What are you thankful for?
When we receive some help, what would we say? When we receive some item or money from them, what would we say? When we do something good to them, and they do something to us good in return, what would we say? There are only two words that we can say, “Thank you.” We say thank you because they did something good for us, and that is to make ourselves be more courageous to do something good once again. For every thanksgiving, we do something good in return to them, and they thanked us. And that is what we call an equality of society.
I am thankful because I am able to make it this far, and I am able to reach the 19th Episode of this segment on Inori-D Station! Thus, I am thankful because of this opportunity to speak out to the public — about my experiences in this game! So right now, I am going to start the 19th Episode of School Idol Festival Journal Log! Let the highlights begin!
There are many pre-Episode highlights this week! Here are the following highlights encountered last weekend and this week in the School Idol Universe!
Saint Snow 1st GIG ~Welcome to Dazzling White Town~ – Part 2
— ラブライブ!シリーズ公式 (@LoveLive_staff) November 8, 2020
「Saint Snow 1st GIG」札幌公演Day.2終了しました❄
アーカイブ配信はこちら🔽https://t.co/cP7HoUIFkU#lovelive #SaintSnow pic.twitter.com/b4TXvbb5Jn
Congratulations to Saint Snow in making their first gig (first live) a big-hit and a success! Their Part 2 gig tour was held last November 7 and 8, 2020, at Sapporo, in Japan! I just completely forgot to include this in the last week’s Episode, sorry! But then, for fans who watched this wonderful performance of Saint Snow, a rival School Idol group of Aqours, you just got a great time!
For a speculation or prediction of mine, would they appear in the next Aqours live, probably on the WHITE ISLAND Online LoveLive! paid streaming? I am just saying it, but I know that it may or may not come true. But then, we should be watching this out for the possible outcome!
Aqours Duo-Trio Collection CD Vol. 2 Announced
— ラブライブ!シリーズ公式 (@LoveLive_staff) November 10, 2020
12/9(水)発売「ラブライブ!サンシャイン!! デュオトリオコレクションCD VOL.2 WINTER VACATION」のジャケット・INDEX・試聴動画を公開❗️☃️
試聴動画🔽https://t.co/E8oO4DGgcE#lovelive #Aqours pic.twitter.com/vnVWYlruP5
As seen in the previous video stream last November 10, 2020, featuring the VAs of Chika, Yohane, and Dia, they had revealed the cover design for the upcoming Aqours Duo-Trio Collection CD Vol. 2 Winter Vacation. This was a part of their ongoing Aqours 5th Anniversary Project, and it is the second collection CD album that shall follow with the previous Summer Vacation album! The duo-trio units were rearranged, and it is according to the poll results made by the fans! Also, their new respective duo-trio unit names were already set!
Release date is on December 9, 2020 (Wednesday), and the tracks were already previewed on YouTube! Expect these songs to arrive soon on the LLSIF rhythm game on all branches!
SIF Series Thanksgiving 2020 Online!
🎵イラスト展示特別賞選定のお知らせ🎵#スクフェスシリーズ感謝祭2020 ~ONLINE~サイト内では皆様からご応募いただいたイラストを展示中❣
— 【公式】ラブライブ!スクフェス事務局 (@lovelive_SIF) November 7, 2020
詳細はこちら⇒https://t.co/D4EnBbQX6D#lovelive pic.twitter.com/S1bDgG0lJO
Also, please do note that there would be a series of livestreams of the SIF Series Thanksgiving 2020 Online this coming weekend! While LoveLive! SIF has been finished in its feature events and updates, it shall feature LoveLive! ALL STARS this time around! Remember that not only the JP Side of the game shall be featured in the upcoming livestreams, but the Global Side shall also be involved! The team in the KLab Games Station shall also be joining in the livestream to feature the Global Side!
Don’t miss this out, since they shall be giving out information about upcoming major updates, which shall be coming soon in your game! Yep, so exciting!
While the upcoming weekend events are in place now, let us go to the highlights of the game! What were the things encountered in the past weekend and this week on the JP and Global Sides of School Idol Festival rhythm game?
