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Overview (Story)
“My songs got power to reach other people’s hearts!”

Kanon has finally joined Wien Margarete’s School Idol Group, and their first-ever live show was to perform on a remote live show. Tomari joined the two as well, and that is, to know the nature of being a School Idol when it comes to their activities.

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They are already crying in tears! How good is this Episode enough? Review time!

Knowing now the reason why Kanon left her groupmates in the air, she is now on her “risky” quest, not just only to befriend Margarete. Tomari also entranced to the part where she does really show that she can do what a typical School Idol can do. Also the fact that Tomari has a state of cool-headedness, just almost the same as Shiki, she can imitate whatever she can adapt. That’s why she was able to do the art of dancing, without even practicing.

Basically, Tomari is a girl (Natsumi’ sister) who could even think also of money and profit. She always thinks that everything can be profitable, including hobbies. But then, there can be a hole in her character, where Tomari isn’t well thinking on what School Idols are really made of.

You don’t mess with Tomari.

And overall, Tomari and Natsumi are basically polarity sides of each other, when it comes to their characters and personalities.

And then, Mei just re-enact the photo from the previous season, where she is having a crying face. This time, along with Keke-chan, and I found it funny.

Their MV song, the Bubble Rise, is good. But not good enough to faze me in their dazzling costumes and dancing performances. Am I the only one who is not amazed? Overall, average.

Of course! Margarete knows on when to not stop.

Basically, the insight of this Episode is good. You know why? The representation? At the previous season, Margarete was bursting in frustration. So that’s why some people are no longer rooting for her. But when she returned back as a School Idol in a group, what did she do? Did she run away? Of course, there’s somebody who could save her from total despair. It is because by the quote that she said to herself, and to anyone else who have listened to her songs once. Yep, more of it in the review breakdown after this review post!

Overall, an Episode to recover its rating momentum. But not as good as the first one.

My Rating: GOOD (4/5)

Review Rating Summary and Breakdown

Story: (4/5) – Not boring after all. Everything’s executed very well without any worry. More drama, and less comedy.
Animation: (4/5) – Though the MV is not good enough to impress me well, at least, the animation quality is very good on the other hand.
Insights: (4/5) – One quote here is, “Never run away from a battle that you have lost for once.” What does that even mean? Losing doesn’t mean it’s over. There’s always a chance to stand up again, and to prove ourselves that running away doesn’t change anything, and will just make problems even more worse.

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Series Info
©2024 プロジェクトラブライブ!スーパースター!!

This Anime series is currently streaming within Japan via NHK ETV network every Sundays at 5:00 pm JST. Then, about two days later to some other streaming platforms worldwide (Crunchyroll, NA/US only).

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Inori Donz

Inori Donz is a blogger, video gamer, Anime enthusiast, bicycle rider, and Anime figure photographer. His favorite area of concentration is 'LoveLive! Series', where he plays its featured smartphone video games, as well as watching its Anime series counterparts. "I like Anime, toys and figures, and mostly, I like playing free-to-play video games. Definitely not your usual commoner you see everyday in the streets." He started his blogging journey since December 2013, with a free WordPress blog, named 'IemDonz Blog'. That free blog contains most of his Anime figure photography works, as well as some of his opinions and experiences in the Anime world.