A Gift to Receive
Last week, we had talked about giving gifts to special someone, to people that we like and love, and also to our parents, brothers, sisters, and relatives.
Today, we talk about receiving gifts from somebody. It can be from your family, relatives, friends, or even from your special someone! And that is, if only you can give some gifts if you have to! This has something to do with equality or ‘balance’, wherein the more we give, the more we receive, and the equal amount we give is also the equal amount that we can take in return. So then, Christmas is just around the corner. What kind of gift would you like to give to your special someone, or to any other people mentioned above? Finally, what could be that gift of yours that you had received from them so far?
We are finally in the ‘penultimate’ part, where we could prepare for the coming celebration, if you know what I mean! That’s right, it’s Christmas! So then, let us now begin the 24th Episode of School Idol Festival Journal Log! Here it goes!
Last week, I had introduced a new feature, which allows you to jump instantly in the parts of this Episode! Also, as stated last week, it shall start onward!
Please do click or tap on any of the highlights below, if you are willing to jump right away to that part!
What could be the highlights encountered this time in the past weekend, and this week? Let us go to the School Idol Universe first before we proceed to the JP and Global Sides of LLSIF rhythm game!
LoveLive! Superstar!! VA Cast Has Been Revealed
【💫ラブライブ!スーパースター!! 💫】
— ラブライブ!シリーズ公式 (@LoveLive_staff) December 14, 2020
→https://t.co/XdB4k2Nf0Q#lovelive #Liella pic.twitter.com/v52mR1iX2l
This one could be their early Christmas present for us!
LoveLive! Production Team announced at their Twitter account, and in their website, that the main VA (Seiyuu) cast of the new School Idol group, Liella!, has been revealed! And these five were picked up and selected from their voice cast auditions, which was made somewhere during this year, since this series project was announced. Likewise, their promotional video on YouTube is also uploaded.
The VA cast are as follows:
- Sayuri Date as Kanon Shibuya
- Liyuu as Tang Keke
- Nako Misaki as Chisato Arashi
- Naomi Payton as Sumire Heanna
- Nagisa Aoyama as Ren Hazuki
Their debut single and animation PV, titled as ‘Hajimari wa Kimi no Sora’, shall be released somewhere in Spring 2021 (around March to May). In the LoveLive! Days Magazine Vol. 11 (since December 15), the comments of the respective VAs shall be there, and might talk about their thoughts and comments about their characters that they are voicing.
Though the television Anime project has been announced in between, it is uncertain to when that shall be aired.
— ラブライブ!シリーズ公式 (@LoveLive_staff) May 18, 2020
メインメンバーのプロフィールは本日発売の「ラブライブ!総合マガジン Vol.7」にも掲載しておりますので是非チェックしてくださいね🎶
#lovelive pic.twitter.com/ncWtovRr5o
LoveLive! Superstar!! is the new entry to the long-running LoveLive! Series, and shall be the successor of Aqours and the ongoing Nijigasaki High School Idol Club. It was previously announced last May 2020, at their Twitter account and at the Vol. 7 of the LoveLive! Days Magazine, that they had teased a new project, which shall be the 4th entry to the LoveLive! Series. And somehow, it hints the series’ 10th Anniversary.
Putting these above now aside, let us go to the game! What were the highlights encountered in this past weekend, and this week on LoveLive! SIF rhythm game? Please read this Episode carefully until the end!
The highlights in the JP Side are action-packed! I mean, the past Event has made me sweat a lot, and at the same time, it has made me gone crazy! Continue to read below, since I am going to give highlights and my experiences about these! In this Episode, I shall be giving more highlights in this side than in the Global Side this time around!
— いのりどんず (INORI DONZ NETWORK) (@InoriDONZ) December 10, 2020
The ‘resurrected’ Medley Festival is now more difficult to grind. You shall play more than 25 Levels in this one!
Level 26 onwards require you to play at least one or two MASTER songs in three song rounds!#lovelive #スクフェス pic.twitter.com/uPam44o5H1
For the final highlights of this Event, somehow this one made me use of my own dexterity and tap striking skills in order to grind harder in this Event. In fact, this isn’t the same Medley Festival in which I had played for the past several months after its inactivity.