Round 19 Companion Match: μ’s Cheering Strategy
— いのりどんず (INORI DONZ NETWORK) (@InoriDONZ) November 10, 2020
I can slack off today in this Event, but I must never forget that I should defend my standings!
* My current Event Points, as of 10:10pm PHT/UTC+8 today.#lovelive #スクフェス pic.twitter.com/tQ9jIgDJqf
Last week, this Event has been started since November 5th! It shall last on the fifteenth of November, at 2:59 pm Japan Time (UTC+9). As stated last week, I am going to give you some highlights on this Event!
Since it’s a µ’s Event, maybe it is also time for me to settle down for the meantime. And since the another Event, called the Live Show Arena Round 1 is also ongoing, I have to divide my play time between with those two Events!
Not only that, but the EXP x 5 live show modifier is also ongoing! And yep, I can say that this Companion Match Event is a bloodbath Event once again, thus making this Event more difficult to grind.
As of today, I am still grinding with this Event, though that I had already obtained all of the Event Points rewards and reached 600k Event Points mark. As much as possible, I have to defend my rank standings by playing! Same rules of mine apply. I have to just to play in the higher difficulties in order to gain more Event Points! For the Score Ranking, I have to aim for my meta song, and I shall be needing some players who has almost the same or having higher mic levels than mine.
Final highlights and results shall be in the next Episode!
Live Show Arena Round 1: Introduction and Highlights

Somehow, this new mode or Event shall now reside along with the ongoing Events and Rhythmic Carnival! And yep, this was highlighted last Episode! If you want me to highlight this again, then it shall be a long read! Please continue reading below!
The Live Show Arena (Live Arena) is a new permanent Event mode in LLSIF, and it shall run along with ongoing Events, and the Rhythmic Carnival! Somehow, it is a dungeon-crawler-styled Event in which you shall need to take out those rival School Idols along your way! By playing this mode, you can win as much as many Love Gems, SSR Support and Skill Up members, Scouting Tickets, and many more!

When you begin playing this Event, you shall start doing a play called Live Show Sessions. You shall play with another players to advance! Please read below for more details!
a. Live Show Sessions

When you do Live Show Sessions, you can go one-on-one with an another player, and you can choose among with the selection of players given! Successfully completing a Live Show Session shall make your Tension Gauge increase. What is this about? Read the next one to find it out!
b. Tension Gauge
When you do live shows, and you successfully finish it, your Tension Gauge shall fill up. If your Tension Gauge has been filled up, it shall trigger an Event where an N rarity member (or even an R rarity member) shall appear, and you shall have to face her in order to advance through the next stage! This trigger event shall be called as ‘Special Session’, wherein you shall have to go one-on-one with that rival School Idol, and beat her current best score. If you win, you can get her item as a reward!
Tension Gauge can be filled up alternatively by doing normal Live Shows, Rhythmic Carnival plays, or even playing in Events! The game shall notify you if your Tension Gauge is already full.
c. Special and Dream Sessions
When your Tension Gauge has been maxed out, it shall trigger a Special Session live show match. Remember that doing Special Sessions on these rivals can allow you to progress higher in the event. At the same, it becomes progressively more difficult, so be careful! For every about 10 Special Sessions, it can promote you to a higher category (Novice, Advanced, Expert, etc.). Do note that reaching a higher category means more harder challenges, such as reaching the score requirement to clear a Special Session.
— いのりどんず (INORI DONZ NETWORK) (@InoriDONZ) November 9, 2020
Leah Kazuno one-on-one.#lovelive #スクフェス pic.twitter.com/6PLZoiYpQE
In some instances or chances, a Dream Session may trigger in between your progress in the Event. In Dream Sessions, you can face the higher R rarities (Saint Snow and A-RISE). Beat them to get some currency items in which you can use them to exchange items in the Live Show Arena Shop! Assuming that all of these Dream Session matches are of MASTER difficulty songs, you have to be better prepared! Arrange everything, including your team, your Live Show Arena SIS items, and include any Healer, if necessary! And finally, they have a limited time of 30 minutes. So challenge them before they disappear!
d. Live Show Arena School Idol Skills
These new type of School Idol Skills can be only used exclusively in the Live Show Arena! Also, you can equip these in order to stand up a chance in other players, as well as some Special and Dream Session matches you make! Do note that your normal SIS items that your members are wearing right now has no effect in the Live Show Arena Event! You have to use and equip these LSA SIS items to strengthen up! Those Skills, such as increasing your Score, reduced gradual damage, combo score up, and increasing your score based on your team build, are some examples!
