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Overview (Story)

A group of two men from the May City Prison has escaped, and they were known as the Nebraskas. They came to the city after Vash is being chased and surrounded by the townspeople. Vash has escaped from them. And when the Nebraskas failed at their pursuit on Vash, something has come into their mind as an alternative in order for them to get their money reward.

Review time! Let’s see if I am quite impressed with either of the plot or the visuals!
Characters. The Nebraskas got some familiar odd-looking apperance here, especially with the one that looked like from the Rick and Morty animated series. Also, their expressions are funny — just like some old-typical animated cartoons, where their eyeballs and mouths do enlarge. I had found out that some other CG animation frames here had either made me laugh or not, such as Vash running over the roofs, and dodging some bullets and other projectiles and debris. But then, the reporter characters didn’t seem to do their parts here in this Episode too much (Only few dialogues here, and that’s it).
Story. Yep, and it is about running away from a battle which it seems that you could eventually lose it even if you fight. Vash is just being humble and thoughtful here, and not even drawing a gun once in a while means it’s cool and natural. And did you know that Vash’s style of fighting isn’t really about violence? It’s just about keeping your cool and patience high. And that’s why, weapons are meant to be used for defensive purposes, in which I had found out the reasons why Vash is running away, even though that his enemies are chasing and attacking him. And what can only stop them from fighting? The answer is accidents. Either you made a mistake on your attack pattern, or if your enemy got trampled on his or her own attack patterns, a death scene may occur.
Sometimes, we can run away from any battles if we have to. It is not about being a coward because we can’t fight. So then, whether you fight or not, we can still lose, right? Yeah, and that one sentence said, “You must fight, or you will not survive”, isn’t it? Not all the times that we must run away because our enemies are strong. And then, in some points, violence is not always the answer to resolve conflicts. And those what I have learned from this Episode.
Story plot is just basically shallow, and it has just become complicated due to the branching scenes. Maybe more action does matter here than the story theme, perhaps?
My Rating: AVERAGE (3/5)
Series Info