Episode 2 Edition!
Welcome to the second episode of my segment here in Inori-D Station, or likewise, my public gaming diary! This is the School Idol Festival Journal Log!
JP-Side Highlights
In the main JP-Side of LoveLive! SIF, there are things encountered during the week. This shall include the on-going Event, as well as other campaigns, like the Yoshiko Tsushima Birthday Campaign! Read the succeeding paragraphs to know more!
— いのりどんず (INORI DONZ NETWORK) (@InoriDONZ) July 4, 2020
Next Event, as revealed in the last Aqours 5th Anniversary livestream last June 29, 2020. Companion Match Round 17.
This will feature Event UR as Event Reward!#lovelive #スクフェス pic.twitter.com/0TuuU00h5D
The Round 17 Companion Match has started last July 5, 2020, and it will last for 10 days. For the first time ever, it shall introduce the Event UR as Event Reward! Also, a ‘Secret SSR’ member is included in the rewards! Past SR members are also available as Event Rewards, and you have to accumulate more Event Points to get them!

In the previous Companion Match Event in the JP-side, the total Event Points to get all rewards is 280,000. However, in the current Companion Match Event, you have to get at least 600,000 Event Points to get all of the rewards. This shall include five Scouting Tickets, and other items like the Blue Scouting Coupons.
— いのりどんず (INORI DONZ NETWORK) (@InoriDONZ) July 5, 2020
Event Point Tier Ranking is now harder than before. But dealing with MASTER songs is a different topic.#lovelive #スクフェス pic.twitter.com/06J3Zoj3Sd
This Event is going to be a wild ride for me, since I have to play songs in the MASTER difficulty to get more Event Points, and to use the Yell Members to increase my Event Points accumulation rate!
— 【公式】ラブライブ!スクフェス事務局 (@lovelive_SIF) July 3, 2020
詳細はこちら⇒https://t.co/UkYMbLZbat#lovelive #スクフェス pic.twitter.com/tJ2TLYQE1C
Also, the Yoshiko “Yohane” Tsushima Birthday Campaign is on-going, and it will last until her birthday (July 13th). This shall feature her new Birthday Limited UR in Scouting!

In addition to the campaigns and Events mentioned above, there are also limited scouting which will sideline along! This shall include AZALEA and CYaRon! limited scouting, and their highlights and info shall be given at the next episode!

Global-Side Highlights
In the EN/Global side of LoveLive! SIF, there are also campaigns there, as well as the new Event! Seems we are getting closer to the major update, in which it will eventually follow the same format as the JP-Side has. But then, the last Event shall be the LAST ONE before we are about to go to the big update in which it will change the history of LoveLive! SIF gaming. In other words, it shall never be the same again. And if you are willing to fight for something important, then you should go and move forward. I had already made it this far, and I shall never surrender.
【LoveLive! SIF】
— いのりどんず (INORI DONZ NETWORK) (@InoriDONZ) July 9, 2020
This is the last Event in which they will introduce 2 Event SRs as rewards. Also, this is the last Event before we go to the major update, in which School Idol Festival shall never be the same again.#lovelive #LLSIF pic.twitter.com/3mj2u1GnvN
During that week, I joined on a Rhythmic Carnival Event, in which it was ongoing when there is no active Event. And it will only open once an Event is finished. In my observation, I had played with the Rhythmic Carnival with a mobile data connection. But then, I am frequently disconnecting from the game and I am not yet reaching the half of the song. Yeah, and I had disconnected from Rhythmic Carnival three times when I play on a mobile data connection. So a reminder to myself that I should play Rhythmic Carnival Event on a Wi-Fi connection only.

What did I do that time when there is no active Event? The things I do during that time are to max-out Bond Points of every SSR or SRs that I have available. I idolize using Seals and I put them into my team and I play. When they are maxed-out, I read their Side Stories to get a bonus Love Gem. And afterwards, I practice them away, or otherwise remove them for Seals conversion, in which I can use them to idolize another UR that I have in stable. Another thing I do is to play any available song that has appeared on my B-Sides. I sometimes play those songs whenever I try to max-out my available SRs or SSRs in my stable.
Sometimes, I fail to get my First Live bonuses because I had nothing much to do, except on maxing out my SRs or SSRs that I have in stable. Most of the time goes to the JP-side, in which I have to get all of the remaining rewards to finish my suffering. But then, the upcoming Event shall be more exciting. In fact, I heard that it could be the last Event which will feature two Event SRs. After that Event, it shall be the time that LLSIF will never be the same again.
Also, in the Global-Side, the Yoshiko “Yohane” Tsushima Birthday Campaign will appear! But then, the birthday event and its mechanics shall be different from the JP-side. Also, it shall introduce her new Birthday Limited UR, just same as in the JP-side! But then, details of it shall be posted in the next episode!
End of Episode 2!
And that is for the second episode of this gaming public diary! Thank you for your time reading this! There are a lot to expect in the next episode next week! Just tune in so that you can have some info right away!
Tune in next time! Cheers~