Also, your rivals in the Special and Dream Session matches are carrying and using those LSA SIS items! Be sure to check out of what your rival is carrying! You can see there if she is carrying an item that can gradually damage you overtime during the live show. Sometimes, her other items are hidden from view, and those items like decreasing your Skill Activation Chances for a certain duration are something to watch out!
No matter what the odds are, be sure to equip and check your LSA SIS items before beginning a Special or Dream Session match!
e. The Highlights!
— いのりどんず (INORI DONZ NETWORK) (@InoriDONZ) November 10, 2020
Final Special Session is finished, and all Special Session rewards have been obtained! Last stage is pretty hard, especially if you are not used in playing MASTER difficulty.
Finishing it doesn’t mean it’s over.#lovelive #スクフェス pic.twitter.com/RM8u088a9e
Whew, that was pretty long! For the highlights in this Live Show Arena Event, basically it is just the things mentioned above! For my experiences after playing this, I had enjoyed a lot!
Just do note when you had reached a higher category (Royal Expert Category), expect things to go difficult when advancing to the next stage! If your current team isn’t buffed enough with its current Skill Level, better go level them up first. At least Skill Level 4 and above of all Score type URs are needed in order to advance this Live Show Arena very well.
Not only that, you shall have to equip more Live Show Arena SIS items in your team! They can help you to boost up your score, just in case if your current live show score doesn’t beat your rival’s intended score! Of what you have learned when playing previously on some MASTER songs should be applied right there in the Live Show Arena!
The first round of this Live Show Arena has been started since the last day of October (after the last Event), and shall last until the 25th of November! After this shall be another round of Live Show Arena Event! And yeah, it updates every month, so please do note!
Nijigasaki High School Idol Club TV Anime Campaign – Episode 6
— いのりどんず (INORI DONZ NETWORK) (@InoriDONZ) November 7, 2020
Nijigasaki High School Idol Club TV Anime Campaign – Episode 6
These series of login bonuses shall never allow my login streak to be broken!#lovelive #スクフェス #虹ヶ咲 #ニジガクアニメ pic.twitter.com/FtISRjMck0
This week, it shall feature Rina Tennoji! This one is just the same as in the previous Episodes, beginning from Episode 14 in this segment! There is always a reason to not to break your login streak in this game!
50 Million Players Celebration Limited Box Scouting
— いのりどんず (INORI DONZ NETWORK) (@InoriDONZ) November 6, 2020
Somehow, this one is relevant to my current team build.
Call it Impulse Scouting! 😂#lovelive #スクフェス pic.twitter.com/j681mYdJg3
As part of their 50 Million Players Celebration Campaign Event, they shall be having a series of limited box scouting featuring limited URs that wield the Live Show Arena-Only SIS items! Be sure to Scout them in order to add them into your current members stable! You can use their Live Show Arena SIS items in order to help you to advance through the stages in the Live Show Arena Event! And finally, make use of their new Skills as well, and it’s up to you on how will you master them! Good luck!
Round 19 Challenge Festival: Chapel Series
At last, the final highlights for this Event shall be posted right away right now!
For the highlights, this was somehow divided into two parts. This was already highlighted last week! So for those who had missed, I am going to give to you these highlights once again!
The first part shall be the one just before it got suspended due to the unexpected errors! It was temporarily suspended because of some songs that are appearing incorrectly when played. Though that they have the same beat note maps as the song title, the music that was playing with that song is different! I was eventually surprised, and when that occurred, I played with that affected song while my music volume muted. I was able to get some rewards before it got suspended, but I had failed to get all of the rewards by not getting the last reward!
