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An update regarding these little clothes!

I wasn’t able to give update for the last month, sorry! But I am able to post some latest photos to my Instagram account.

Here, I am going to give you some status regarding of my new hobby. You know what it is! It is none other than the construction of the cute clothes… for the Nendoroid Dolls! I am gonna give you some updates through the recent photos posted to my personal Facebook account, in which those were not posted here! Okay, I am gonna share you some!

Yay! My first ever doll clothes! This is actually the base in which I can put some designs on it.

In the recently past days, I attempted to sew some clothes for the Nendoroid Doll body that I have in hand. Before doing that, I tried searching for some tutorials on how to do it. From the start, I am starting to have a difficulty, especially on sewing techniques by hand (Well, my accuracy in piercing some small areas aren’t good that much). Before sewing, there was pattern construction. Making a clothes pattern is just the difficult part there since you have to imagine and measure everything before you can cut and sew some fabric. This is my only problem since I have to create my own clothes pattern from scratch, and it is quite difficult to find some free clothes pattern online, for me.

The front view with the silk fabric sewn on the skirt part…
The back part. Though the only thing that I have problem is the excess threads extending over the clothes.

Recently, I had purchased a portable sewing machine, in which I had bought it online with the help of my family in a cheap price. It was very useful, and I am able to sew fast properly. The only bad experience that I have is the accidental overloading and knotting in the threads, which caused me to cut a lot of excess threads. But I know it is a part of sewing experience, for me.

Yay! I put a cloth overlay to the skirt!

I tried every possible imaginations that entered into my mind, such as putting some overlays and add-ons to the clothes that I had constructed. I add some more items, like putting a ribbon in the chest part, and even adding some more silk.

This is the half part of my construction, hehe. Also, beside it is my portable sewing machine.
The body was wrapped in a bath towel, isn’t it? Oh, and it was shown headless here, haha. Sorry…

I wasn’t able to document everything since I am busy and at the same time excited. By the way, the almost-finished product has been posted here now. But still, I haven’t made the shoes yet.

My Experiences and Something to Learn

I have finally learned something when I make this clothes for the Nendoroid Doll body that I have. What I must need to learn was I must be patient and I should not rush everything. For every action that I make, it requires patience after all. I must think before I make my move. It is actually the same as sewing parts on the sewing machine. Once I made that move, there is no turning back. And if I make a mistake, an error will be made and I have to start over again.

For the construction of these ‘little’ clothes, I must think of a way on how to construct some patterns from scratch. I heard from my friends that buying a certain book or magazine that contains the patterns of these clothes might be the solution for my problems. Of course, I might do this in the future, and I hope I could get enough funds for me to buy that. All I need to do is to be patient.

For my recent updates regarding my construction of these Nendoroid Doll clothes, I haven’t done anything since last week after the construction. The thing is, I have to observe and study through the tutorials that I see and view through videos and images.

Oh, and about the pictures that I had posted here in this blog post? Get ready to see it more soon since I am gonna post some to my Instagram account and share them! 🙂

Inori Donz

Inori Donz is a blogger, video gamer, Anime enthusiast, bicycle rider, and Anime figure photographer. His favorite area of concentration is 'LoveLive! Series', where he plays its featured smartphone video games, as well as watching its Anime series counterparts. "I like Anime, toys and figures, and mostly, I like playing free-to-play video games. Definitely not your usual commoner you see everyday in the streets." He started his blogging journey since December 2013, with a free WordPress blog, named 'IemDonz Blog'. That free blog contains most of his Anime figure photography works, as well as some of his opinions and experiences in the Anime world.