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Fight or Give Up?

This blog post may contain minimal spoilers. Please read this only if you had seen this Episode.

Inori-D Station strives to give spoiler-free Episode Reviews and Impressions in this post.

Overview (Story)
“I want your songs to be heard by more people on a bigger stage!”

Hiyori Hayama is a high schooler who failed to pass in a music audition. With no chances at all for her to debut as a solo artist, the management has suggested her to join on a Hyper Sports tournament instead, which features girls (idols) and other artists as competitors for that sports. That Hyper Sport tournament is called as the Extreme Hearts.

Saki Kotaka is one of Hiyori’s friends, who happened to be Hiyori’s follower or fan. Saki don’t want Hiyori to suffer the same event or trauma that she has experienced before when she was once a soccer player. But then, she has ended up giving out her support for her, along with the other girl, named as Sumika Maehara.

In the first elimination round, Hiyori is fighting alone. And in the end, Saki and Sumika have finally joined her in the game.

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Yay! First Episode! At least I could get to watch this… For the first time!

Speaking of Hyper Sports… Would it be an “exaggerated” version of sports, where impossible things can be done in a speed of light? Okay, let’s head on to the review proper.

First Episode. It doesn’t really mean it’s better because it’s just the first one. How about the succeeding ones, where the “exciting” plots are just uprising?

Characters. For Hiyori Hayama, she’s a character who can be persevere, despite that she can fail at anything. But no matter what, she is a girl that doesn’t give up, no matter how many times she had failed. Yeah, and let’s see if I could really like this character because of her “never giving up” trait. Saki Kotaka is a random girl who appeared and being represented as a “random fan” of the main character. She can be spunky and hard-nosed, but then she easily gives up when there is no hope. And finally, Sumika Maehara is just a girl who appeared somewhere, when she can able to help these girls — someone who could stop them from further arguing. From these girls, let’s see if I could finally pick my favorite character here, especially if I can really expect that there are more coming in the future — like those foreshadowed in the animation credits at the end of that Episode.

Story. Just a simple thought. The story is just plain and neutral. While the complexity of the plot is usually centered around with the girls, it could make you ask questions on what they are really fighting for. Yep, and just as written in the intro part of the page, idols and artists are competing for various sports, in order to stand in the spotlight or stage! It is just saying that sports is your gateway to stage stardom. And if you have a dream to achieve, as an idol, make sure to work hard for it, and never hesitate and don’t give up. You have a dream, and you have your reasons to make it come true.

And to end this Episode Review and Impression with this first Episode, I have learned that perseverance is necessary to achieve your goals or dreams in life. And not to mention, it is one of the acronyms of power, right? Someone like Hiyori Hayama, who has no chance in making in a debut as a solo artst, she never give up until the end, and until an opportunity has came for her. When that opportunity has came for you, will you ever try and fight, or you just give up?

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Series Info
©Project ExH

Extreme Hearts began airing in Japan since July 10, 2022 with its First Episode, and began streaming on some streaming networks worldwide.

For more info, see this page.

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Inori Donz

Inori Donz is a blogger, video gamer, Anime enthusiast, bicycle rider, and Anime figure photographer. His favorite area of concentration is 'LoveLive! Series', where he plays its featured smartphone video games, as well as watching its Anime series counterparts. "I like Anime, toys and figures, and mostly, I like playing free-to-play video games. Definitely not your usual commoner you see everyday in the streets." He started his blogging journey since December 2013, with a free WordPress blog, named 'IemDonz Blog'. That free blog contains most of his Anime figure photography works, as well as some of his opinions and experiences in the Anime world.