The Absolute Inversion
This blog post may contain minimal spoilers. Please read this only if you had seen this Episode.
Inori-D Station strives to give spoiler-free Episode Reviews and Impressions in this post.
Overview (Story)

“We’ll do whatever it takes to win!”
Nia and Shido did their showdown on the Comico Event, where they must need to sell as many Doujinshi Manga as they can before closing time. And the most number of copies sold shall be the winner. If Shido’s group wins, or if they are ended in a draw, Nia shall read their Manga.
At the time of the dusk, Nia finally awakened her powers as a Spirit, only to be awakened as an Inverse Spirit. And then, it was really the DEM’s plan, Isaac Westcott, to awaken her dark powers, all along.
So then, let’s head on to the Review! Actually, there are at least two parts!
The first part is the first half of the Episode, where Nia and Shido are having showdown. Generally, it shows that Doujinshi Manga can be originally made, or can be in a “parody” form where it is actually based from the original counterpart. It also shows that Doujinshi can be fictitious (almost all), and can be stated similarly as seen in the “disclaimer movie credits”. And then, there are ways in order to promote your stuff, such as doing “Cosplay” of that character from the Doujin Manga that you had made. And the other way is to promote your stuff via social media, wherein you can post there, such as letting your customer to buy your book. And at the same time, you are going to have that book signed by yours. There are many ways, not just the two that are mentioned. And in the end, sometimes you thought that you have lost the battle. But then, miracles do happen sometimes, and you just have to believe that it is going to happen! Vice-versa as well, and you thought that you have won, but you still lose in the end, and is it that frustrating?
The second part is the second half of the Episode, where Westcott makes appearance once again. I can see Shido, and realized that he is now handling the powers of the Spirits whom he has kissed and sealed powers with. So then, not just the Spirits, like Tohka or Yoshino, can really possess these superpowers that can even blow up a building. But then, who knows that a human, who is ordinary and the weakest, can be the strongest here? And now, Westcott is evenly matched with Shido, who can inherit and learn a Spirit’s powers, but the ‘darker’ and the Inverse one. Maybe I can visualize that Shido and Westcott shall be dueling here, using the powers of the Spirits that they had inherited. When he has absorbed the Inverse power, this is where I got the Review title as, “The Absolute Inversion”.
In the end, did I learn something? Maybe not, but the first one. But then, what I had seen are just only representations of the actual people, things, or events, instead of a moral story. I do not know what shall happen in the next part or arc, since the first three Episodes are actually the “first arc” of the 4th season. Who knows that there are still more surprises — like that one more Spirit who is already foreshadowed on the teaser poster!
But then, your only “major spoiler” here is the original light novel itself — Take that note!
Series Info

©2021 Koushi Tachibana, Tsunako / KADOKAWA / “DATE A LIVE IV” Partners
This Anime series has been aired and streamed in Japan and overseas since April 8, 2022, with its First Episode.
For more info, see this page.