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A Dark Knight Who Lost His Helmet

This blog post may contain minimal spoilers. Please read this only if you had seen this Episode.

Inori-D Station strives to give spoiler-free Episode Reviews and Impressions in this post.

Overview (Story)
“A knight must honor their words.”

A group of shadow knight clones without heads are attacking people by slashing their heads, marking them with a red line on their necks. Then, those victims were revived as shadow knights, and they search for more people to turn into just like them.

The reason of this incident were the people who got involved with a history teacher who has possessed an item, which is a mysterious head of a lone Digimon in dark armor, who was named as DarkKnightmon. When Hiro and others had found out the reason, and in order to stop the headless DarkKnightmon from attacking more people, they had found and surrendered the missing head to him. However, more than just giving the head back, he wants… vengeance.

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Starting in this Episode Review within this Anime, and in the future Anime Episode Reviews, I shall be including one more screenshot to my post! Cool, and that’s a bonus, isn’t it?

What’s even more cooler is the return of the one of the most-hated villains in the Digimon Series, and that’s DarkKnightmon! DarkKnightmon is known in its appearance in the previous Digimon Xros Wars Anime! You know, DarkKnightmon can really “split” into two parts, just for information, and that’s why he had his head taken off, right? Overall, DarkKnightmon is more of a main villain, than just being a Digimon of the Week in this Episode.

Also, they had made use of the infamous “Warp Digivolution” here, wherein a Digimon can jump from being a Rookie until on its highest Mega Level-evolved form. That was initially introduced in the original Digimon Adventure Anime, though. Can’t wait for others to Warp-Digivolve, especially the remaining ones like Angoramon and Jellymon.

Story is just right here, whether you say that the story can be dumb or not. Of course, the most exciting one, for me, is the appearance of the long-lost villain of any Digimon Series ever, who is DarkKnightmon. Can’t really expect that they clash, despite that they had completed the deal, fair and square. And I had really observed that the term “headless” is something that the young viewers and audiences should not really know about. Do you know about the scenes where some victims are having their heads taken (call it beheading)? Due to that nature, for me, I think the producers had made it child-friendly, somehow. Instead of the “violent beheading” with bloods spurting out, they had decided to just alter it by making the victim looked like they have cuts in their necks. Of course, children and other young audiences don’t like to see something horrible and violent, right?

And in this Episode, I have learned that what was lost can still be found. Of course, you would never stop and never give up until you find it, and it is that important to you? Also, you can choose to challenge someone in a fight, fair and square. You can declare yourself that you lost the fight because your opponent is just fighting right, with no whatsoever cheats, and has proven his own strength. And also, a knight is just like a Hero, who is ready to do everything to fight and to protect his own friends. Of course, being a Hero does have many meanings, though.

My Episode Rating: GOOD (3.9/5)

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Series Info
© 本郷あきよし・フジテレビ・東映アニメーション

Digimon Ghost Game began airing and streaming in Japan and overseas since October 3, 2021.

For more info, see this page.

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Inori Donz

Inori Donz is a blogger, video gamer, Anime enthusiast, bicycle rider, and Anime figure photographer. His favorite area of concentration is 'LoveLive! Series', where he plays its featured smartphone video games, as well as watching its Anime series counterparts. "I like Anime, toys and figures, and mostly, I like playing free-to-play video games. Definitely not your usual commoner you see everyday in the streets." He started his blogging journey since December 2013, with a free WordPress blog, named 'IemDonz Blog'. That free blog contains most of his Anime figure photography works, as well as some of his opinions and experiences in the Anime world.