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Fall Before the Blade

This blog post may contain minimal spoilers. Please read this only if you had seen this Episode.

Inori-D Station strives to give spoiler-free Episode Reviews and Impressions in this post.

Overview (Story)
“My blade wrapped in blue moonlight shall punish thee!”

A wandering Digimon is carrying a mysterious katana, and kills any Humans and Digimons along the way. When killed, their data were absorbed into the blade. The katana user must only need to kill more people in order to stay alive.

Angoramon is being victimized when he has grabbed and wielded this katana, when a last Digimon has attacked him. Angoramon strives to not fall in the hands of the katana, but until it has conquered him. Surprisingly, this cursed katana is actually a samurai type Digimon.

Angoramon’s Quotes

“Tomorrow comes tomorrow’s breeze, and if there is no wind, que será, será.”

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Let’s go with the Review and Impression post!

Seemingly, Angoramon is getting more character development treatment here than in any other Digimons. Count in also Gammamon in some other Episodes, where he transformed into GulusGammamon!

Talking about samurai things… Did you know that the Episode title is actually “Tsujigiri”? Tsujigiri is actually a fixed Japanese word or phrase, which means “Killer Blade”. Actually, it has a Wikipedia article, and try reading more about that! Just search “Tsujigiri” word on Wikipedia.

For characters, Angoramon got his character development into a new level, where his hobby now is just more than a samurai who carries a sword or “katana”! I am just hoping that his upcoming Digivolution soon isn’t disappointing. I wonder what it is, though…? But then, I do really like Angoramon more than in any of the other two Digimons, just like what I had said before in my previous Episode Reviews!

Story plot is just simple to understand, even young audiences can even understand it! Though linear in form, it doesn’t need a complex plot to become the very best Episode! And about that Tsujigiri theme… It’s about two samurai warriors making their final stroke by using their own katana swords. Yep, and this scene was almost the “famous” one, which is being used in some of the movies and other TV Series out there!

Nothing too much to highlight here, except that we are slowly moving closer towards the mysteries about Digimons, especially with the unknown BlackTailmon.

And then, I have learned that winning is also by a fixed chance — usually at a 50-50 chance. There are times that we can always lose to our own rivals and enemies. But then, losing doesn’t really mean it is the end of our own journey. There is still a chance that you can still win. And just trying again is your only option — You just really know what to do next time, so that you can’t afford to lose again in the same battle twice in a row.

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Series Info
"Digimon Ghost Game" TV Anime Promo Poster
© 本郷あきよし・フジテレビ・東映アニメーション

Digimon Ghost Game began airing and streaming in Japan and overseas since October 3, 2021.

For more info, see this page.

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Inori Donz

Inori Donz is a blogger, video gamer, Anime enthusiast, bicycle rider, and Anime figure photographer. His favorite area of concentration is 'LoveLive! Series', where he plays its featured smartphone video games, as well as watching its Anime series counterparts. "I like Anime, toys and figures, and mostly, I like playing free-to-play video games. Definitely not your usual commoner you see everyday in the streets." He started his blogging journey since December 2013, with a free WordPress blog, named 'IemDonz Blog'. That free blog contains most of his Anime figure photography works, as well as some of his opinions and experiences in the Anime world.