Upon reaching Medley Mission Level 26 and above, you shall have to play at least one MASTER difficulty song in order to advance through the next level! Basically, the new max Medley Mission Level to reach, from the previous Level 25, is now at Level 35. The three different missions in the Level 35 can be hard and serious, especially if you are not used in playing MASTER difficulty. So far, these three different missions in Level 35 are requiring you to play three song rounds in the medley, at least two or more MASTER difficulty songs, and as well as reaching more than 500 PERFECTS. Also, you must land a total Combo Count of at least Combo Rank A or above, and in fact that one is the toughest! Since not reaching your total combo rank of A or above will immediately fail you in your current Level 35 Medley Mission! If you fail twice, you shall get demoted by your Medley Mission Level, so be careful! If your total combo count seems to unable to reach at least Combo Rank A, the only thing that you can do is to hope for an Encore. Yep, that’s right. Pray for an Encore, so that you can fill-up your missing Combo Count, and in order to reach your desired Combo Rank! If everything else fails, I am sorry, but you had failed to clear your Level 35 Medley Mission.
And for the Score Rankings, I don’t seem to have any problems when landing a higher total Score on all three song rounds in the medley. My last one is of three song rounds in a medley, with three heavy MASTER difficulty songs. Like I said, you shall have to play three MASTER songs in all three song rounds with higher combo counts in order to reach your maximum potential score! And that is, in order for you to reach higher ranks in the Score Rankings in this Medley Festival Event!
TIP: Earlier in the start of the Medley Festival, at the time that I haven’t reached the higher Medley Mission Levels, I started to aim for higher total score, so that I could place higher in the Score Rankings. So, after I successfully landed a good score, then that’s the time that I could reach higher Medley Mission Levels, and as well as continuing to grind along for more Event Points (to reach higher rankings)!
For the selection of the songs, and when you reach at the higher Medley Mission Level, give yourself at least two MASTER difficulty songs and an EXPERT difficulty song in a medley. And if possible, if you are inexperienced, choose some lineup of songs in which you can land an FC finish easily, especially on MASTER difficulty. If not, you have to re-pick the songs and try again. So far, the easiest MASTER songs to navigate are some of the most Level 11 songs (and at least one Level 12), notably Sakkaku CROSSROADS, Baby maybe Koi no Button, Natsu, Owaranai de., Someday of my life, and Yume no Tobira. Remember to watch out for the notes that you are tapping, especially if you are using the ‘Perfect Support’ buffs! Making some GOOD or BAD notes in between of every songs can make you lose more total combo counts (due to your Perfect Lock Skills not triggering or it has lost effects), and can instantly fail you in your Medley Mission, especially if it requires you to have at least total Combo Rank A and above, so be careful!
Meanwhile, there are buffs along your way, in which you can randomly encounter some ‘player buffs’ before your live show play begins (and before every song rounds). These buffs can either increase your team’s Skill Activation Chances, Tap Score increase, increased Event Points gain, and more! Be sure to make use of them as advantage in making progress in this Medley Festival Event!
— いのりどんず (INORI DONZ NETWORK) (@InoriDONZ) December 15, 2020
Round 25 Medley Festival: Our Hearts as One – Results
🥈 Event Pts.: Rank 2,555 at 1,275,940 pts
🥇 Event Score: Rank 7,458 at 5,864,196 scr (x3)
* See third screenshot for the three songs used for Event Score Ranking.#lovelive #スクフェス pic.twitter.com/ojOqhNeT4F
And for the conclusion of this Event, I had finally placed in a Tier 2-1 standing. Not bad, because at least I am able to secure the Tier 1 Score Ranking in this Event! Hopefully, in the next Medley Festival Event, this time in Aqours Side, I know now what to do. In fact, I shall pay attention to the song line-ups which shall be released soon in the Aqours Side, when the Medley Festival Event starts there!
Last week, we highlighted the first part of this campaign! The first part I highlighted last Episode is about the login bonuses, and the featured limited box scouting of exclusive UR members in which they are exclusively appearing in the SIF AC (arcade cabinet) game!

The Part 2 of this highlight shall be featuring the AC Songs, or another type of MASTER difficulty song which is available in LoveLive! School Idol Festival! The AC Song type is something that you can never underestimate with. In fact, this is considered to be one of the hardest type of MASTER difficulty to play with! Somehow, it uses more than five fingers to play! So then, there are no Love Gems or whatsoever prizes when you complete them! Clear this song with honor! I think there is a way or method in which you can actually clear this song and land a Full Combo Finish in it! I wonder what method it is… But then, since that AC Song type requires you to play for more than five fingers, I found a way! But then, I am just about to experiment that one, either. Let’s see if I can get some results by researching that method!
