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Through the times, it can be always hard, and sometimes easy for us. But no matter what happens, we are always enjoying it. The reality can sometimes be exciting, and sometimes not. But then, we choose to continue and we keep on. But then, we have realized that we are going to keep growing strong as the time passes. And at the same time, the trials are becoming more harder for us as we progress further. Remember that you shall understand its principle — the true meaning of why you exist in this world!

The fun and excitement continues with LoveLive! School Idol Festival, and right now, we are going to highlight the happenings! Welcome to the 10th Episode of School Idol Festival Journal Log!


Nijigasaki High School Idol Club 2nd Live

Paid live streaming, as well as some selected overseas paid live streaming has been announced! It is already posted here last week! Read this post for more details!

Kotori Minami’s Birthday

This CG picture can be found exclusively only in the LoveLive! ALL STARS game.

On September 12, it is the birthday of Kotori Minami, from the µ’s side! Happy Birthday, Kotori! You got some excellent sewing skills, and you create some cute clothes and costumes for the µ’s members! Your cute little voices are as sweet as candies! You are indeed an adorable, sweet, and kind girl of µ’s. May your birthday be a blessing, and we fans shall continue to follow for you!

Some of her birthday campaigns are now ongoing at the both branches of LoveLive! School Idol Festival game, so better check them out if you are interested!

So then, let us go to the JP and Global Sides of the game!


TOKEN COLLECTION EVENT: What I Want to Do for Everyone

The next Event has been announced just hours later after the last Episode last week was published. The next Event shall be on the µ’s Side, and it is a Token Collection Event! The subtitle of this Event is ‘What I Want to Do for Everyone’. It shall last until September 15, before maintenance time!

Featured Event UR is Nozomi Tojo, while the Event UR Scouting members are Honoka Kosaka and Eli Ayase. Secret SSR is Kotori Minami. Returning Event SR members can also be obtained in the Event Point Rewards.

Featured Token Event Song is ‘Natte Shimatta!’, and it is of Cool attribute (again)! To give you an info about this song, it was a B-Side song from their A Song for You! You? You!! album.

Though this ongoing Token Collection Event is not yet over, even if this Episode is already published, I shall give you some highlights about it next week! Look forward into it!

Kotori Minami Birthday 2020 Campaign

As usual, character celebration time for the one of the characters of µ’s. So then, you already know the rules of the limited box scouting, right? For this one, there are about two limited boxes to scout. One is her featured Birthday 2020 UR, and the other is the same, but you can randomly get one of her past Birthday Limited URs! Are your resources enough to win her? If you do, then show your dedication for her birthday!

ONGOING: Signed URs Limited Scouting (µ’s and Aqours)

This one is still ongoing, and will last for a certain duration or period. This one is already highlighted previously at Episode 9 last week.

This time, it shall feature µ’s next in the Scouting Lineup! There are still Aqours present along the sides. So then, if your luck is suitable for this limited scouting and to get a Signed UR of your favorite µ’s or Aqours character, then do Scout!

TO BE CONTINUED: Riko and Ruby Birthday 2020 Campaigns

Announcement of Riko Sakurauchi’s Birthday Limited UR Scouting via in-game notification!

So then, the picture that you have seen above is just a glimpse of what you can expect to be highlighted next Episode! Be sure to look forward into it!



As I had said last week on Episode 9, LoveLive! SIF shall never be the same again. So then, you shall have to play on the featured Token Event song on a MASTER difficulty to prove your power. And that is to place yourself higher in the Score Rankings. It is because if you don’t play on a higher difficulty, you are going to have a bad time in placing on Score Rankings Tier.

I got a struggle in landing a Full Combo finish onto this featured Token Event song on MASTER difficulty. So then, it is noticeable that my potential score can’t be reached by any means, due to the fact that I can’t achieve or land a higher combo count or a Full Combo finish to that song. The odds of getting a low combo count on that song is consequently getting a lower potential score. I think that my team’s power isn’t only my problem here. It has something to do with my rhythm-striking skills in which I am always getting a random miss whenever I try hitting hard on those incoming attack notes.

The Token Event has been concluded last September 9th, but consequently placing me into the Tier 2 Score bracket in process. But then, I still retained my Tier 1 Event Point bracket in this Token Event, thus the result would be a Tier 1-2 standing. I had suffered the same fate from my JP Side counterpart, finishing also in the Tier 1-2 standing in the same past Token Event.

SIDE EVENTS: Limited-Time Goals and MASTER Songs!

There are limited-time MASTER songs, as well as some limited-time goals available during this week. Be sure to clear out these MASTER songs, if in case you haven’t managed to land a Full Combo finish, or even by clearing it! Also, the limited-time goals can be a labor. So make sure to finish them on time before they expire! Good luck!

Also, don’t forget the ongoing live show modifiers, like the Bond and EXP x 3 modifiers! Use that opportunity to max out your current members’ Bond Points in your stable! The EXP x 3 live show modifier can allow you to increase your current Player Rank, in which you can have more LP when you need them in order to do more live shows!

Kotori Minami Birthday 2020 Campaign

Might be the same Scouting format as the JP Side does, where you can get her past Birthday URs in a limited scouting box! Use your Love Gems and Tickets available if you are willing to Scout, and if you are well dedicated enough for her birthday!

When you get an Event SR exchange ticket when you complete the Kotori’s birthday mini-game, you are given an option to choose which of her previous SRs that you can pick and use!

Mini-game can be also present, just like the previous birthday events, where you can have an opportunity to get her previous Event SRs! HINT: Find her exclusive Event SR in which it can help you to excel in Rhythmic Carnival Scores!

NEXT EPISODE: What shall happen next?

The weekend shall be a truckload of announcements, just after this Episode was published. While the Nijigasaki High School Idol Club is commencing their 2nd Live Paid Streaming sooner, I am just waiting for some of their sudden announcements via their respective live streams (probably the Aqours livestream). So then, I would eager to have these info to be gathered soon and to post them here!

What are the possible things to be announced afterwards? We shall find it out in the succeeding days to come! Indeed, they shall be talked about in the next Episode! Tune-in next time in the next Episode edition of School Idol Festival Journal Log! See you next week and cheers!

Inori Donz

Inori Donz is a blogger, video gamer, Anime enthusiast, bicycle rider, and Anime figure photographer. His favorite area of concentration is 'LoveLive! Series', where he plays its featured smartphone video games, as well as watching its Anime series counterparts. "I like Anime, toys and figures, and mostly, I like playing free-to-play video games. Definitely not your usual commoner you see everyday in the streets." He started his blogging journey since December 2013, with a free WordPress blog, named 'IemDonz Blog'. That free blog contains most of his Anime figure photography works, as well as some of his opinions and experiences in the Anime world.