometimes, giving credits and linkback won’t be just enough, especially if such generated artwork is already remixed up. Who knows that some indie artists will be just surprised, if their own familiar artworks have been used and remixed? We just need to be careful when remixing things, especially with female Anime characters, since IP and copyright infringement can be a real and serious problem. In other words, just use it in a responsible way, and it should not be your hand artwork substitute.
The End
Using these kind of art generators can be fun, especially if you are having a hard time imagining with your “dream Anime character” that you are about to draw. Just remember: You can use these generators for your references, such as on how will your own Anime character should be looking by appearance.
Thank you for reading!