— いのりどんず (INORI DONZ NETWORK) (@InoriDONZ) December 12, 2020
NijiGaku Anime #11
Seems we are about to witness the TV Anime’s ending soon. Could it be ending in cliffhanger?#lovelive #スクフェス #虹ヶ咲 #ニジガクアニメ pic.twitter.com/YXez42T8g8
Last week, we got a login bonus in which the Days 1 and 7 were replaced with Love Gems! In this week, this is just the same. Remember to login to your LoveLive! ALL STARS JP Side account (Make sure it is linked with your SIFID account where your JP Side LLSIF is also linked) to receive at least 10 Love Gems from your SIF ID rewards!

This coming Episode 12 is somehow the penultimate to the last one! The final Episode airing of this TV Anime is on the 26th of December, next week! And lastly, witness the ending, and at the same time, some cliffhanger or continuity scenes! There is a high chance that a Season 2 shall be confirmed and announced at the end!
As I had said, I can only give few highlights of this one, since there is nothing new, except with their upcoming exclusive campaign. You can read more to continue!
Token Collection Event: AZALEA’s Route! (Results)
【LoveLive! SIF】
— いのりどんず (INORI DONZ NETWORK) (@InoriDONZ) December 11, 2020
T.C. Event: AZALEA’s Route!
🥇 Event Points: Rank 48 at 1,018,807 pts
🥇 Event Score: Rank 1,124 at 1,693,148
Final Standing: Tier 1-1
Notes: First Tier 1 Victory ever made, when the Events were ravamped since last month.#lovelive #LLSIF pic.twitter.com/yugZhAVJ57
This Event was ended last week, just after I published the Episode 23! Nothing too much to highlight here, except for its final result! In fact, this has become my resolution to my defeat in the same Token Collection Event, placing me in Tier 2-2 standing! At least, my revenge has become successful, thus placing me in the Tier 1-1 standing. This is my first Tier 1-1 victory in the Global Side of SIF, ever since when the Events started to revamp their milestone rewards (since at the previous Companion Match Event, featuring UR Nico), such as changing the rank brackets in the Event Points Ranking rewards.
The next one shall be a serious one! A next Event shall occur in less than 8 hours from now after this Episode was published! Please read more below!
NEXT EVENT… Round 41 Score Match and an Exclusive Campaign?
【LoveLive! SIF】
— いのりどんず (INORI DONZ NETWORK) (@InoriDONZ) December 17, 2020
Next Event
Round 41 Score Match: Rin’s Search for Cute
Event UR: Hanayo
UR Scouting: Maki and Rin
Secret SSR: Honoka#lovelive #LLSIF pic.twitter.com/YkabP7lTcs
The next Event shall be a Score Match! It features UR Hanayo, and the URs to be obtained by Scouting are Maki and Rin! Secret SSR to be obtained from the Event Points Rewards is Honoka, and the returning Event SRs can be also obtained from there!
It’s about time of supremacy! You just have to play and defend your Score Match Points from dropping, if it is high enough in the rankings! Be victorious and good luck!

Also, don’t forget that the folks from KLab Games Station mentioned last week that they shall be making an exclusive campaign for the Global Side! We have to stay tuned, then. I believe that it is going to be sidelining along with the upcoming Score Match Event later!
Christmas is coming… NEXT WEEK!!
Alright! We only got 7 days left before Christmas! Also, I shall announce that the next Episode… shall be the last Episode of year 2020! Which means basically, there shall be no Episode 26 on the week after the next week! And yeah, I am just giving you guys some heads-up already. I am going to announce that at the end of the next week’s Episode!
Right now, we got only two weeks left until this year 2020 ends. But then, there are events in which they shall serve as the endgame of year 2020. We all wish that the worldwide deadly pandemic to be over. And yes, we should never be stuck in this ‘new normal’ forever. Therefore, our hopes should never be run out!
Thank you for reading this Episode! Next week shall be the great celebration — a time to be joyful and great! Next on School Idol Festival Journal Log! Episode 25: The Countdown to WHITE ISLAND. See you next time!