This blog post may contain minimal spoilers. Please read this only if you had seen this Episode.
Inori-D Station strives to give spoiler-free Episode Reviews and Impressions in this post.
Overview (Story)

“We are QU4RTZ!”
In order for Kasumi, Kanata, Emma, and Rina to make up for their joint live performance with the Y.G. International School Idols, they must all agree into one choice — A choice of costumes, theme of their live performance, and so on. However, the girls can’t easily agree into one common thing or aspect! On what way they should do in order for their feelings to overlap, and to perform into the live stage as one, and as a group?
So then, let’s read an another Episode Review! Actually, this is just a continuation from the previous Episode!
So far, “unity” is really important if you are in a part of a group. Basically, just like as shown by Kasumi, Kanata, Emma, and Rina, we sometimes don’t agree or trust at each other. This is just the same as in our rivals and enemies who don’t even trust at each other, and they just simply agree and disagree in others’ opinions, views, and suggestions. So what happens is that they are always ending up with no output or ideas, and they are failing miserably. So then, there is a popular saying that “There is no “I” in team”, and people in groups or circle should really agree in one common thing that they can easily do and accept.
Basically, to repeat what was written in the previous Episode Review, Kasumi is just like a teddy bear whenever she’s cute and bubbly, and she is ugly as an angry bear with sharp teeth. And Emma can be a busty girl, but the sweetest girl among the girls in QU4RTZ. Kanata and Rina didn’t do much of their characters, other than acting as “backup or supporting” characters for Kasumi and Emma.
And then, for their stage costumes which was featured in this week’s Episode, it seems that it is just Kasumi’s idea again of having cuter costumes — in which the other three had agreed on. Big ribbon on a chest, frilly and fancy headdresses, and more ribbons at the back, it seems that I am reminded again with some outfits in which I am used to sew them on — at the time when I sew Nendoroid Doll clothes. And be sure to check out their new PV, in which, I think, it was already released on the LoveLive! Series Official Channel on YouTube.
To give you some info, the still pictures, and some simple animation scenes within their song PV were all referenced from the still images from the LoveLive! ALL STARS game — notably the still images of their UR rarity characters!
And then, for the other parallel story, in which it involves Yu Takasaki… I shall be not including it for now in this review. But then, I shall be keeping track on her parallel story as the time or this Anime series passes. I am just making observations, and just taking down notes for that concurring parallel story of Yu. Maybe, I might just put them all on the penultimate or final Episodes of this series! For now, we shall be focusing first on the girls of Nijigasaki, other than Yu Takasaki.
And finally, I have learned from this review that in order for you to agree on something, make sure that all of you can do it without hesitation. In the sense that you all agree, you should be communicating each other with your own mutual bonds and feelings. And that is, when your ideas mixed and combined together, it can finally form a new idea, in which all of you can agree.
Nijigaku Throwback!
For the third Nijigaku Throwback… Definitely it is not a human, but a cat!

That’s right! And the name of the cat is Hanpen!
She was way introduced back in the Bond Story Episodes 14 and 15 of Rina Tennoji, only in the LoveLive! ALL STARS game! Better read that for details!

And here an another bonus screenshot showing her in-game still shot in the game!
Series Info

LoveLive! Nijigasaki High School Idol Club SEASON TWO has been started airing and streaming in Japan and overseas since April 2, 2022. Available in some streaming platforms (Bilibili, Crunchyroll, and on its LoveLive! Series Official YouTube channel).
For more info, see this page.