Yohane’s Resonance (Part 1)
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Overview (Story)

The strange calamity in Numazu and the jet-black fogs are just worsening up. Yohane tries to look for the people who went missing in the fields. Yohane ended up being rescued by her friends, until she returns back with Lailaps missing. With only Yohane can feel Lailaps’ resonating voice echoing from somewhere, she tries to search for her again.

For the Episode plot, it is quite unknown for me on how this strange jet-black clouds and fogs calamity has started around Numazu, which in fact is in my mind right now. But then, the story flow is just diverting me into a mixed drama, revolving with Yohane and Lailaps.
And for character emphasis for Yohane, she is just only selfish and stubborn, which in fact, can be her character forever. And then, it has finally hinted me about it when during at the first part of this Episode, a neighborhood is worried about with her sister being missing outside. Basically, it has already represented on what would actually happen in this Episode, as a plot.
On the other hand, Lailaps’ emotions can be deep to understand. Her reasons and answers on why she never supports Yohane from the start can be sarcastic, in the sense that Yohane couldn’t even understand her either. This is what it forms some misunderstandings, where the one who started the fight is always at fault. Yohane’s selfishness can be the factor here, on why she wanted to go to Tokai for a music audition without emphasizing her true goal. Somebody would say out there, “I can do this by myself! I will pass the audition and be popular blah blah blah”, or something like that equivalent. For Lailaps, she can be “Yohane’s shadow”, where it can guide her between light and darkness.

For the characters, other than Yohane and Lailaps, they don’t do much of their roles. So much for just Yohane and Lailaps talking and arguing at each other in the stage.
And then, the featured MV and music gave me a feeling of a dark, yet sensational feeling — as if it is just like being used as a “Boss BGM” in some RPGs! Well, that’s why it is tagged with “Adventure RPG”, because it got some RPG elements, other than just being a fantasy Anime series.
Sometimes, being selfish, and you wanted to do them on your own is basically putting yourself at risk. Not only you put yourself into risk, but you put everybody else, including your friends and family, into risk, too. Basically, you just need to talk to somebody when you wanted to do something, which in fact, you can’t even do it alone for yourself. Whether they say Yes or No, you just need to speak out, and don’t be just selfish with our own feelings. It is just like that Yohane who attempted to find some missing people by herself without any backup, thus putting herself into risk or danger at the end. Yep, something to learn from this Episode!
Overall, the story in this Episode is just straightforward, with some flashbacks coming from other Episodes, or even with some scenes which did exist before at the beginning of this Anime series. So then, we are heading towards the season finale — would the next one be the last?
My Rating: GOOD (4/5)
Review Rating Summary and Breakdown
Story: (4/5) – Story is just straightforward with some cut-in flashbacks, either from the previous Episodes and from the scenes before the First Episode begins. Making me wonder to pay attention to some characters, since getting myself revolved into multiple flashbacks can divert me from the main plot.
Animation: (4/5) – Animation part throughout the Episode is always dark in exposure, since the scenes are covered with purple clouds. Other parts, like flashbacks, are somehow light in exposure, and are well-highlighted and in white vignette. MV part is gorgeous, yet dark and cinematic in tone of music.
Insights: (4/5) – Sometimes, being selfish can really put ourselves into risk. If we do it alone without any advices or warnings from anybody, then it’s our loss. Also, add in of being reckless here, without even thinking of consequences.
Series Info

This series can be streamed on Crunchyroll (Worldwide, excluding Asia).
This Anime series premiered on ABEMA TV earlier by a week since June 25, 2023, with a Japan TV broadcast on July 2, 2023.