For the second part, just after it was suspended and resumed again, my progress for the Event and Score Rankings were reset, and I am back to zero again. But then, since after the resumption of the Event, and it lasts for only five (5) days, the Event Point rewards requirements had become smaller again. And as for players who were greatly affected due to the issues of those songs, they were given some items as compensation! Finally, I had finish getting all of the rewards from this Event once again, so does to my post-Event rewards had been double-received! The first post-Event Rewards were received after the Event’s suspension. And the second one is received when the Event is truly finished its run since November 9th.
【LoveLive! SIF】
— いのりどんず (INORI DONZ NETWORK) (@InoriDONZ) November 9, 2020
Round 19 Challenge Festival: Chapel Series – Results
🥇 Event Pts.: Rank 125 at 476,944 pts
🥇 Event Score: Rank 619 at 2,282,383 scr (Todokanai Hoshidatoshitemo)
Final Standing: Tier 1-1#lovelive #LLSIF pic.twitter.com/lsaOLxd4LY
For the highlights of the Challenge Festival Event itself, it would be just the same experience as I had experienced from the JP Side. As usual, if you were well experienced in this game, you can go to either God (Legend) or Ultimate difficulty courses! Experienced players like me would recommend you to take on either Extreme or Legend difficulty courses to work on. If you are new to SIF, and you need practice, I would highly suggest to go on with the Extreme difficulty first (Song Level 9-11 Expert bracket).
Also, if you are tired and you are unable to land an FC finish to some songs that you can easily clear, just take a break for a couple of hours! And don’t ever play while charging your device! Don’t push yourself too hard.
As for the conclusion of this Event since November 9, it has placed me in the Tier 1-1 standing one more time. And to spoil you, this is the last Event in which they shall feature 7 SR members as featured Event rewards! So then, the next Event will surely put my wits and strategies this time around. Thus, the next succeeding Events shall be the ‘new normal’ of School Idol Festival rhythm game.
2020 Aquarium Stamp Extravaganza
【LoveLive! SIF】
— いのりどんず (INORI DONZ NETWORK) (@InoriDONZ) November 9, 2020
2020 Aquarium Stamp Extravaganza
We had completed the group rewards. However, I got an unfortunate defeat of not getting my remaining rewards. 😥#lovelive #LLSIF pic.twitter.com/Oqbk3GCDPj
At last, this side Event has been concluded its run. we had successfully completed all of the group rewards. For my case, however, I did not get all of the remaining rewards! I guess spending a certain amount of Love Gems (whether Scouting or LP recoveries) should be a must in these type of Events. I think I should be aware of that next time. But then, I was able to snatch some useful rewards, like the U Seal, Max Up Jewels, and some UR and SSR Scouting Tickets! With these items, I was able to idolize some few URs, and at the same time, I had used some Max Up Jewels to maximize my current UR’s Max Level (Should be my ultimate weapon of choice haha)!
For this week’s School Idol Quiz Corner, I am going to reveal the answer today right here! Alright, here’s the question!
Kanata Konoe is a transfer student. From what school she came from before entering Nijigasaki?
The answer is… Shinonome High School! Other answers shall be Shinonome Academy, Shinonome Institute, or just Shinonome! Any of these are accepted!
Alright, let’s have a trivia and explanation about this answer! Read below!
Kanata Konoe is originally a transfer student, and she came from Shinonome High School, along with her younger sister, Haruka Konoe. Her academic scholarship is the reason why she transferred to Nijigasaki High School. Her sleeping habits during the day has developed due to the fact that she is always studying hard during the night.
She likes to cook and make packed lunches for herself and to her little sister, Haruka. There are back stories in which it shall explain further details involving Kanata and her little sister. Remember to read the Bond Episodes of her to find out more! Also, the upcoming 7th Episode of the Anime, which features Kanata, shall further explain it, assuming if you don’t really like to read Kanata’s Bond Episodes in the ALL STARS game!
Thank you for reading this Episode! See you next week!
As usual, thank you fans for reading this Episode! I hope that you were aware of the things going on around. Since the upcoming major livestreams of the SIF Series Thanksgiving 2020 Online is just around the corner this weekend, it is better to stay prepared for the bombarding announcements coming from them! Yep, and I am also preparing, though. No, we are all preparing!
And that’s it for this week’s Episode! Tune-in to IDS next time for the next Episode of School Idol Festival Journal Log! Cheers, and see you next week! Happy weekend!