Episodes delayed due to Tokyo Olympics Coverage.
Both NHK ETV and LoveLive! Series have released their post updates via their respective Twitter accounts that the new Episodes for the LoveLive! Superstar!! TV Anime series shall be delayed next weekend.
— ラブライブ!シリーズ公式 (@LoveLive_staff) July 14, 2021
TVアニメ「ラブライブ!スーパースター!!」 について、オリンピック・パラリンピックにより放送が休止・変更になる可能性があります。
ご了承のほど宜しくお願い致します。#lovelive pic.twitter.com/X6OHEp2424
【おもなEテレアニメ 今後の放送休止のお知らせ】
— NHKアニメ (@nhk_animeworld) July 14, 2021
🔷わしも 【休】7/26・27、8/2・3
🔶おじゃる丸 【休】7/28~30、8/4~6、9/1、9/3
【おもなEテレアニメ 今後の放送休止のお知らせ】
— NHKアニメ (@nhk_animeworld) July 14, 2021
🔷魔入りました!入間くん 【休】8/28
🔶ラブライブ!スーパースター!! 【休】7/25、8/1、8/29
According to the latest Twitter updates by the respective Twitter accounts, LoveLive! and NHK Anime, it is due to the ongoing coverage of the Tokyo Olympics and Paralympics that shall take place next weekend.
LoveLive! Superstar!! shall be affected on July 25, August 1, and August 29, 2021. On those dates mentioned, there shall be no broadcast of those new Episodes. The LoveLive! Series team mentioned that the forthcoming next Episode (EP 3) shall be on August 8.

About LoveLive! Superstar!!
LoveLive! Superstar!! is the next entry to the popular LoveLive! Series that aired around since July 11, 2021, on NHK ETV. It is the fourth entry to the series, next to Aqours (LoveLive! Sunshine!!) and Nijigasaki High School Idol Club.
From: LoveLive! Superstar!! Official Website via Twitter & NHK ETV (Twitter)